What I said in the other thread: Would heighten the educated level, as the time could be used for helping with homework, especially with more teachers. If the schools could handle it, it would be a very good call.
Well, it would probably be good for the students but there are two problems. A) Many students would buckle under the strain of going from an already stressful school week, to one that's even longer and B) In the current economy, many school are having to let go teachers, whom they would have to pay that one extra day, as a result, the classes would get larger and even more stressful, ending in poor learning ability and (maybe) mental breakdowns and even suicides. 50 kids a class is nothing to sneeze at.
I would be fine with it, atleast we would have somewhat less failure rate (hopefully)
I disagree actually, if anything I think the failure rate would increase. Part of having two days off school every week is recovering, catching up on sleep, building a social life ETC. Without those, many students wouldn't be able to cope. One day a week, although it may look good on paper, doesn't take into account the fact that the people who actually have to do the work may not be able to. Plus, even the teachers might find that difficult if they had to add an entire day of planning and teaching, and then get a single day to plan for the next week. Logistically it'd be challenging, mentally it'd be near impossible, even for some of the smartest kids. You'll probably find those at risk of failing won't be doing better by having another day of classes...
For those who don't know, teaching is considered one of the most stressful jobs you can have. To teach an extra day, and have one less day off would ruin many great teachers.