I was just flipping through some youtube pranks , and for some reason some kid had a video of him (marilyn manson) speaking about how millions of religions have benn worshiping a dead guy on a stick . And obviously you know who hes talking about and if you don't then leave this thread , and look up Jesus Christs crusifiction . Anyways this guy ( you can even call him a girl ) is a class A freek . And I would like some one to tell me why he isn't . I still don't know how peaple can agree with this worshipper of the anti christ .
So do you think this guy is a freak of nature , and do you agree with him on what he says about religious topics ?
I thought he was a singer. I like this is halloween
You obviously don't get the point of this discussion. >.< this is about religion, not music.
Marilyn Manson may be strange and freaky, but even if he doesn't believe in Christ, that is his belief. Still, pro-republicans always go after people like this..
I think hes a freak of nature...cant stand to look at him, he creeps me out. Who the right would wear makeup and dress all goth? i wonder if he even considers himself a man....
I think he/she/it is completly retarded. Anyone who insults religion to that degree is either realy dumb or as in this case worships the anti-christ. And is it a he or a she?
I think he/she/it is completly retarded. Anyone who insults religion to that degree is either realy dumb or as in this case worships the anti-christ. And is it a he or a she?
Manson doesn't insult religion, he just questions religion. Just becasue Manson dubbed himself the Anit-Christ Superstar doesn't make him a bad person, and if he does worship satan he is allowed that right just like Christians, Chatholics, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and so on. And Marylin Manson would be a he/male/guy.
Im not sure if i can agree on that...i dont even think he knows for sure
He wears makeup that makes him look like a female but he's like 6ft 1in tall, that would be a particulary tall woman. That and he was engaged to Rose McGowan, married to Dita Von Teese for a short while and then had a relationship with Evan Rachel Wood. I think he knows he's a guy.
Not sure where this came from but I've been working two jobs for the past two years, and I've been employed for the last four years...
It was a joke -_- MR. obvious....
Just because he goes for a shocking look doesn't mean he is possessed not posse set. Also, where is the evidence that he loves demonic things?
Have you seen one of his concerts ? And do you actually listen to what he says to th audiences and when he preforms speeches ???? Tell me when you do ,and then come back -_-
Marilyn Manson may be strange and freaky, but even if he doesn't believe in Christ, that is his belief. Still, pro-republicans always go after people like this..
First of all what do you mean by pro republicans ? And second of all only idoits go after poeple like him . Im just stating my opinion .
Have you seen one of his concerts ? And do you actually listen to what he says to th audiences and when he preforms speeches ???? Tell me when you do ,and then come back -_-
Yes I've seen his concerts, been to one before too, It was awesome! I listen to his music, I can even play a handfull of his songs on my bass guitar, and his speeches are filled with intellegent, insighftful and lucid arguments. I don't see whats wrong with them...
Have you seen one of his concerts ? And do you actually listen to what he says to th audiences and when he preforms speeches ???? Tell me when you do ,and then come back -_-
The thing about this topic is that I feel you're not intelligent enough to understand the point of what is being said. Like when I said he fuses both genders together with his stage name and his appearace when he performs. It's because his views shouldn't have a biased. So he mixes both genders together so his views are coming from everybody. Also, you're taking what I say out of context. The thing about his ribs is a rumour that he ordered people to put out. It's not true. But more to the point of what you said. He doesn't worship any demonic things. I have seen his shows, they're really good. Everything he does that has anything to do with demonic things is to attack religion, not to worship demons. If he dressed in what you would say is normal and was doing this you would see the sarcasm. But because he's a goth you can't wait to twist what he does so you can justify calling him a freak. You make me sick.
Im not sure if i can agree on that...i dont even think he knows for sure
I know for a fact that his name is Brian Warner. I also know that he knows that he's a guy.
I know for a fact that his name is Brian Warner. I also know that he knows that he's a guy.
Im just saying...what kind of man excuse me, REAL MAN, wants to dress like that? theirs something wrong with people who want to be that way. And i dont want to hear any "Its just free speech" cause its not. I would love to see all you supporters of him, go out in public dressed like that
And i dont want to hear any "Its just free speech" cause its not.
It's freedom of speech...he can go around wearing whatever he wants, look how ever he wants, and say whatever he wants. Just like you can, just like I can, just like jonnypants23 can.
It's freedom of speech...he can go around wearing whatever he wants, look how ever he wants, and say whatever he wants. Just like you can, just like I can, just like jonnypants23 can.
So thats his whole get up..thats the reason why? Im asking WHY anyone would dress like that?