ForumsWEPRWhy do people hate death?

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5,642 posts

Well really, why do people think death is so bad?! I mean really, we're all just filthy, disease ridden unholy animals, so why wouldn't this be any more different from losing a mouse? Why do we allow ourselves to be attached to people, friends, and pets so... CLOSELY!? As far as I can tell, if you're able to be devastated by a guy/girl/pet if they have to go for a month, or die, then you have to detach a little from them.

Personally, I don't hate death, it's an acquaintance of mine, I mean, we're not super close but we say hi when we see each other.

Seriously though, why do people demonize death all the time? It's a natural part of life, in fact, without death, there wouldn't really be life.

  • 45 Replies
840 posts

becaus they want to live and do things which they cant do after dieng

451 posts

I don't think it's so much that people hate death but fear it. We fear what we can't understand until we're their. I've watched several people die. A few of those people being old and starting the beginning of the dieing process all the way to the end, where they actually pass. They seem to have good days and bad days. Some days they were as sharp as a tack and other days they were forgetful. Towards the end they have one or two rallies where it appears they're getting better but then they fall back to an even worse state. All through it though they never seemed to show fear, more so acceptance of death. I suppose throughout life we fear death until we are there ourselves, but then when we arrive at that moment, we realize that it might not be so bad.

890 posts

Because people fear what they do not know.

What is on the other side? Nothing? An afterlife? Do we become ghosts? Or is the no other side period?

If you had to jump into a pit and you had no way of telling how deep it was would you?

Again, people fear what they do not know.

890 posts

Oh yeah, and the people that HATE death are idiots. I can see fear, but not hate.

Something weird, I feel a lot sadder when my pets die than my family members... When my family member dies, I just move on to life. A few seconds of A LOT of frowning, then just plain frowning. Then I forget about it. Sure I think about them and miss them, but I've never cried.

But when my pets die, I cry. It's weird. Maybe... my pets treated me better? Yeah thats probably it(sorry mom and dad).

173 posts

Persoally it's not dying that I fear

It's how I am going to die.

1,053 posts

When my family member dies, I just move on to life.

Is this your extended family? Because you usually create a closer bond to your immediate family members where they make sudden impressions in your life. I mean, imagine life without your mum. I'd just wake up everyday to not see her there-oh great now you've made me shake!

Anyway. like GamesArmor said. People fear what they do not know. It's true because we always get things to prove something else. We see something in the corner move. We try to create a rational explanation. That's why in horror movies when something happens that there is no logical answer to, they start getting scared. We don't know what death is. I believe in Heaven and Hell and when Death comes I'll accept it and hopefully I'll get into Heaven.

This is such a serious topic for a gaming website :S
245 posts

I not hate death because all the people will die soon and death is life common.

6,800 posts

people are afraid of what they dont know, or understand. There just to many what ifs; what if i was wrong, what if i was too bad, etc. 'Death is a part of life', and not to be confused with 'Death is only the beggining'.

1,015 posts

Well really, why do people think death is so bad?! I mean really, we're all just filthy, disease ridden unholy animals

Thanks, I feel alot better about myself and others now... -_-

Strangely, i think of death as an exciting experience. It's a very questionable topic, and i just want to know what the result of it is, out of curiosity. :P
5 posts

people arent always only afraid of death. sometimes they are afraid that they may not see the ones they love ever again or they are afraid of pain that may result in pain. i wont go suicidal but, when death comes, i wont be afriad

6,921 posts

I mean really, we're all just filthy, disease ridden unholy animals, so why wouldn't this be any more different from losing a mouse?
We don't care about stupid animals that live for a short time as much.

And if you die, everything goes black. Forever.
4,682 posts

And if you die, everything goes black. Forever.

I'm guessing you don't believe in Heaven.
332 posts

Part of death is the loss. A person who was there, something that became regular, is gone. Its why we can separate ourselves from deaths of others, people we don't know never really were alive to us. Someone who's close and you have regular interaction with is harder to deal with, because you realize you'll never see that person again, never talk to them, never do any of the things that became a part of your life. I guess that's one of the reasons why so many people like to believe in heaven/hell, but I think that's deluding yourself, no disrespect. By today's laws of science (admittedly, they can be flawed, in fact they most certainly are. Still, they're the most reliable things we have to go on) there's no way something like heaven or hell could exist. Death is a disappearance in our lives, and humans don't like abrupt change like that, especially when we rely on those social interactions and let ourselves get attached.

3,550 posts

Well, we all just have to embrace what life throws at us, and if it is death, we just keep on moving, because death is immenent. There is no way to avoid it and if you die well, you die. You can't go back in time.

1,720 posts

like all humans, we fear what we don't understand. because death is an irremovable and completely unknown concept of life, people fear that it may be painful in ways that may or may not be conceivable. for example, in the old version "The Day the Earth Stood Still" an alien landed on earth. the army and the police surrounded him as he emerged from his space craft. as soon as he produced a small, weapon looking object, a paranoid soldier shot it and blew it up. the alien told them "that device had the power to create worlds..." or something like that.

but i don't fear death. if you think logically, there really is no reason to fear death. we fear the unknown yes, but why? if its unknown, then we have no reason to fear it. death is merely a time of eternal rest, or whatever happens when you die.

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