Hey, I just thought of this. Don't know if it's a repeat thread or not.
There are a lot of crappy bands out there that got a lot of recognition when they don't deserve it (ie., The Jonas Brothers). Then there are bands that are good, but are over hyped to the point of ridiculous. Here is the basis of this thread.
RULES It's in bold cause it's the LAW - Name the band - Give a reasonable reason as to why said band is to be overrated
Examples of bad reason: "The Jo Bros. suck ass! XD LOLOLOLOLOL"
"Linkin Park blows"
Example of good reason:
"The Jonas Brothers are overrated because they only make their music directed towards a specific age group. This shows their lack of versatility as songwriters and musicians. Also, girls may only like them because they think they are "hawt."
- NO SPAM - If you are going to argue with someone, do not write in all caps, and make it a reasonable argument, and please be mature about it.
So, here is my overrated band.
Nirvana. Yes, I said Nirvana. People give Nirvana way too much props for evolving music and what not. I don't think they did anything special. They were a good band, don't get me wrong, but they weren't even the best band from the decade that they were popular in. I do not consider them to be better than the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pearl Jam, or even Alice In Chains. Most people sympathize with Kurt Cobain's suicide, which may be a leading reason as to why everyone says they are so great. They don't want to be flamed upon and ridiculed by everyone who thinks that Kurt Cobain is a legend. Now, in some respects, he was a legend. Most of Nirvana's songs were about the most ridiculous things. For instance, they have a song called "Rape Me." Most of the time, you can't understand any of the lyrics because Kurt Cobain is barely annunciating the words. Did you know that Rolling Stone Magazine ranked him the 12th Greatest Guitarist of All Time? What a load of bullshit that is. Most of any of the lists that Rolling Stone Magazine does are based on the biased opinions of the writers. Not to mention, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is definitely the most overrated song ever. The lyrics make no sense, much like most of Nirvana's songs. It is a good song, but I don't even consider it to be their best song. To me, that would be "Lithium". You know it's really bad when one of the former members (Dave Grohl) goes on to have a vastly better band than his old one.
Really, I thought Coldplay was kinda underrated. I like them a lot, and I don't think they get their proper recognition.
People judge them by Viva la Vida and Yellow. . . .
a Rush of Blood to the Head is a phenomenal album by any standard. It's complicated, sounds great, and it all flows so well. SO is Viva La Vida - the only bad song is, of course, their Grammy-winning title cut, Viva la Vida.
I would agree in saying that Avenged Sevenfold is overrated. Their songs are simple, empty, and just don't do it for me.
I'm more of a U2 person but I've heard all there songs.
Viva La Vida Yellow Clocks Life in Technicolor Cemeteries of London 42 Lost! Lovers in Japan/ Reign of Love Yes Violet Hill Strawberry song Death and all his friends 2000 Miles
I think the most overrated band is Kiss. Yes, they do have a lot of good songs, but they aren't that good. They're guitar definitely isn't my favorite, and the vocals sort of give me goosebumps... In a bad way.
(Guitar may be biased by my like of heavy guitar parts).
WQell, there a deffinatly alot of over rated bands. But come on. Lets be fair here.
The only people that should be really over rated are the oens you hear all the time. Such as hannah montana/jonas brothers.
First of all, tell me this. If I ran around wearing scarves, shiny high heeled boats, insanley tight pants, tight v necks, and tight gay little jackets.....would every one not call me gay?
Then there is hannah montana. She is awfull, and really is only popular, not becuse she is good. But becuse her dad got her the Show through his frineds, then little kids who know nothing gloriffied her, and she got money form there parnets buying her music for them.
Then I leave you with this. How can you be a "band" When you have no fans that are over 9? Like how would that make you feel?
"Um...yeah, I have no real fans....it's just kinda little slobbery kids who want my sexy boots"
Viva La Vida Yellow Clocks Life in Technicolor Cemeteries of London 42 Lost! Lovers in Japan/ Reign of Love Yes Violet Hill Strawberry song Death and all his friends 2000 Miles
do you have Shiver? I think that is one of their best...maybe IS their best.
war tank u are so wrong his singing is pretty good.
Wow...did i just hear someone say his singing is good? Vampire, i think you should get on itunes more and go scavenge for bands on the front page! Heck, there are rappers that sing better than metallica's lead singer. I sing better than him.(though that's not saying much) haha :P
You mean the song that says miss you miss you/Don't waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head how many times?
Haha! yeah i was being sarcastic. :P but really, there are more repetetive songs that have gotten more fame. also Adam's song really isn't repetetive.(though the chorus is still a little annoying)
Heh, gonna have to go with WarTank. Metallica could be incredible (To me) if it weren't for that Gawdawful vocalist. Seriously. I sing better than him. And that is saying alot.
Kidding. I'm not bad. WarTank is convinced I'm gawdawful at it too, for some reason. >_<
But seriously, They need to get rid of that singer before I toss myself off my bed inro my laptop. And you know what? I don't care if that doesn't make sense! :P