A fairly new religion, Pastafarianism was created by prophet Robert Henderson after a battle with the evil creationists in the Education Board of Kansas in 2005.
Pastafarians believe in the one, true god. The Flying Spaghetti Monster [pictured below]
...And his holy book, The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Which includes eight "I'd Really Rather You Didn'ts".
Pastafarians believe that the FSM created the Universe after a night of heavy drinking. Top scientists have concluded that Earth's flaws were due to the FSM being drunk. The FSM actually planted the 'evidence' for evolution to test Pastafarian's faith.
Heaven and hell have, good beer and stale bear, respectively. Instead of saying 'Amen' like ordinary, ridiculous religions, Pastafarians say 'RAmen'.
Pirates are absolute divine beings and the original Pastafarians. Their image as thieves and outcasts is misinformation spread by Christian theologians in the Middle Ages and by Hare Krishna's. Pirates were in fact peace-loving explorers and spreaders of good will who distributed candy to small children, and modern pirates are in no way similar to the fun-loving buccaneers from history.
Pastafarians celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19. Ghost pirates are also believed to be responsible for all the mysterious lost ships and planes of the Bermuda Triangle.
In addition, top scientists from around the world have concluded, through years of extensive testing, that Globaling Warming, is in fact caused by the lack of Pirates. Notice the chart.
Besides, look at Somalia. They have the most pirates in the world, and also the smallest amount of carbon emissions.
Over the years, Pastafarianism has grown mainstream. Many churches and people throughout all corners of the globe have converted to Pastafarianism. Members include famous people such as Richard Dawkins, Barack Obama, Yakooza99k, and even Vince Schlomi.
One of our historical members, Leonardo da Vinci, painted a portrait which gained support from around Europe for the FSM. Pictured below is a copy of his famous portrat of the Flying Spaghetti Monster touching his finger.
This thread was made for a discussion of the Pastafarian religion.
Wow... I didn't think this was a real religion... I still don't think it is. The man was just trying to make a point, not start a whole new religion.
Exactly. It is all a mockery about intelligent design. You can read a little bit about the origins of the 'religion' here. But pretty much, some people were trying to get intelligent design taught in schools alongside evolution. Thinking this was ridiculous, someone created the FSM, trying to get that taught in schools as well. Basically, protesting and mocking Christianity's attempts to infiltrate the public school system.
lol the flying spegehtti monster, i believe it was created when a man thought, "you have never see god but you beleive he's real through myth?" and then came up with, "you have never seen the spegehtti monster yet, so how do you know its fake?"
i believe it was created when a man thought, "you have never see god but you beleive he's real through myth?" and then came up with, "you have never seen the spegehtti monster yet, so how do you know its fake?"
Not quite. It was invented by someone who opposed the teaching of creationism and 'Intelligent Design' in public schools alongside evolution/science.
His point was, that if you were going to teach one school of I.D. you have to give all of them the same level of credence. To that end he created the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster & demanded that those school districts who were already teaching a christian version of I.D. or creationism, also teach his flavour of I.D.
I have a question. Is this really real or is it just a joke like Pixie said.
Well it was to show that educating pupils of intelligent design within science lessons would allow science teachers to also teach about the Flying Spaghetti Monster AFAIK. However, Pastifarianism is now classed as a religions as there are many devout worshippers from around the globe - how devout they actually are I do not know.
There are some really wacky religions out there like 'Dudeism' whereby believers live their life to try and become a bit more like their religious figure 'the Dude'.
FSM is not the one true god...the invisible pink unicorn is. Death to the pastafarians!
Not the Invisible Pink Unicorn! D:
Well at least Pastifarianism has some funny quotes . . .
the Church of the FSM is widely considered a legitimate religion, even by its opponents â" mostly fundamentalist Christians, who have accepted that our God has larger balls than theirs.