I fully agree with you, but good luck dealing with the Christians who are likely to flame this board
STERIOTYPING!!! STERIOTYPING!!! Oh, (inside voice) steriotyping, steriotyping! All joking aside, seriously dont steriotype. And dont give me the whole, 'one bad apple spoils the bunch...' Extremist are everywhere. If your gonna bash on Christian and Republican Extremist, Then you need to bash on Muslim Extremist blowing themselves up.
I was on Yahoo answers, and there was a person who was not particularly religious who asked a question.
Hmm...I bet you can all see where this is going. A person who's not religious, asking a question, to a crowd of crazy Christians. (Sorry, but those extremists need to get out of the media).
Here was a response the guy got...
Hmmm... Well, it would help if you posted the question...
First of all, what's with this "God made everything perfect"? If God made everything perfect, then why are babies still born with dissabilities? We didn't cause that by rejecting God, so why does it happen? Read Genesis. God told Adam and Eve NOT to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Do this, and the world would be nice. No sickness, poverty, starvation, etc. A snake told Eve to take a bite, and Eve told Adam to take a bite. And the Rest, is HISTORY! Or, if you don't know, God punished them for their sins by making them work for their food, and making all the bad things that would not have happened if they had obeyed God, become reality.
This is a reason why WOMEN have been plagued with unequal rights. Why WOMEN are viewed as the cooks, care takers, and everything else that men are too 'important' to do. The reason why most people dont realize this now is because its been going on for so long, we just assume it just 'happened'.
But anyway, this all sounds like a cult. Worship the unknown leader, don't ask why, just do it. Admit that you're a sinner, admit you've done wrong, let him be your master. Don't question, no no no don't question, just believe.
I questioned religion, heck, i walked away from Christianity. And in they end, I realized that Christianity was right, and it overall made my realitionship with God and Jesus stronger. Everybody questions things. Not questioning something YOU DONT KNOW makes you into a mindless zombie.
Believe it with all your heart and then finally you can go to...Heaven? Why do religious people use Heaven as their bartering tool? I mean, what's so great about it anyway?
Well, don't you think its much nicer to spend all eternity in a nice place, filled with the people you love, your friends, family, children and such? Or would you rather spend FOREVER in a burning lake of sulfur, being tortured and in absoulute pain FOREVER.
It seems like Christians are the ones who try to convert everyone else most the time. I mean most of them aren't like that, but there are too many that are. In my experience Muslims and Jews don't really do that as much.
Ok, I'm going to assume you live in 'western' society. Most of the MAIN relegions in 'western' society is CHRISTIANITY. You hear about people trying to convert other people because its the main religion, and there a heck of a lot more people trying to do it. If you went to Asia, or the Middle East, you'd see people selling Budhas, Korahs and such. There not speaking it, but in a way, there advertising there relegion, and trying to get you to join.
Yes, but they don't know that they're right. Yet some still insult other people's views and won't accept that there are other theories out there.
If God put up an advertisement, saying he'd heal everybody, and fix anyproblem, dont you think alot of people would become Christians? The reason this doesnt happen, is because it would:
A) Try Christians Faith.
B) All the wrong sorts of people would get in. The whole point of relegion, is that only the 'correct' or 'right' people get in. In Christianiy, you must believe with all you 'heart, mind, soul, and spirit'. If anybody could get in, it would defeat the whole purpose.
My intention was to discuss why major religions seem so much like those little cults you see in the movies. You know, they have their robes and stuff. Of course they are a small religion on their own, but like I said, you'd think that the major religions wouldn't want to be as closely related to those cults.
Your thinking too much of a Catholic Church, or the Pope. Their churches and special occasions tend to have mor splendor, and the churches are much mor eheavily ornamented. Im Protestant, and that differs from Catholicism because Protestant denominations tend to be more simpler, and are less grand then the same occasions in a Catholic Churh. I know, my mom and stepdad are Protestant, and My stepmom is Catholic.
Really? My religion has gotten this stupid? *thinks about turning antagonostic*
All relegions are 'stupid' if you think about it like that. Its just like sports, American football is really just a bunch of guys bashing eachother over a ball. Soccer (or Futbol, I'm part German :P) is just guys kicking a ball. Everything in life is stupid in that mindset. If you think about it like that, why even bother living? (These arnt my views, im just expressing them if you were to think in that mindset).