ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Way of Moderation has ended (page 566)

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Alright so now that I have been given approval to submit this with the new section I will go ahead and do so. I am copying this directly from the email I sent so if it gets screwed up then I am sorry.

The Recruitment Posters

"Woot!" "OMG's!!!" "lolololololololololol"

I woke up early at noon thinking that a group of spammers had raided the homes of the aristocrats nearby. I grabbed my sword and went outside barefoot in a hurry to see what was going on, when I saw that the commotion was coming from the Aristocrats themselves for some odd reason. I saw that many of them were out on the streets holding up flyers. I looked at the walls on the sides of the street and saw they were almost painted over with these things. So I grabbed one up to see what was so interesting as to gain more information about it. At first glance it looked like a recruitment poster to become a moderator, but as I read through it I found out it was a recruitment poster for a tournament to become a moderator. Either way I was confused as the mods typically have whats called a...I think its called a "don't ask, don't tell" policy or something like that, and on top of that for a while they have claimed to a wheel of moderation that they would spin in order to choose the next moderator, though for a while I never believed in this wheels existence, it still baffled me that they would have a competition, but I did not dwell on it for too long as I, like many others always craved to become a moderator, though for myself it was about gaining the moderator powers before anything else so I could take matters into my own hands, though of course many others would say the same. On top of that I figured that I could learn something there including why they are holding this competition in the first place. So I went back into my house, grabbed my boots, my cloak, and some mini-bell peppers in case I get hungry. On top of that I figured I should come prepared for anything so I grabbed up my map of the secret underground tunnels within the Armorlands, and my guide on how to properly speak with others in the ArmorCity(including how to properly quote another person, how to emphasize what you are saying, and how to show others an art piece though its ironic that someone who is not very social wrote a book about how to be social) So once I had everything I thought I might need. I looked at where the flyer said to meet. It said that the there would be some sort of ceremony in the amphitheatre on August the 6th. I realized just then that people were freaking out over something that was not to start for nearly another two weeks or so. I opened up my map of the ArmorCity that was a replica of the one made by Strop. I saw that it was on the outside of the central ring of the city, close to many of the other areas I tend to visit such as the community hall, and imaginarium. Its odd that I could not remember how to get there, but whatever the case is, I set out to the amphitheatre so as to see what type of preparations were currently in order for this competition...

Preparations are in order

I walked to the great Arena expecting a crowd of people signing up to compete. I saw some signing up, but most just watched not interested in competing.. When I got there it was obvious though that there would be quite a bit of competition, and there were still many who wanted to sign-up. I saw a few familiar signatures on the list already, though some more that I have never seen before. I figured that it would be a good idea that since I had 2 weeks that I would make the best of it. I came back after the sign-up was closed and looked at the list. I copied it down on a small piece of parchment, and through the two weeks made sure to do two things. Through the first week I...researched the competition studying them, trying to figure out what they do and how they act so as to have an edge on them. Then the second week trained my own skills. Swordsmanship being my top priority training myself to swing faster, become more agile while wielding a blade, and most importantly how to fight each person with or without his sword if necessary. On the day before the competition I gathered everything together, again along with the information I had gathered on any possible opponents I may need to face during this competition. I didn't know what the competition held for me, or whether or not I would even need to fight anyone, but if I did then I was confident that I was prepared for it. After all I had knowledge, and knowledge is power as many say...

13,657 posts

More importantly, I really like your coloring, Cen.

Oh yeah, ref for hyena...
Anyway, I am progressing slowly on the bases, but I got the skin down last night (Well, for most), and have been guessing a lot about it > >...
Planning to do as much of the clothing today, and see how many layers I will be working with. Then it should be up for comments and stuff, and... Yeah.
3,337 posts

English people have blue eyes?
I do :3

Hey! Cen, the cartoon made me go "Hrrmm. Awww! *confused angry face*"

My entry might be one of the last ones in... I forgot to mention I'm extremely bad at meeting deadlines. I have no excuse to put off writing this other than, I don't know how exactly I'm going to write it!
13,657 posts

Hey! Cen, the cartoon made me go "Hrrmm. Awww! *confused angry face*"

It made me laugh > >...

Much better. *goes back to colouring*
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Me strory:
I was as always doing my experiments to discover the Philosopher's stone, the dream of every alchemist, I was so bored with this, cause I was a scientist, I did not feel as an alchemist and I did not wanted of ever becoming one. After some hours my boss Jabir told me to take a break and that he would continue, his theory was that metals like gold and silver could be hidden in alloys and ores, from which they could be recovered by the appropriate chemical treatment, I founded that quite stupid by a scientific point, but I had to try achieving that. Before leaving he started saying me again that metals could be recovered by the appropriate chemical treatment, i did not wanted to say to him that was impossible because his theory was based in his analysis, each classical element in terms of the four basic qualities of hotness, coldness, dryness, and moistness. He saw that I was not listening and I was wanting to leave, so he told me to go away, cause he was talking about the most important of all things. I went out and I saw a strange poster about an Armor City and a moderator recruitment, I was so happy I could get that job and maybe thanks to that find a job as scientist or coach or at lest a teacher. I had to run to my home, I putted random items in my bag, I wore my best suit and a wonderful tie, I took my soccer ball and my chemistry tools and I left to find a taxi to go there.

3,337 posts


Colouring getting difficult?
13,657 posts

Colouring getting difficult?

Difficult? No. Annoying and hard on my shoulders, as well as frustrating? Very much - -
You will see soon, I only miss the wings, some details and the eye colours.
13,657 posts

... Cen is tired now....
Comment with .. comments, things to change and a "go" for continuing, if everything's okay.

2,917 posts

I like it... a little to tan for my skin, though.

13,657 posts

And just realized I forgot to change the skintone of Pixel... Insanely pale - -

And I will try to find a better skintone for you, Dudeguy.

5,838 posts

And just realized I forgot to change the skintone of Pixel... Insanely pale - -

I was just about to mention that also could the rubber chicken be more yellow (sorry for the hassle)

Apart from that it looks brilliant.
13,657 posts

Well, all comments are welcome, there would be no reason for me to ask for them, if I just coloured like I wanted.
But I think I will wait with the changes just a bit... I think my muscles in my shoulders and neck decided to move or something... They hurt DX

13,657 posts

Reupload, changed a bit...

2,636 posts

Randy looks evil.

Well done, I like it.

13,657 posts

9) Correct any conflicts.
10) Resubmit to When you get the go-ahead, post your entry here.


Nice Cenere.

One go.
Well done, I like it.

Two go.
And I freaking love your character. If he had only been... Blue or something not black, I would have ... Idk, but he is so nice and simple!
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