IF you could change one thing in this world what would it be?? (nothing inappropriate) only one thing!!! You could add something or take something away anything!!!
For people to have much more open minds...towards anything
Would that include having an open mind to not having an open mind? If so, you could not possibly make this change because the change is a contradiction of itself.
AKA Not being conservative?
Just not being too far to either side. There are accepting conservatives and accepting liberals, and there are radical conservatives and radical liberals.
Just not being too far to either side. There are accepting conservatives and accepting liberals, and there are radical conservatives and radical liberals.
Precisely. Most liberals on here are radical, most conservatives are radical but not hyper pushy bash everybody that's not liberal.
That's the bashing I was talking about. You people act as if being conservative is a disease, so before you ever call us close-minded rednecks again, think about what you're saying, ass you have a 90% chance of being close-minded yourself. So as a counter...
And I wasn't. I was using it as an example as I have not found a short and good enough one to use in a while. So sorry, it's hard to tell with text on a page.
wow its amazing how fast this turned into a flame war
How is it a flame war? Nobody's bashing anybody, and it's an intelligent debate.
Anyway, back on topic. Another way I would change the world is to free every country from economic dependency on one another, and have trade a truly free trade of capitalism, not monopolism. I would also abolish communism and socialism. As well as all forms of religious governments and create 3 religions, Monotheism, Polytheism and Meditation.
I would stop global warming and fix the economy, and everyone on earth right now chooses their age they want to be and stay that way forever. No more new people. But idk how i would do that XDDD
Liberals are more open minded towards things a lot of the time. I'm not saying that conservatives can't be open minded, but they are usually the ones that want more rules on certain issues.
but they are usually the ones that want more rules on certain issues.
At least more strict rules. An issue I'm thinking of is abortion, most conservatives are against it. But it seems like if some were a bit more open minded about it, and could accept that it's none of their business what the women does with her unborn fetus, people might not be killing abortion doctors. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying that every conservative is going to go out and kill people. I'm just saying that it might not happen if there was a less strict attitude about it.
I don't think that is the case even half the time. Every conservative (including myself) I know is more pro-choice than anything. It's because all the politicians are religious old fools that they have these rules on things. Conservatives are just that, conservative. In fact, depending on which way you look at it, liberals are conservative, and conservatives are liberals. It's just how one looks at it. It's the minority that give the majority a bad name.
Also, I think that a bartering system would do good for the world. A set price on everything doesn't make a lot of sense, except for things that need a set price (i.e. Oil, food, weapons, ect.).