ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Way of Moderation has ended (page 566)

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3,086 posts

I sent it and I hope it got through.

10,816 posts

Yeah it did Efan. I'll send you feedback when I get up!

5,642 posts

For some reason I can't open page 471. What is this?

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

I don't like being the first one who posts his entry, but anyway here I go:

Student teaching experience gives great insight into what the classroom experience will be like. Sadly though Goumas had no teaching experience whatsoever, he didn't even have a teaching certificate. So he wasn't very certain that the job suited him, however he was certain that he had to give it his best shot, the ex-alchemist didn't want to disappoint Strop (he couldn't forget that he owed his job to the Moderator).

Even so he knew (thanks to a Website) that teachers plan their lessons before they teach and that they use games, videos, computers, and other tools to teach children different subjects. He didn't like very much the latter, so he focused on the first. His planning wasn't always great, nonetheless he was quite fond of his job.

After a while he gained confidence, his student's seemed to learn and there were no complains at all against him. Sometimes teaching lots of students can be stressful and teachers have to deal also with children who misbehave, but not in the Armor Academy, there the students were mostly agreeable.


It was the Day of the Finals, Goumas wanted to go to the amphitheater, but he couldn't. Seeing as Dank had left he had a great opportunity to prove himself. Responsibility is one of the most important qualities a person/employer can have.

He wore his best black business suit, a red necktie (with several pac-man-like figures), his gold watch and lastly he even wore a grey Homburg style hat. Proud of his clothes Goumas went to the Armor Academy.

When he arrived to his classroom the teacher noticed quite some nasty looking teens. They didn't look at all like his students, but perhaps their unpleasant appearance was due to some flu or something. Its common knowledge that schools are full of viruses.

Goumas was worried, so he asked:
-Children, how are you? Are you feeling well?
-ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS "PROF.", the teens at the same time answered yelling.

That flu was definitely serious Goumas thought, so he shouldn't really argue with them. He had to respect their condition.

-Kids..., he started started saying, but he was interrupted. One of the students had screamed at the top of his lungs "WE AREN'T KIDS IDIOT!"

- OK, I apologize if I offended you. So ... gentlemen (there were no ladies) today we are going to ...

- We aren't gentlemen either, said the same kid as before, we are Rude-men!

That joke was rather blunt, so Goumas decided not to answer to him.

-Anyway, our lesson today is about Organic Chemistry. Organic chemistry is the study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions , and preparation of carbon-based compounds. So as you understand Carbon is as important in Organic Chemistry as a coach in a Soccer team.


The public stopped booing and hissing after at least five minutes. They truly didn't like the metaphor.

-Ahem, pardon me ... Do you happen to know what's the name of the molecular formula C4H8? Hint:Its a quite famous alkene, is present in crude oil ...

- STFU! Do you ever stop talking!, said somebody, probably the leader of the pack.

- Please calm down!, said Goumas

- Let's trash the school!, continued the person who has spoken before

- YEAH! LET'S TRASH THE SCHOOL!, the public said unanimously

They ignored Goumas's desperate cries not to trash the school and they started breaking, biting, kicking and punching everything that they could see or smell.

The mob soon found out that destroying inanimate objects wasn't very fulfilling and entertaining, when there is real people to assault. So they started marching towards their "tutor".

- People, I warn you that if you don't stop I will have to expel you!

They didn't stop.

- Don't take an other step forward! This is my last warning!

Still they didn't stop.

Goumas decided that it was time to change tactics, he grabbed a pen and screamed with a squeaky voice:

- Everybody get down on the ground or I will shoot you!, and he waived the pen.
- Liar! That's no gun!, said their boss
- You are wrong, this is a laser gun! One click and I will burn you all!
- Don't underestimate our intelligence, its not wise.

It was time to change tactics again. Goumas threw in the air his wallet, his golden watch, his cellphone, his hat, his tie, his bag, several books and chalkboard chalk. The rain of objects distracted the rabble. Goumas started running as quickly as he could. He ran so hastily that he managed to leave the building.

Later, when he looked back he didn't see anyone. He had escaped.

3,086 posts

I'd really like to receive a return E-mail. 'Cause I'd like to receive some constructive criticism

10,816 posts

Efan: Check your email, I just finished sending through all the feedback. Now I have to put the puzzle together...

3,086 posts

Thanks Mr Strop

3,086 posts

Sorry for the DP.
Strop I've changed it to this as a reference:

*With a sudden cloud of smoke, a moving blur appears out of no where dishing out punches and kicks. Strop appears with a stressed look upon his face surrounded by moaning newgrounds soldiers*
"This isn't a good time to play hero, I need you to get as many people as you can to the Amusement Park."
13,657 posts

Efan, please, keep any talk about your entry to the email. Writing something about it here is like writing something for your class on the street. We are not going to remember it, or even know what you really mean, so change it in the story, email it again, get feedback, change what needs changing, email, feedback...

3,086 posts

Ah, I am sorry Cenere.

1,828 posts

...i Have watched too many animes...eventually they seem like a blurr of ridiculous events and combat...I have read some of the manga...anyways I'd say the WoM is more unpredictable then those which makes it nice and not so much characters that can destroy the world type stuff as those animes. Seriously if each character grows in power enough to destroy the entire landscapes they are in why bother trying to save the world when it gets destroyed in the process. I don't think I have seen Strop destroy a mountain yet but maybe I could help him with more pots.

10,816 posts

Good to know Hermit.

I can tell you now that there will be no ridiculous all-powerful attacks like you see in Bleach or Dragonball (Naruto is not too far behind... One Piece I consider an exception, it has plenty of ridiculous powers but they're so specialised that no one of them could triumph over all the others.) As in an analogy to the internet, the only really powerful attacks belong to webmasters, developers and administrators who actually have corresponding abilities to go with their skillset and role, because really, the guys who coded this site have the godly power of building and destroying everything in this world.

You can imagine that this means that any big battle fought in this world that doesn't involve administrators laying waste to absolutely everything would take a lot of work, and that's precisely the process I plan to show you guys (in extended metaphor).

While I'm waiting for all the amendments to come through, I'm writing the next section. It's going to be the most significant event in the story so far.


9,504 posts

I can tell you now that there will be no ridiculous all-powerful attacks like you see in Bleach or Dragonball

I resent that Bleach statement X( They don't have ridiculous all-powerful attacks..... DragonballZ does. I mean, they can destroy the world if they scream loud enough... and I'm waiting for the TeamFourStar episode where someone screams loud and long enough they fart or worse. If that happens, I will tear-jerk laugh. And that doesn't happen often.
10,816 posts

I resent that Bleach statement X( They don't have ridiculous all-powerful attacks

Two words.

Getsuga tensho.

It's not so much whether the attack can destroy the world or not. But it's all about the plot progression in these shonen manga... That the hopes of the world or universe all rest on this one attack maturing and becoming the most powerful thing of them all. In this way getsuga tensho is just like the kamehameha or maybe even the genki dama, so there :P
3,086 posts

I'm not sure what your watching/reading/whatever but it seems odd.

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