ForumsWEPRNoBama: Whos With Me???

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88 posts

Our country took a turn for the worse when Obama was elected. Tell everyone what terrible things you have learned that he has done

  • 250 Replies
501 posts

I don't think he's the best president we've ever had and has done some stupid stuff (playing golf on memorial day, photo op over manhattan...), but at the same time, I don't know... We have had worse...

Oh and for the record, please, no one mention the economy. The president has nothing to do with it. So far, I'm looking at a book (can't remember the name) that says the econ will go:

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--------------------------Great Depression-----------------------------

1st*: 2006
2nd: mid 2008
3rd: early-mid 2009
4th: 2015
5th: 2020
6th: 2030

His book was written back when the economy had just started to fall and so far he's been right... He says that the main reason for the econ collapse is America's turn toward extreme liberalism and an aging generation. (liberalism>more [powerful] unions>less money for companies>bankrupt companies)

For the record, I have nothing against liberals, just left-wingnuts, nor do I have a problem with unions, but people are quite greedy and that tends to spell trouble for companies. I don't want them to dissolve, I just want them to loosen their grip enough to make the fall not as hard.

Besides, in a recent study, it just so happens that in the case of a complete economic collapse, my county seat is going to be the most affected city on earth, and its not Detroit. Its this little town in Indiana that contains the world headquarters of Delphi and a Chrysler plant. Problem is, those two companies employ more than half, about 60%, of the people in the county, so if they went under, the entire county would lose more than half its population and everyone else would thus lose significant profits from a lack of customers, and one of the hospitals would have to shut its doors. Simply put, within a month, the entire county would be gone...

So in short, please don't bring up the recession, its gonna happen regardless...

332 posts

1. The economy problem started under the previous president, a Republican.
2. The apology's he's been giving out are because 90% of the world hates us, due to the PREVIOUS president
3. Its about time we got some diplomacy
4. Staying the course isn't going to work anymore, and if we had another Republican in office like John McCain, we'd be in an even deeper hole for education and health care, things that are critical for the future of America

2,917 posts

Well at least we've shown other contrys were are not all racist jerks. But think about it: Obama is only Black, because we are all racist! He is 50% White and 50% black. Everyone could of been like "Yes! Another white president! The streak remains unbroken! The streak remains unbroken!"

9,821 posts

playing golf on memorial day, photo op over manhattan...)

The photo op wasn't him, and he was relaxing on a holiday, for God's sake. It's stupid to hate on someone for -minor- things.
He's not the best president ever- but he's not the worst either. He's done some good things and some bad- like all presidents. Just quit whining about it- he won, also don't act like he's easily replaceable. It's annoying.
10,816 posts

Well I guess President Obama cops about as much over those things as President Bush over his extraordinarily frequent Texas Ranch retreats...

48 posts

who cares wehter he is black or white or in between. women had a chance to do something unprecedented, putting a woman in the whitehouse either as a presedential democrat or a vice pres. republican. All we got was a junior senator with not much foreign policy experience and an old guard senator from a tiny state. go figure.

259 posts

(liberalism>more [powerful] unions>less money for companies>bankrupt companies)

Oh yeah, poor poor companies, they just had to give the common man a more acceptable and stable wage than before, and now the companies are making a few million dollars less out of the billions they ussually make. You're right poor them.
2,053 posts

Really? At least he's doing a better job than Bush. Besides, there have been plenty of other bad presidents. Nixon, for one.

1,361 posts

Quit bashing Obama because most of you don't know shit about what's really happening!

588 posts

GTFO troll (OP)

3,176 posts

I don't think he's the best president we've ever had and has done some stupid stuff (playing golf on memorial day, photo op over manhattan...),

*taken from past threads and my post to get the facts straight*

He didn't know about this, as it was organized by the director of the White House Military office. The mayors office WAS notified before the incident, as well as the police. However, they're was the slight problem that they weren't allowed to notified the public, which was a mistake.

obama on CNN presenting the wreath for the tomb of the Unknown soldier

...And then what I had to back it up:

He honored
our soldiers who fell in battle and he was NOT involved directly with the Manhattan incident,
so can we all just drop the "attack the president" arguments? Or are there going to be more
people who didn't read to try and start this again?

Nobody reads anything anymore, they just go completely with what they think or what anyone
else thinks. They fail to read the full story about what happened.

DO NOT slander ANYONE until you read exactly what happened in an event and until you
figure out exactly what the whole event was about. This includes presidents. Christ, the
exact moment you hear about something you automatically think exactly what you hear is
true and you pay no mind to learning more about it. So in short, Obama did nothing wrong, and
yes, he did in fact honor our soldiers that day.

Hey, better than we normal citizens who are completely oblivious of the soldiers' sacrifices
who enjoy the day off and the barbecues that they create, while thinking you have done
something to honor the soldiers, when in fact you did no such thing. Talk about being a *hypocrite.

*90% of Americans
4,097 posts

Our country took a turn for the worse when Obama was elected.

Mind telling us how? After Bush I think that any President would have been an improvement.

Tell everyone what terrible things you have learned that he has done

So basically you just want a whole bunch of people to bash Obama without any debate.

playing golf on memorial day, photo op over manhattan...

Why can't he play golf? And the photo op. wasn't his fault. Anyway, compare them to things that Bush did and they're horribly small. I'm not saying Bush didn't do anything good, but he did a lot of bad things as well.

and an old guard senator from a tiny state. go figure.

At least we didn't get a woman whose foreign experience is the fact Alaska borders Russia and Canada.
1,455 posts

Official Obama Thread
If you guys want to debate about Obama, this is the place to do it. If you guys just want to bash Obama in this thread, have fun, but it won't involve any intellectual debate.

5,579 posts

1. The economy problem started under the previous president, a Republican.
2. The apology's he's been giving out are because 90% of the world hates us, due to the PREVIOUS president
3. Its about time we got some diplomacy
4. Staying the course isn't going to work anymore, and if we had another Republican in office like John McCain, we'd be in an even deeper hole for education and health care, things that are critical for the future of America

0% true actually.

1) The problem did not start under Former President Bush. It started under Clinton as the bubble began to hyper inflate. Of course, the bubble has to pop someday. So what do we do? We go off saying 'let's blame the president because I'm a left wing nut and he's a republican!' I guarantee if this would have happened under anybody else you would have blamed somebody else.

2) 90% of the world has always hated us. Saying that is actually quite ignorant. Every single fundamentalist state on earth has hated us for decades. You obviously don't remember Iran do you? That happened under Jimmy Carter in 1979 (or '78? Crap, I forget.).

3) Why do we need diplomacy for people who would nuke us if they had the chance? That's like arguing with a serial killer who's about to kill you. It's extremely pointless.

4) That's got to be the most left wing, biased, ignorant statement I've ever heard. And how is health care vital to this country? And how do you know their going to screw us up? You don't, you're just to ignorant to realize it.

Honestly, do you think ANYONE could do worse then Bush? Palin maybe, or maybe some hillbilly. Honestly you who dislike Obama I think are possibly racist. Everyone I know that doesn't like Obama is partially or full blown racist, with the exception of a few honest people.

What did former President Bush do badly? Seriously. Don't even get the economy in this because he was trying to help fix it, and it's crash had NOTHING to do with him. And I think I'm an honest disliker of obama following that logic. I don't like him because he's a lieing, socialistic marxist who has done nothing and pretends he's the best president ever so that makes him egotistical as well.
3,176 posts

I don't like him because he's a lieing, socialistic marxist who has done nothing and pretends he's the best president ever so that makes him egotistical as well.

Were you following a legit news report that actually stated such a thing, or were you listening
to a biased news channel say, like Fox News, because they have said that numerous times. I fail
to see how he is at all.

has done nothing and pretends he's the best president ever so that makes him egotistical as well.

...No he doesn't?
And how is health care vital to this country?

Because healthcare is how we treat those in need of help, and if we have a lousy healthcare, we
are going to rot from the inside out. Obvious.

So if we are going to further debate about Obama and falsely slander him based off
what you hear from reports whose credibility is in the toilet, then I suggest we go from
the Official Obama Thread. What the hypocritical OPer did
was create a duplicate thread, and we should have known from the beginning.
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