Even though I haven't seen it, I know lame, I think it looks awesome. And they part about the lion: It probably came from a zoo, like the deer, which I think was actually an antelope. Since their is lots of zoos in the city, I think, it would be simple for the lion to survive.
Well the movie was pretty good. u hav to giv them credit though it was a book, then a movie called The Last Man On Earth, then another movie called Omega Man, now this movie called I AM LEGEND! Though the ending was pretty lame the movie was amazingly good. (I think the lion did come from the zoo)
Yeah I was most impressed with the fact that they shut down Time Square that's crazy and the visual effects on the movie were flawless! I really liked the movie the only bad part was the ending I mean there had to be an ending to the movie bc honestly just one guy through the whole movie woulda been super boring and really no point, I think that they coulda maybe showed him going around New York a little more, but you can't ask for perfection! (the lion was from the zoo)
I did notice one thing, if the whole city was in evac. why didn't they just put them across the bridge I mean honestly the things can't swim they can't even be in sun light for gods sake more than less swim so I didn't get that but I think that just went with the story and made it more interesting.
I have seen the ending! I loved it, so if you want to know, please ask on my profile. I don't want to ruin it for anybody. @donkeykong, there is also another book called I am legend. Unless that book you said was the same one.