do you think that time travel to the future would some day be possible? i don't think it would. if you think about it, the things that we do in the present affect outcomes in the future. and sense there are endless possibilities of things that can be done in the present, there could be millions of different futures. basically, its like trying to read ahead to the pages of an unfinished book to where nothing is written.
also, if time travel were possible period, wouldn't someone from the future come back in time to the present day and tell us? or maybe they're hiding in secret... knowing that if they reveal themselves to be visitors from the future that it will ultimately alter the future.
confused? well, just state your opinion of whether or not you think time travel will someday be possible. i think that only with something as complex as quantum computers will be closer to achieving the phenomenon of time travel.
Of course it's not possible, because the whole Time Travel business is a giant twisting paradox.
Let's try role-playing, shall we? You have a school project about Ben Franklin, so you are going to use a time machine to go to his era and ask him some questions. Would he be happy to see you, or will he be angry? I say the latter, because ten billion yen says that millions of other students like you have asked him questions before, all in the same time.
Would they travel in the same year as each other, or would they be branched off? It doesn't matter, because from the time that time that traveling was invented, to the time of human demise, all students who ignorantly thought of the same idea would visit Ben Franklin to ask him questions, so that's an exaggerated trillions of people all in the span of his lifetime, because time relatively stops for Ben Franklin, but time moves on in the "resent". So it cannot happen.
Besides, were there findings that showed that Ben Franklin went insane because trillions of people entered his home? No.
Has anyone seen the new Star Trek? The whole idea of traveling back and altering the past to create an alternative reality sounds the most realistic. To solve the whole time paradox idea that if you went back and time and killed your grandpa before he met your grandma thing, what probably will happen is that your grandpa dies and when you return to your time, it is as if you never existed. Or the second possibility: Since you are born, that is going to happen. Since the future says you are born not matter what you will be born. If you decide to kill your grandpa you will fail because are born. It is very confusing the whole idea of traveling back in time.( or the future for that matter.)
To physically travel into the future, you need to be going the speed of light. The fast you are going the faster time accelerates.
Look it up on youtube. i forget what show it is but Time Travel is posible in space between two black wholes. they just don't know how far and if you can survive it.
unless you purposly become one of those top people and go. IM PULLING A MARTY MCFLY! and jump in your delourian and go back in time. Too bad we can't pick what time we go back. or we can't go forward in time yet.
I'm inclined to believe time travel is impossible. If it is possible I think it would be a rather foolish thing to do. I mean if you went back the course of events would be forever changed by your presense. If you went forward it would be into a future timeline that included your own disappearance, since you would not be there to live the rest of your life. Just about any action involving time travel would create a temporal paradox. There would be all sorts of bizarre loops and alternate time lines (assuming that any of it is possible). If you went back to prevent something from happening and succeeded then there would be no need to go back to prevent it and thus the event would take place anyway causing you to go back to prevent it and on and on in an endless cycle. Unless perhaps you could arrange for your future self in the time line where said event did not take place to go back and prevent the event that never happened...Okay I'm going to stop before I really make my head hurt. Is growing pain in my head just serves to reinforce my feeling that time travel would be a rather foolish undertaking.
We're all time travelling, we just don't realize. Time is not a line flowing forward like a river, it's like a ocean, it's just there.
The simple progression we experience is just what our mind can understand, because if we had visions of the future, it would actually look like our past, cause they'd be memories, and you wouldn't never know if something happened or if you just imagined it, because your brain wouldn't be able to tell the difference between visions and memories
To time travel, you'd have to get rid of any anchor you might have, and so instead of living only one moment, you'd transcend into living any and every moment at the same time
And then you would no longer care about time travelling
We're all time travelling, we just don't realize. Time is not a line flowing forward like a river, it's like a ocean, it's just there.
That statement was pretty epic.
i think that if we have in time found a way to go back, we havent because the future people would go back in time but that hasnt happened yet.
I was thinking about this for awhile last night and I came to this conclusion: how can we know. I mean if people from the future have developed the ability to time travel would we even know. There would probably be all sorts of laws to govern time travel. A visitor from the future would probably do everything possible to avoid being recognized as such. They would not want to alter the course of events that lead to the future they came from.
state your opinion of whether or not you think time travel will someday be possible.
I'm with Douglas Adams' time travel concept here:
You can't cause yourself to not exist in the future by travelling back, because then you couldn't have travelled back in the first place. If you were to travel back and shoot your father and mother, it would only make you a bad person and prove that they were not your real parents. It would already have happened at the time you got into the machine in the first place, so there's no way to change it. Eventually, you could trigger it yourself, but that doesn't change anything.
Take another popular example: you travel back and become your own father. The proper thing to do now, once back in the time where you started, would be to walk up to your dad and to ask him why he never told you and he would have a memory of doing the exact same thing at your age.
This is a concept of time that's not that different from a concept of space, but why the heck not? If you experience something in the year 3037, there's nothinbg you can do by travelling back to 3015 to prevent it from happening. It will always happen anyway.
if we cant move a particle faster than light moving something larger than that will be almost impossible for the near future. by that i mean the next 20 years
I don't know if this thread is a repeat, but it seemed familiar to this one >_>
if we cant move a particle faster than light moving something larger than that will be almost impossible for the near future. by that i mean the next 20 years
well the laws of physics state that if you were to move anything greater than a few particles at the speed of light they will undoubtedly become so heavy, like a few tons, that the energy required will be enormous. The best we can do is move things at near speed of light but never faster. That is the speed limit of the universe.
According to Einsteins theory of Special Relativity, if you were to go faster than light you would shrink, gain mass (get heavier) and the world would appear from your perspective to slow down.
If you wanted to time trvel you'd have to have a large mass (red supergiant) and find a way to move it around two black holes. The gravity from the supergiant would wrap the wormholes and for every 10 orbits you would go back 1 month
This is not related to the thread, but it's still freaking awesome.
Well it didn't work. But if it wasn't related than I guess that's just as well...
If you wanted to time trvel you'd have to have a large mass (red supergiant) and find a way to move it around two black holes. The gravity from the supergiant would wrap the wormholes and for every 10 orbits you would go back 1 month
But how do you know you could go back? Time doesn't seem like something you can move back in...
And how would you get back, I mean what do you think someone would see if they were watching you go back in time? Just curious, and you seem to know a lot about it.