ForumsWEPRThe next Antichrist

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4 posts

Now hear me out on this

Its told that their will be 3 Antichrist's in the world through out time. The first one was Napoleon Bonaparte. The second and most understandable was Adolf Hitler. And the third has yet to be "found".

But hears how I think the 3rd one will come about.

Napoleon conquered all of Europe (Except England) and parts of Africa. He attacks Russia, his troops are ill equipped and short supplied and looses the battle with Russia.

Fast Forward.
Hitler (minus the Holocaust) conquered all of Europe (except the neutral countries and England) and parts of Africa (Because Italy needed help). Decides to attack Russia, troops are ill equipped and ill supplied and thats the biggest reason the Germany lost the war.

So I believe that the next Antichrist will somehow conquer Europe, and parts of Africa. But will try to attack Russia and will loose. History DOES repeat itself.

But thats what I think, what about others thoughts.

  • 75 Replies
395 posts

It is Obama.

He isn't going to attack anyone and that is exactly the point.

Right now he is leaving our long time ally Israel hung to dry. Without some US military support and some intervention on Iran's nuclear program they will be wiped off the face of the earth. The Jihadist's have made their intentions very clear. This will start a nuclear war and will spawn what we will call WWIII. Millions upon millions of people will die since many countries that will be involved will have nuclear capabilities.

He is antichrist. Impeach him NOW before he turns into a socialist nation and starts a war.

2,399 posts

Antichrist, you could say any Atheist is antichrist, but not be a bad person, I'm atheist, peopl use Antichrist in a completely wrong way, saying that being antichrist is a bad thing, do you think all people that don't believe in god are bad, cause that is what you are referring too with saying Antichrist. now you might be saying that some people dont like the Christian faith, I don't like some of there practices, but tat shouldn't make me a bad person by just that, Antichrist is the wrong format to say these horrible people were. i may have this wrong I may be thinking that when you say that you mean Anti-god or Anti-christian but I'm not sure so Im just typing this up.

160 posts

It is Obama.

He isn't going to attack anyone and that is exactly the point.

Right now he is leaving our long time ally Israel hung to dry. Without some US military support and some intervention on Iran's nuclear program they will be wiped off the face of the earth. The Jihadist's have made their intentions very clear. This will start a nuclear war and will spawn what we will call WWIII. Millions upon millions of people will die since many countries that will be involved will have nuclear capabilities.

He is antichrist. Impeach him NOW before he turns into a socialist nation and starts a war.

Of course, are we gonna trust some atheist commies or are we gonna trust the highly unbiased and very credibly FOX NEWS and RUSH LIMBAUGH!!!!

2,399 posts

Of course, are we gonna trust some atheist commies or are we gonna trust the highly unbiased and very credibly FOX NEWS and RUSH LIMBAUGH!!!!


Wow um... your an idiot. I'm an Atheist and proud to be one, I'm a Liberal and proud to be one, I'm also pro-choice. While your part of a failing Republican party I'm part of a succeeding Democratic party.
While Bush an Cheny were slacking off, shooting people and playing golf, the Democrats were trying to fix things over here. You really want your countries leader to be like that? That reflects on us you know.
1,455 posts

Krizaz, read his post again. I think it was sarcasm.

2,399 posts

Krizaz, read his post again. I think it was sarcasm.

No, it didn't sound like sarcasm, neither did the post he quoted. I've read other post of his, that post was not sarcasm.
1,455 posts

Hmm, well I just got here. But he capitalized the most ridiculous parts as if to make them stand out as ridiculous. If he's not being sarcastic... wow, EPIC FAIL!

310 posts

socialist nation

Socialism and Communism aren't the same. As far as I know Sweden is a Socialist country, and no one in the U.S. seems to have a problem with them. How can you have a problem with the country where the Nobel Peace Prize is awards?
566 posts

It's so amazing how even a thread about the antichrist can convert to a pro/con Obama thread...

5,642 posts

Just because you're blind to Fox's annoying and sometimes comical bias doesn't mean people use it as a scapegoat.

Never take fox seriously, because they rickroll each other for birthdays and april fools, they're fail.

As for this entire Antichrist business, this is fail, really it is. First of all, napoleon being an Antichrist is bull. For god sakes he unified France and acquired land, not for simple sh*ts and giggles but in good intention. An Antichrist does the conquering, deceit, and evil with well, evil intentions. not hard to figure out :\\.

Now then, Hitler being an Antichrist? okay c'mon, the guy was a christian, he did the holocaust because he was a right winged christian who believed the Jewish should die for not believing in Christianity. As for the next Antichrist, I don't beleive there will be one. After all, they'd have to be wearing a white robe, have a halo, and a huge brown beard.

What? You think that sounds like Jesus? Well guess what, the antichrist is supposed to be someone who was able to get the entire world to beleive he is Jesus Christ. Then, the rapture would come. Is this really so hard to understand? A lot of christians I know don't even know that :\\ it's really stupid, man.
395 posts

the antichrist is supposed to be someone who was able to get the entire world to beleive he is Jesus Christ

That sounds exactly like Barak Housein Obama to me. He has some crazy followers. Some of them are absolute psychopaths. They really claim that he is the messiah, that he was sent to fix the world and that he is here to save us all. "He is here to save us all and fix the world!" That is how ignorant and brainwashed some people are about this guy.

It was exactly the same with Hitler. I find it frightening the connections between the two.
5,642 posts

That is how ignorant and brainwashed some people are about this guy.

they obviously have no grasp of the second coming of Jesus, and as for Hitler... well, people changed their thoughts of him quickly, that was of a different part of time where people turned to new ideas in order to feel safe, and Hitler promised them a perfect world. With the state of mind that nearly everyone had at that time, who wouldn't? Hell, in the great depression Americans thought Stalin's ideas were great.
2,399 posts

That sounds exactly like Barak Housein Obama to me. He has some crazy followers. Some of them are absolute psychopaths. They really claim that he is the messiah, that he was sent to fix the world and that he is here to save us all. "He is here to save us all and fix the world!" That is how ignorant and brainwashed some people are about this guy.

It was exactly the same with Hitler. I find it frightening the connections between the two.

He is a moral boost for the world, especially 3rd world nations, how can you tihnk that is bad? You are the psychopath, and if your thinking he is trying to claim he is Jesus, which he's not, lookat ak=ll the Atheist, most of them would have voted for obama, since he is not the type of person that would bow down to the stinking bible, which is what morons like you are doing!
5,642 posts

since he is not the type of person that would bow down to the stinking bible


but I agree with Krizaz, obama won't sell his soul to god, the devil, or anyone else. He goes at things, and compromises like a real man.
332 posts

That sounds exactly like Barak Housein Obama to me. He has some crazy followers. Some of them are absolute psychopaths. They really claim that he is the messiah, that he was sent to fix the world and that he is here to save us all. "He is here to save us all and fix the world!" That is how ignorant and brainwashed some people are about this guy.

If I may remind you of the other choice...
Some of Sarah Palin's followers were just as psychopathic, calling for the death of Barrack Obama during the election.
As for the ignorant, brainwashed comment, sure, some people are a little too devoted to be completely sane, but that's why you can't judge the entire support of Obama by a few people, just like the entire support of Sarah Palin shouldn't be judged by those supporters who called for his death. They're always those who place too much faith in something.

It was exactly the same with Hitler. I find it frightening the connections between the two.

Huh, you know, I think I remember seeing that somewhere. Of course, the Daily Show did a nice spoof on it, so it must have come from Fox. Still, trying to connect him to someone who caused the Holocaust and upward of 70 million deaths isn't exactly going to be taken kindly here, but the fact is you can find connections anywhere you want as long as you're looking for them.
I could connect the Bee's dying off with the War on Terror, since the bee's started disappearing in some areas at the same time the War on Terror started. Ridiculous, I know, but its still a connection. So don't assume just because you found a similarity or two they're in the exact same mindset

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