ForumsWEPRDid Aliens Create and/or help Ancient Civilization?

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2,581 posts

I have been researching this new theory of evolution.

The theory goes that there is a planet, called Kiamat or Tiamat, that comes to Earth every 3,600 years that came to Earth when we we first evolving, and helped man build the amazing structures we know of today. ie. pyramids, Stonehenge, etc.

People believe this theory because there are ancient texts that talk about Gods and Goddesses, and people flying on magical objects. The ancient Sumerians are an example of this. Another reason for people believing this is because they think primitive people back then couldn't have the information, or the intent to make these structures.

The other side of this theory is Aliens coming to Earth and creating humans. People believe this because we look nothing like anything on Earth. They say there must be a missing link. Other primates have 48 chromosomes we have 46 chromosomes. Also, other primates are a lot stronger than us. Where did our strength go?

Okay, now let's get on to the planet Tiamat. The planet supposedly struck Earth and moved into Earth's orbit. So now it comes by every 3,600 years.

There's a lot more information on this subject but I can't seem to find all of it. If you have anymore questions, just Google it.

Okay here's the discussion. Do you think the theories are true? Do you have anything to add to these theories?

  • 60 Replies
5,579 posts

If they helped ancient man, why aren't they helping us anymore? People from different areas have different technologys and therefore different building practices. That's why Aztec and Egyptian pyramids look very different, but they're still pyramids.

4,097 posts

Well how would we know what there planet name is? We can't talk to the aliens because the aliens would be speaking a completely different language! So that's the first clue that someone made this up, second...

You don't know that they wouldn't be speaking the same language. And if they created humans in the first place, they would have passed their language down to us most likely, even if humans eventually forgot it or developed their own language.

Wouldn't the information that aliens exist be programed in our brains if they were our creator.

Could have forgotten it. Or maybe we didn't know they created us in the first place. If you clone a sheep it's not really knowing to know we created it. It's just going to assume it was made naturally. Or if you have a test tube baby, it's never going to know it was created in a lab unless you tell it.

If they helped ancient man, why aren't they helping us anymore?

He did say it only comes around once every 3,600 years.

But of course I'm just speaking hypothetically. I don't personally believe this theory, but I'm not going to say it's impossible.
7 posts

I don't know.

1,304 posts

Overall this theory is rubbish. Period

You see this man knows what he's talking about. (or women)

And Im pretty sure its 99.999% proven that the Egyptions forced slaves to build the pyramids.

Aliens have not been found alive (Alien = Theory)

People say they saw UFO's? They must be Drunk, Confused or be takeing Drugs.
1,031 posts

You don't know that they wouldn't be speaking the same language.
Well you don't know if they would speak a different language so I guess this language thing is kind of a dead debate

Could have forgotten it.
I don't think so the information that you have a mother and what she looks like will always be programed in your brain, even if she died before you reached the age where you could actually remember things I think your bound to understand that you did have a mother.

If you clone a sheep it's not really knowing to know we created it.
The aliens (if they created us witch they didn't) didn't clone us. If they cloned us we would all be the same. If they did clone us the information wouldn't be programmed in our brains. And like I said before they didn't clone us if they did we would all look the same so since they didn't the information must be programmed in our brains.

You see this man knows what he's talking about. (or women)
Thank you ^_^
3,025 posts

excuse me but Stargate doesn't play on any theory its a real life documentary ok

Wrong, every theory they play is actually plausable but not always proven, Time Travel, Alternate Realities, Aliens and even Mythology they've played on has come, I know 51 Gods in Mythology and I KNOW that these guys do it accurately, Thor Ra Heru-ur Aphophis all of them are accurately done

Just so I know, Sermeria, wasn't that the one with Thors Hammer?

This Theory is quite fair, but I don't think the Pyramids part came because of them, where they curcuit every 3,600 years actually I'm open too, but I would like some proof...

P.S And that they created us I doubt, but fair enough - Get me d'a proof! :P

- H
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

no aliens did not create and/or help Ancient Civilization, the reason is maybe aliens exist but hey are at least 1000's of light years away and as Einstein prooved nothing can go quicker than the light, which is 1,079,252,848.8 km/h

259 posts

You don't have to facepalm me... If you think about it, the theory does make a lot of sense.

If you REALLY think about it, no it doesn't. You're right, it could be possible, maybe it could have happened. You can't consider a theory to be true, just because there was a documentary done on it. If you could, the Flying spaghetti monster would be real.
424 posts

Wow that doesn't make much sence. It sounds like its a spinoff of Scintology or however the heck its spelled.

3,025 posts

1,079,252,848.8 km/h

You sure? I was quite sure it was something like 1,677,000 mps (miles per second), something like that, and a league is 3 km, I forgot how big a mile is -.-

- H
10 posts

Sure, to some people now, it may seem impossible that an ancient civilization could have built the pyramids or Stone Henge, but you got to think about how many things we have done and accomplished today: landed on the moon, made cars, see someone's face on a screen even if they're across the world (Skype), etc.

A lot of impossible things happened, and a lot of impossible things that we can't even fathom yet will be accomplished in the future.

And even if aliens exist, they didn't help Ancient Civilizations build anything.

1,714 posts

no aliens did not create and/or help Ancient Civilization, the reason is maybe aliens exist but hey are at least 1000's of light years away and as Einstein prooved nothing can go quicker than the light, which is 1,079,252,848.8 km/h

Thats not a very good reason when wormholes are theoretically possible.
1,714 posts

Sorry for the double post, I didn't notice this thread almost 3 years old.

3,817 posts

I have been researching this new theory of evolution.

Nothing you have stated has anything to do with evolution.

The theory goes that there is a planet, called Kiamat or Tiamat, that comes to Earth every 3,600 years that came to Earth when we we first evolving, and helped man build the amazing structures we know of today. ie. pyramids, Stonehenge, etc.

Wait, the planet comes to Earth?

Why would humans need help building pyramids? They are not really difficult to make, they are one of the simplest buildings ever. They didn't need help moving large stones. And why would the designs of the pyramids be different? And if you where going to help a race build a building, why would you build them alters and graves?

People believe this theory because there are ancient texts that talk about Gods and Goddesses, and people flying on magical objects. The ancient Sumerians are an example of this. Another reason for people believing this is because they think primitive people back then couldn't have the information, or the intent to make these structures.

Give the human race more credit than you are giving. By this logic, ghosts exist, they are just aliens. And once again, give the human race more credit. The ancient Egyptians and Aztec and the like had plenty of means to build pyramids, it really not to difficult. Hell, at the height of their power they could have cover the whole thing with gold if they wanted to.

The other side of this theory is Aliens coming to Earth and creating humans. People believe this because we look nothing like anything on Earth. They say there must be a missing link. Other primates have 48 chromosomes we have 46 chromosomes. Also, other primates are a lot stronger than us. Where did our strength go?

What? Look at a chimpanzee. Now back at me. Now at the gorilla. Now back at me. I am on a horse. See how similar we are to...similar species? Half of the old world, and maybe half the new world, apes/monkeys look a lot like us.

A lot stronger than us? Now lets try an experiment. Go find someone willing to let you fight with their chimpanzee or other smaller ape/monkey. Now take a drug that allows you to get past all of the subconscious stops to your strength. Then fight the monkey/ape. You would crush it's scull with a single punch, but you would break your hand and quite possibly your arm doing so.

The reason that larger apes are stronger than us is the same reason tigers are stronger than house cats, they are far enough related to look like each other without having the strength. There is also the factor that while you where sitting on your desk typing, the ape/monkey was likely using their muscles near constantly. Not aliens.

Okay, now let's get on to the planet Tiamat. The planet supposedly struck Earth and moved into Earth's orbit. So now it comes by every 3,600 years.

Wait, you actually DO think the planet comes to us? How in hell would it support life then? Where would it get it's energy?

Okay here's the discussion. Do you think the theories are true? Do you have anything to add to these theories?

Please, don't call these theories. Call them hypothesis, crack dreams, or ravings.
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