Listen to DDX! He actually has informed things to say, unlike *coughcough*nonameandxcaliburandtheOPandnapolian*coughhackcoughcough*
He hasn't done a bad job- none of the things he's done have really actually DONE anything bad yet. Get over all of the NoBama stuff, it's annoying and baseless.
I seriously don't understand how someone can spend 2 trillion dollars in 4 months. Seriously. I couldn't do that even if I tried. Get ready for +200% increase in tax for the next 50 years.
I think I'll put it to you Obama haters this way. The Manhattan incident was not his fault, so you need to get your f***ing facts straight. The people saying that he played golf instead of honoring must have heard a rumor. Obama was at the Arlington Natl. Cemetery, handing out wreaths to families of unknown soldiers. It was on CNN, people. Stop posting all this f***ing s*** about Obama. I don't care if your racist, republican, or whatever. Just stop it.
Is that Obama's fault? Is he a CEO of an auto company?
Because he's the one that gave them ALL of the money. And I remember when he tried to be a CEO. Just a couple months ago, he literally forced the CEO of GM to resign. Seams to me like Nixon syndrome.
All you peoeple who are mad at Obama haters have to clear your minds! I thot America was a Democrative Country, not socialist like Obama is trying to make it.