Alright, let's do this thing.
Devoidless has broken the legendary Wheel of Moderation! Now, in times of great need, the administration of ArmorGames must work out a new way in which to select the next moderator. Strop has always maintained that only those who follow the elusive "Way of Moderation" can be made moderators.
Thus it has come to this. A tournament of epic proportions has been declared. One that will test the mettle of each and every of its candidates. A tournament that will pitch one's wit, one's might and one's integrity against each other! The tournament known as The Way of Moderation Trial!
Some of you may remember Cenere's Mixed World Tournament, and some of you may remember wishing another was held like it, except more light-hearted. Well, this is it!
In a nutshell, the Way of Moderation Trials (WoM) is a checkpoint-oriented story-telling competition. A plot will be presented to you and you will have the chance to write a response to it, thus contributing directly to the epic!
There are some things that are very very important for you to know. I will repeat this in a separate thread.
Soopah-doopah important information that you must not forget:
* You may be asking whether this has anything to do with being made moderator for real. It does not. This is a work of fiction and is generated purely for fun.
* You may then ask what's in it for you? I plan to make either an animation or a videogame based on the ArmorGames community, and the entire tournament is essentially an audition to have your character made into an official character in this project. Is that not an awesome prize!?
* This is an elimination contest. At certain points I will need to carve the numbers down. I will judge stories based not on how awesome they make your character look, but how convincing and how good a feel I can get for them. This is also to say that being the last character remaining is not the only way for your character to be included. I will need several.
* There will be two hosts. I am the main host, so what I say on this thread, goes. Cenere, having had experience with the previous event, has kindly agreed to be the co-host. I will sometimes turn over control of matters to Cenere, and when this happens what he says on this thread, goes :P
* Deadlines are as strict as I make them. I will never move a deadline forward but I may move them back. This is unlikely to happen unless some big disaster happens in my life though.
Understood all that? Still interested? Here's what you can do now:
1) Create a character. Use the guideline on the Official AG characters thread.
2) Submit character to either Cenere or me for approval. This can be done either via email or linking me to a separate site on my messenger. If approved I will unlock the thread above and you can submit there.
3) Once you have made the submission and it has been approved, you are officially entered into the WoM tournament.
4) Wait for further updates on this thread and follow the story and instructions that follow!
Finally, the July 5th 2009. After this, entries will close, and Part 1 will follow soon after.

p.s. further to this, I am off-duty until after my exams finish. Therefore you should direct your enquiries and applications to Cenere.
*runs away giggling*