I was on wikipedia, just reading random things a few minutes ago and I stumbled upon a quote from Billy Joe Armstrong, lead singer for the band Green Day.
"I think people are born bisexual, and it's just that our parents and society kind of veer us off into this feeling of 'Oh, I can't.' They say it's taboo. It's ingrained in our heads that it's bad, when it's not bad at all. It's a very beautiful thing."
It got me thinking though, because society does seem to affect very many things without us even knowing it. So why not sexuality?
My stance on this is that it is probably partially true, I think that when people are born they are not entirely heterosexual or homosexual, but I won't say that we become on or the other solely because society says so. I think that it's a combination of the society that you live in and different experiences that you end up having.
I respect Freud and his contributions to psychology, but the recent discovery of a homosexual gene kind of refutes his views on this. and yes, that guy got it from Freud.
I respect Freud and his contributions to psychology, but the recent discovery of a homosexual gene kind of refutes his views on this. and yes, that guy got it from Freud.
Two things:
1)Freud's original theories are very flawed. From our modern perspective, his approach to psychodynamics is almost entirely incorrect.
2)Regarding the discovery of a 'homosexual gene', links please?
Me personally I say both nature and nurture play a role, probably opting for the former as the primary cause. I don't however believe that left to our own devices, all humans would develop to be bisexual.
Well really, you aren't homosexual, bisexual, or straight. You haven't develop that sence when you are born. You can't really say, "Hey! Im gay!" or "Hey! I am straight!" And plus, the baby is to young to understand the concept of being straight, gay, or bi.
Speculating - I think it's nature, not nuture. I mean, how else would gay men have come from families with homophobic fathers that bash the gay populace? They're teaching their children that homosexuality is wrong, and yet, they still wind up as homosexuals.
That was never even a discussion in my house hold though; I came to an age wheere I was sexually aware.. I don't find guys appealing, but I find women *very* sexually interesting. *shrugs*
I don't think it's something people can help. Otherwise I'd probably be gay. When I was an immature little kid, like Alt (just kidding), I tried to force the idea of girls away. So I don't think you can psyche yourself into your sexuality. Seriously, just kidding Alt. You're the king of discussions on AG
okie... I think you guys have thought too much on this - you're a virgin at birth, you don't have sexual intercourse whilst being born - Bisexual Homosexual or Lesbians is virtually impossible as sexual intercourse states.... Umm... Well I won't say, look it up on Wikipedia please! Anyway the point of being gay or bi is that you don't have sex if you're attracted to your own sex, bisexual you most probably will but not homo or lesbians... Sorry xD
Oho, a variation hitherto unseen on these forums! I think.
Highfire, some of your post seems perfectly reasonable (namely the "you're a virgin at birth", but the rest doesn't seem to make sense :s Rephrase please?
From Alt's link:
Bailey and Pillard (1991) did a study of twins that determined a 52% concordance of homosexuality in monozygotic twins, 22% for dizygotic twins, and 11% for adoptive brothers of homosexual men
* This is of course due to subjective variability, but this is a necessary evil given the rhetoric.
* The paper goes on to suggest that genetices are "at least 50% responsible"...that's a sloppy statement as the concordance statistics don't necessarily suggest this, but nonetheless the gradation of figures seems to suggest a genetic component.
On the flip side those figures also suggest that there are other components.
Anyway, back to the original question. Are we all born bisexual?
I honestly don't know if that's a meaningful question, partially because we don't know the significance of the findings thus far, and partially because of what Highfire said in the context of sexuality being defined at least partially by behaviour.
However I will note that for the purposes of layman discussion, I'm going to assert that for at least some people their sexuality, be it gay or straight or otherwise, doesn't change, whether or not their perception or their ruminations might suggest otherwise.
That'd be speaking from experience. I'm pretty sure that despite everything and not believing this to be the case previously, I actually do have an "orientation" and it has remained constant for as long as I remember. And it is strongly defined by physical stimuli, regardless of how I might think about it.
Physically capable: yes. Mentally: no. Most people are born straight in that they are hardwired to mate with the opposite sex. Justify that any way you want to because I don't feel like writing a whole lot...
Physically, no not really - I remember in a book about this that it states that a males penis must go into the woman's vagina.... Sorry for what you would probably say dirty - it's formal for the lack of a better word, all I'm saying is that this is the most logical solution Mentally.... no, clearly not
So really this proves the point blunt or not, I don't really care whether it's blunt in this situation - I don't want to be a fool but in the end yes I am being fairly blunt, if you're 'gay' then you're also probably a virgin, bisexual is a bunch of nonsense, unless you do the crime u don't do the time (which I'd say is forever, because u done it it's too late then), so yeah - only the man on woman thing is straight and non-virgin like....
i think he's wrong, cuz a lot of people are told its bad to be gay or anything and when they grow up they are straight. there's not enough evidence to prove this rather "outlandish" statement.
i think he's wrong, cuz a lot of people are told its bad to be gay or anything and when they grow up they are straight.
I don't think that really relates to what your sexual orientation, if you have one (some people have argued you don't), when you are born. That's just saying that some people don't become homosexual because they're told it's bad to be gay. Which is kind of obvious, no offense.