Its told that their will be 3 Antichrist's in the world through out time. The first one was Napoleon Bonaparte. The second and most understandable was Adolf Hitler. And the third has yet to be "found".
But hears how I think the 3rd one will come about.
Napoleon conquered all of Europe (Except England) and parts of Africa. He attacks Russia, his troops are ill equipped and short supplied and looses the battle with Russia.
Fast Forward. Hitler (minus the Holocaust) conquered all of Europe (except the neutral countries and England) and parts of Africa (Because Italy needed help). Decides to attack Russia, troops are ill equipped and ill supplied and thats the biggest reason the Germany lost the war.
So I believe that the next Antichrist will somehow conquer Europe, and parts of Africa. But will try to attack Russia and will loose. History DOES repeat itself.
But thats what I think, what about others thoughts.
Do you not know anything? Napoleon and Hitler both tried to rule the world. Hitler was responsible for about over 40 million deaths and the Holocaust. I don't know much about the Bible but isn't Antichrist like the polar opposite of Jesus? Jesus was a man of peace and Hitler was a man of war. Now that I think, about Nostradamus predictions are a bit of a stretch.
To the topic that Obama is the next "Antichrist". You must be involved in the KKK to believe such bull, or you watch fox news. Fox News is actual pretty comical actual.
Probably who will fit the description of the next "Antichrist" is who ever starts WW3 or some other great war. And this new "Antichirst" will probably lead us in a nuclear war and that kills of all of humanity. Hurray! Anyway, that's what I think the Apocalypse is going to be. Hopefully I'm wrong. I think I said my peace.
Oh because the last time I saw Fox not in a negative way was... *thinks*... Oh I don't know. Long time. Besides I don't even watch Fox anymore. The local one is redundant and immaculate.
Oh because the last time I saw Fox not in a negative way was... *thinks*... Oh I don't know. Long time. Besides I don't even watch Fox anymore. The local one is redundant and immaculate.
The antichrist (the great deciever) will actually decieve (duh) people into giving what he wants.
Napoleon and Hitler both tried to rule the world.
Here is the thing about that: Hitler qualifies as a "great deciever". Napoleon does not.
Hitler convinced thousands to support him and follow his commands. He then used that power to further his own twisted agenda. Napoleon openly claimed that it was his right to rule the world. To my knowledge he commited no "great" deception.
The antichrist (the great deciever) will actually decieve (duh) people into giving what he wants. He'll get a postion in government, and then talk the world into letting him help 'fix' the worlds problems (terrorism, hunger, poverty, etc). It goes good for a while, and for 3 1/2 years (Bible, Revelations), are relativley good years for people under his rule (bassicaly the whole world).
France under Napoleon and Germany under Hitler had many problems economic and political. They didn't fix many problems. The only possibility that they were the Antichrist is that they were so skilled that they skipped the first stage, the solving problems.
I don't know about 3 antichrists but I do know there will be one for sure. I don't think he has been born yet . . . I don't think any of the stuff in the book of Revelation will happen to this generation.
The second and most understandable was Adolf Hitler.
um adolf hitler was not an anarchist, he followed the rules of government.... the government at the time. he did not do away with government.... he simply changed the rules to his standards.