ForumsWEPRDid Aliens Create and/or help Ancient Civilization?

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I have been researching this new theory of evolution.

The theory goes that there is a planet, called Kiamat or Tiamat, that comes to Earth every 3,600 years that came to Earth when we we first evolving, and helped man build the amazing structures we know of today. ie. pyramids, Stonehenge, etc.

People believe this theory because there are ancient texts that talk about Gods and Goddesses, and people flying on magical objects. The ancient Sumerians are an example of this. Another reason for people believing this is because they think primitive people back then couldn't have the information, or the intent to make these structures.

The other side of this theory is Aliens coming to Earth and creating humans. People believe this because we look nothing like anything on Earth. They say there must be a missing link. Other primates have 48 chromosomes we have 46 chromosomes. Also, other primates are a lot stronger than us. Where did our strength go?

Okay, now let's get on to the planet Tiamat. The planet supposedly struck Earth and moved into Earth's orbit. So now it comes by every 3,600 years.

There's a lot more information on this subject but I can't seem to find all of it. If you have anymore questions, just Google it.

Okay here's the discussion. Do you think the theories are true? Do you have anything to add to these theories?

  • 60 Replies
405 posts

I would not actually believe aliens would have helped us in our old civilization nor today. I would also think that aliens are not real and so is the rest of the world, some do, but I do not honestly believe in aliens which would obliterate the thought if they helped us so talk about this another time when there are actual proof of aliens.

2,581 posts

Well they have proven that there once was life on Mars, so I don't think this theory's too unbelievable...

1,720 posts

hmmm, its plausible. how's that for a start?

922 posts

The theory goes that there is a planet, called Kiamat or Tiamat, that comes to Earth every 3,600 years that came to Earth when we we first evolving, and helped man build the amazing structures we know of today. ie. pyramids, Stonehenge, etc.
People believe this theory because there are ancient texts that talk about Gods and Goddesses, and people flying on magical objects. The ancient Sumerians are an example of this. Another reason for people believing this is because they think primitive people back then couldn't have the information, or the intent to make these structures.
The other side of this theory is Aliens coming to Earth and creating humans. People believe this because we look nothing like anything on Earth. They say there must be a missing link. Other primates have 48 chromosomes we have 46 chromosomes. Also, other primates are a lot stronger than us. Where did our strength go?
Okay, now let's get on to the planet Tiamat. The planet supposedly struck Earth and moved into Earth's orbit. So now it comes by every 3,600 years.
There's a lot more information on this subject but I can't seem to find all of it. If you have anymore questions, just Google it.

Ok, now you guys are sounding like Tom Cruise. Anyways, I do understand that there are people that follow this theory. Even though it's utterly ridiculous.
1,310 posts

[quote]People believe this theory because there are ancient texts that talk about Gods and Goddesses, and people flying on magical objects. The ancient Sumerians are an example of this. Another reason for people believing this is because they think primitive people back then couldn't have the information, or the intent to make these structures.
The other side of this theory is Aliens coming to Earth and creating humans. People believe this because we look nothing like anything on Earth. They say there must be a missing link. Other primates have 48 chromosomes we have 46 chromosomes. Also, other primates are a lot stronger than us. Where did our strength go?

So let me get this straight. You actually think ancient sumerians know more about the cosmos then modern astronomy? Amazing.

Yeah. There are lots of crazy tales about gods, goddesses, magic. People were burned at the stake for being witches throughout history (and even today), but that doesn't make them real.

The pyramids on the other hand, are very real. Ancient mathematics & architecture was quite advanced. Take a look at all of the things the Roman civilization did - Aqueducts were an impressive feat of engineering. But there's no reason to cite 'aliens' as the reason for the existence of monuments.

We look nothing like any other life form on the planet? So I guess the aliens must have created the Duck Billed Platypus too, since it's one of the craziest looking things I've ever seen.

It lays eggs, it has a beaver tail, a duck bill, it's venomous, and has the feet of an otter. Guess they were just screwing around, right?

By the way, it's not really a 'theory' unless it gets published in a relevant scientific journal and is peer reviewed. At the moment it's just a bad movie plot.

64 posts

The theory goes that there is a planet, called Kiamat or Tiamat, that comes to Earth every 3,600 years that came to Earth when we we first evolving, and helped man build the amazing structures we know of today. ie. pyramids, Stonehenge, etc.

Kiamat is the islamic view of the last judgment, kiamat is a goddess who personifies the sea.

lol you're a moron
112 posts

maby the weird shapes in the desert of s america or africa, all those lines would be hard to draw from the ground

1,310 posts

maby the weird shapes in the desert of s america or africa, all those lines would be hard to draw from the ground

Well crop circles are a complex pattern that are only visible from an aerial position, and humans made those.
2,581 posts

Who the fuc.k cares. Stop acting like a little bitc.h and get over it. So what if I misspelled it. I spelled it right when I mentioned it the second time. Get a fuckin.g grip. I'm tired of flamers like you.

588 posts

Who the fuc.k cares. Stop acting like a little bitc.h and get over it. So what if I misspelled it. I spelled it right when I mentioned it the second time. Get a ****in.g grip. I'm tired of flamers like you.

take one
10 posts

This is an Interesting topic. I do believe so and one thing I saw convinced me bying any doubt that some form of exterior intervention did help create ancient civilization. When the Myans built some of their ancient temples they Where very miticulious about how they carved every single rock to exact mesurements. All the cuts in the rocks where exactly the same width and height, and the rocks where cut from dyarite. This is seginificant becuase the only mineral harder than dyarite is dymand which would be very very scarce in acient lands in present day South and middle Americas, becuase dymands only from in volcanic areas where carbon can be compressed and heated. The citys also used formations taht are similier to the setup of cities today, and not a random order as most cities of the time where. What made some civilations great and others fail. We may never know, but to my best estimate they could not have done it by their own by the tools we know they had at the time.

64 posts

This is an Interesting topic. I do believe so and one thing I saw convinced me bying any doubt that some form of exterior intervention did help create ancient civilization. When the Myans built some of their ancient temples they Where very miticulious about how they carved every single rock to exact mesurements. All the cuts in the rocks where exactly the same width and height, and the rocks where cut from dyarite. This is seginificant becuase the only mineral harder than dyarite is dymand which would be very very scarce in acient lands in present day South and middle Americas, becuase dymands only from in volcanic areas where carbon can be compressed and heated. The citys also used formations taht are similier to the setup of cities today, and not a random order as most cities of the time where. What made some civilations great and others fail. We may never know, but to my best estimate they could not have done it by their own by the tools we know they had at the time.

no one wants to read a wall of text
1,310 posts

This is an Interesting topic. I do believe so and one thing I saw convinced me bying any doubt that some form of exterior intervention did help create ancient civilization. When the Myans built some of their ancient temples they Where very miticulious about how they carved every single rock to exact mesurements. All the cuts in the rocks where exactly the same width and height, and the rocks where cut from dyarite. This is seginificant becuase the only mineral harder than dyarite is dymand which would be very very scarce in acient lands in present day South and middle Americas, becuase dymands only from in volcanic areas where carbon can be compressed and heated. The citys also used formations taht are similier to the setup of cities today, and not a random order as most cities of the time where. What made some civilations great and others fail. We may never know, but to my best estimate they could not have done it by their own by the tools we know they had at the time.

So your argument is that aliens intervened because complex architecture requires math?

I'll quote something again just to point something out:

but to my best estimate they could not have done it by their own by the tools we know they had at the time.

Your best estimate. So... we should trust that estimate based on your 'expertise' on ancient Mayan architecture and history?

You can't even spell 'Diamond' correctly, why should I trust your point of view on whether or not a group of people could build something?
2,581 posts

no one wants to read a wall of text

No one wants to read a flame comment.
9,821 posts

Actually, some forms of corundum are harder than dyarite, and diamond is NOT the hardest mineral anymore. Wurtzite Boron Nitride and Lonsdaleite beat out diamond by a LOT. Also, the Mayans were advanced in mathematics and astronomy- and the Mayans aren't the only epople that were able to build things like that.

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