DB, DBZ, DBGT, Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, MAR: Marchen Awakens Romance, Inuyasha is alright, I also like Avatar, and yes its anime, but american based, and One Peice.
DB/DBZ I have been getting into Hunter x Hunter lately. I recently watched some of the dubbed versions of Ghost Hunt on YouTube, those where pretty good. xxxHolic is a good one.
I dont like those Naruto stuff. If I had to pick one it would be Spongebob
I actually kinda liked 'One Piece' I dont see it on anymore though. Did it end?
Other that i like Bleach, Death Note was cool aswell. Naruto was a really bad show. I think that the only reason people watched it was because it was about a ninja.
Pokemon, in the first season, was amazing. They've gotten sloppy now, on season...um, I lost count. They should've made only 1 season, with the same characters.