ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Way of Moderation has ended (page 566)

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10,816 posts

Sorry Crimson, Yahoo email isn't exactly the best for me either, but it's just that we really like keeping everything in one place. Seeing as we're expecting around 30 entries, and would hate to miss anything, especially when there are prizes (and penalties) at stake for the round!

10,816 posts

Also: I suggest reading the FAQ before EVERY round begins, because I'm not going to pretend this isn't difficult to follow unless you're used to reading a lot of instructions. It's about on par with the kind of paperwork universities like to foist on you, and if you get anything wrong, I make you do it again... yeah. Hooray for bureaucracy!

10,816 posts

Oh crap. I forgot to write something really important. Better late than never!


* You already know that killing other users is not a good thing. The real reason is that it makes it difficult for me to write around, so chances are I'll have to reject the submission, or hand out dire consequences.

* Also, you do have the option of writing in other characters into your own story but the other characters have to approve of it. This means I will have to send them your submission and have them read it. Since a character is only truly known to its creator, you should be prepared for a lot of rejections. This also applies to moderator characters (such as Strop).

* Good writing is smiled upon because it makes things easier to understand. Consistent tense, consistent voice, consistent grammar are all big plusses.

* When assessing your work, try thinking how awesome it would be in the context of a larger story, both your own and of the WoM.

Okay that should do it.

10,816 posts

Oh crap crap crap, I also forgot to write specific guidelines for the first round. Many apologies to the users who have already submitted without knowing them!


Your first written task is to write about your character and what they are doing when they hear about the Way of Moderation. How do they react? What will they do in the weeks that lead up to the inauguration ceremony at the amphitheater on the 6th of August? In what manner do they arrive and with what expectations? You may write about as much or as little of this as you wish.

There are a number of guidelines specific to this round:

1) This is an open tournament, so assume that nobody is hand-picked or specifically invited.
2) Nobody meets Strop or any of the other mods/admins in this chapter. They're too busy.
3) If you write in other characters that are not your own, we (both you and I) will need to gain their approval- first so you can write, and so I can check whether they like what's been written about them.

10,816 posts

To make it a sextuple post in a row, because I firmly believe spoonfeeding -> efficiency here, I will finally update the checklist for you guys to go through (preferably in order) so that everything runs as smoothly as possible. Please copy-paste the following into your own notepad document or something, and heed these instructions well!


1) Check you are looking at the most current round on the WoM thread.
2) Read the story as posted on the thread.
3) Check the general instructions and deadline.
4) Check the specific writing guidelines for this round (they will be posted below the deadline).
5) Go to the WoM FAQ and see if there are any specific links you need to look at for this round.
6) Check your email (the email you use to contact
7) Make your submission!
8) Cenere will probably be the first to read it. If there is a conflict you will be notified. Otherwise I will read the submission on the weekend and get back to you myself.
9) Correct any conflicts.
10) Resubmit to When you get the go-ahead, post your entry here.

Okay! That's all for now- maybe I can relax a little.

9,434 posts

I'm just gonna waddle in here and make sure you don't do a septu- however you'd spell that...

Looking good. And complex. But good~~~

1,707 posts

Aww dang those guidelines! :P lol kidding. Anyway i am re-writing my submission so you should get it soon.

4,196 posts

The round sounded like something that I would get at school....

Will not start my submission until I get back home...

Just a quick question, does the submission have to be writing? Or can it be mixed media?

1,707 posts

Just a quick question, does the submission have to be writing? Or can it be mixed media?

It can be a lot of things, but i think you should ask Strop on specifics.

Anyway strop i have turned in my submission. It's Strop free! almost.
2,301 posts

Hey, I, um, have a question. Is it OK if I start my entree with the pointless babbling of a completely different character that has nothing to do with anything? It'll be short and irrelevant. It'll only happen once. It's just the thing I do when Leon is introduced to a new story.

4,536 posts

I submitted my entry with minimal references to other characters. Just a teeny one here and there.

So... I hope there's nothing too terribly wrong with it.

5,420 posts

right I resent my submission...with no actual changes to it, except I added a whole new section to it after looking at the new rules. So what was submitted on this thread is not all of the story.

10,816 posts

Just a quick question, does the submission have to be writing? Or can it be mixed media?

Any media, writing, animation, comic, even a song... just as long as you're telling me about the stuff I asked you to tell me about, it's all good.

I hope to do some visual stuff myself anyway.

Is it OK if I start my entree with the pointless babbling of a completely different character that has nothing to do with anything? It'll be short and irrelevant. It'll only happen once. It's just the thing I do when Leon is introduced to a new story.

Sure, you do what you want!
10,816 posts

And to everybody who has sent thus far, I have replied to your emails. Thanks for the prompt response!

4,536 posts

Argh! Word fail... can I please try that again?
I found myself lying awake in bed. I wanted to get out, but as the warm water rolled over me I found myself getting drowsier and drowsier. The warm water worked on me like tranquilizers. It's one of my favorite things in the entirety of Armor Lake. Considering the lake is made up of warm water, it kept me in a good mood, even during times of hardship.
Just then, a patch of freezing water greeted my face. I shot up out of bed. Any and all feelings of drowsiness left me. The sudden awakening wouldn't last long, though, unless I got to work. My mother wanted me to visit Armor Games' interior walls and pick up a cookbook from the library and archives. I don't know why she thought she'd find a cookbook there, but I shan't disobey Mother Dearest.
It was a long walk. The path was rocky, and little pebbles always got stuck in the webbing between my feet, and I always hated taking it. I eventually reached the gates and showed the guard my ID card. He scanned it, glared at the gates and they flew open without any resistance. Armor Games was rather vast, especially compared to my little lake. It was just my luck that the library was near the very back of the entire kingdom.
I decided to walk around the Western side of Armor Castle for a change. It would take me through the free market, the news and broadcast tower, and the atrium & plaza area. As I passed through the free market, I heard many conversations, all of them very similar, including "Do you sell inventions to take back what I said," "You! Salesperson! Sell me a device to alter my previous conversations!" I heard many grating voices, almost all yelling "Laugh out loud out loud out loud!" It was a very... Repetitive place to travel through.
The news & broadcast tower was in a state of great disrepair. It was scarcely, if ever, used nowadays. Debris constantly fell from the tip of the tower. A nearby necromancer got knocked out by some of the falling metal... served him right. Necromancy is unnatural. I chuckled slightly to myself.
I was always nervous about setting foot in the atrium. Every time I go through I nearly get blasted with a ball of fire. Just then, I heard someone scream at the top of their lungs, "Obama swatted that fly in self-defense, you noob!!" A fireball burned through a door and grazed the tip my dorsal fin. Perhaps I should have taken the Eastern route.
The library was finally in sight. About time. I began to mumble to myself, "Let's see... Aha. The Cooking Section. '1,001 Ways to prepare Spam,' 'How to Cook Using Fireballs,' 'The Strop Breakfast Way: How to Lose Weight by Eating Hay for a Month.' Nothing here Mom can use. What an utter waste of my time." I let out a deep sigh. It echoed through the hallowed hallways. I trudged, displeased, towards the exit, but I tripped over a large book. "The Ultimate guide to Armor Lands cuisine," I said. "This is perfect!"
As I left, I found myself wondering where King "Since Beta" Ryan was. He usually hung out in the library, organizing and tending to the archives. Oh well.
As I turned to the Western route, I began to fear for my well-being. "Eastern route it is," I said under my breath. I knew the area well. It was where I was for most of the time I spent in the Armor City. I wanted to avoid any commotion, so I stayed near the far wall.
I worked my way around the amusement park and found myself near Aristocrat Way. I vied to get in there one day, but I simply did not have enough AP to purchase a residence there. However, I was always welcome to take a stroll through the streets. I saw a large group of people gathered around one area, from new users who thought they had what it takes to be a wealthy man to the rich and famous themselves. The crowd piqued my fishy curiosity.
I pushed my way through the crowd, nearly knocking over a peasant. I guess I don't know my own strength, sometimes. It seemed everybody was gathered around a poster. I simply had to see what this was about.
I was surprised and eager all at the same time. I read the poster aloud. "Armor Games wants YOU... Way of Moderation Tournament... Ceremony to be held at amphitheatre, 6th August, 2009." This was my big chance. My mother and grandparents always told me about the meaning of my name... "He who is destined to make an attempt at greatness, but maybe fail. Maybe fail." I'd known that since I was four years old. I was just a fry at the time, but around the age of ten, I began really wanting to fulfill that... I suppose I could call it a prophecy. For seven years, I searched for an opportunity... and this was my big chance.
I ran home as fast as my webbed feet could take me, cookbook in arms. When I reached the lake shore, I dove straight into the water. My fins cut through the current like knives. "Mom! Mom! I brought the cookbook!"
"Oh, good. Thank you, Manta. I really appreciate it." Her sweet voice soothed me more than the warm water.
"You're very welcome... Mom, I have really big news. There's... there's this tournament. To become a moderator. I- I know I have what it takes. I just know it!" I was very passionate about this, which was unusual for me.
She paused. "Manta... how long will this last?"
"I don't know, Mom. It could last anywhere around 4 months."
"Oh... My son... You're doing this to live up to your father, aren't you?"
It caught me off guard when she said that. My father died a hero during the troll wars years ago. "W-what? No, I just feel like I was meant to do this. Please, Mom?"
She shook her head and sighed. I began to worry she would say "No." But she didn't. "Promise me you'll write me every day." We Fish Men know how to take paper products underwater without melting them.
But that's beside the point. I pumped my fist into the air and gathered my stuff up for the journey. I packed 10 pairs of my signature swim trunks, my trusty bo staff, my high pressure hose that I only used when I was in a bad mood, and the clam shell charm my father gave me when I was an infant. It allowed me to get away from the world and ignore those around me without consequence... But it also gave me confidence to think about my war hero of a father.
This was it. I was ready for the tournament. There was just one last order of business. I embraced my mother and said "Bye, Mom. I'll think about you every day." She just looked into my eyes and kissed my cheek. I felt bad for leaving her by herself... She deserves so much.
My feet hit the shore before even my suitcase, and I was off for the amphitheatre. I entered the place breathing heavily and still soaking wet. I received some strange stares. But, nonetheless, this was it. The Way of Moderation tournament.

I hope this is okay...

If that fails, I give up.

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