just kidding (i don't care if black or white i actually respect him more for being black) he isn't a bad president hes just an average president at a bad time
if john McCain won i be things would be a little better but the economy would have taken the same path as it has with Obama
obama needs t make a serious tax cut or else we'll never get out of this hole
the only reason i dont like Obama is because people idolize him like he is a god. He is literally becaming an idol for many people just because he seems like a great person. Obama came from nowhere and is going nowhere in the white house. Although i dont hate him, i just wish people would've looked past what he said he was going to do as president instead of just voting because he looked cool...
the only reason i dont like Obama is because people idolize him like he is a god. He is literally becaming an idol for many people just because he seems like a great person. Obama came from nowhere and is going nowhere in the white house. Although i dont hate him, i just wish people would've looked past what he said he was going to do as president instead of just voting because he looked cool...
buddy lol, your missing every single point here. People idolize him because there has never been a black president in the USA before. It's because he's coming from a history of people who were slaves. It was never thought that a black person could become president, and now that it has, it kinda shows how things have changed. And because people are respecting him so much, it just goes to show that things definately have changed. People didn't vote for him because he looked cool lol (i dont see how that can come into this cuz Bush got elected twice and when he seaks he looks pretty mentally retarded to me), they voted because he was strong on changing the economy (change... lol) and thats what people needed.
Obama is the worst president we have ever had. Louis from Left 4 Dead looks just like him and would make a better president. haha anyone who can survive a zombie outbreak has my vote buddy... they know what they're doin
the problem is not how much money the government has its how much money we have we can solve the treasury debt later but right now people are losing there jobs at an increasing rate cause the government is taking not only there money and there employers money but taking there consumers money which means that they take more of there employers money thus causeing lay-offs
this eventually makes them lose there homes(if they haven't completely paid off they're mortgage) then that screws over the banks cause they couldn't get back the money they gave and then they cant give other people back they're money and thus screwing everyone over ( the exact opposite of economic stimulus) not to mention EVERYONE IS BEING TAXED!!!!! everyone is giving big money to the government when the government should be focusing on them! NOT themselves! NOY the treasury!!! i know the treasury is filled with less than -10 TRILLION
You're exaggerating how much money people have to pay in taxes. . . .
I admit I don't know much about economics, being twelve and still in middle school, but I guarantee you that big tax cuts won't get us out alone. Tax cuts won't really affect the credit markets or the auto industry or the baking problem, will it? It'll just give the average person a bit more money to throw around. Some tax cuts would help, but they alone, no matter how big they are, won't do much to alleviate the brunt of the crisis.
everyone is giving big money to the government when the government should be focusing on them! NOT themselves! NOY the treasury!!! i know the treasury is filled with less than -10 TRILLION
...... Every once in a while I read these posts that I hate so much I can barely argue them because I can't think straight 1. The whole "Government should be focusing on them" IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY"RE DOING!!!!!!!@!@#$!@#!@#!@#*!@)$(&!@#($*^!#(&$^@&#$^ That made me feel better... Okay, so by taking part of the money that people make, its possible to spend that money maintaining things that the people NEED. Education, military, whatever they're spending it on, ITS FOR THE PEOPLE!. Just because you don't directly get that money doesn't mean its not being used for you. How the hell could the government focus on itself? Are you saying its separate from the US? 2. If you give tax cuts, that debts only going to INCREASE. You don't get out of debt by removing revenue streams.
Now here's a revolutionary concept. Are you ready? Without that taxpayer money, our country wouldn't exist. Without government taking that money, they'd have no power to do anything. However undeserved it may seem for them just to take money, we're heavily dependent upon it to maintain our way of life. What makes you think we'd even have jobs without the government? The government holds together the law, or at least attempts to, meaning that crime is punished, people can earn fair wages and not be abused by their employers, and the government is what keeps this country safe. Without that taxpayer money being spent, we'd be one of the weakest country's in the world. Tax cuts get nothing done. Yes, you have a little bit of money in your pocket, but that extra few hundred dollars you're so upset about, when everyone else is paying that few hundred dollars, translates into technological and research development, education, health care, social security, pretty much everything that America relies on. So no, I don't think they could pay them by "not taking away they're money so much", seeing how in the end the country will just fall that much faster
Obama has yet to be tested as president. Every president does somethings that people don't like. The fact is they're all just human and they are choosen by the people to do one of the hardest jobs in the world. Obama hasn't even been president for a whole year yet. It took Bush 8 years to screw things up as much as he did.
Well, I don't agree with a lot of Obama's decisions lately, and as I will be eligible to vote in 2012, I'm paying a lot more attention to his actions and policies - and am trying to be as objective as possible, no matter how hard it is. I think the true test for Obama is going to be how he deals with North Korea. The way he deals with a second Korean war will surely show if he's really up to the presidency or not.