ForumsPopular MediaThe Most Overrated Band

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364 posts

Hey, I just thought of this. Don't know if it's a repeat thread or not.

There are a lot of crappy bands out there that got a lot of recognition when they don't deserve it (ie., The Jonas Brothers).
Then there are bands that are good, but are over hyped to the point of ridiculous. Here is the basis of this thread.

RULES It's in bold cause it's the LAW
- Name the band
- Give a reasonable reason as to why said band is to be overrated

Examples of bad reason:

"The Jo Bros. suck ass! XD LOLOLOLOLOL"

"Linkin Park blows"

Example of good reason:

"The Jonas Brothers are overrated because they only make their music directed towards a specific age group. This shows their lack of versatility as songwriters and musicians. Also, girls may only like them because they think they are "hawt."

- If you are going to argue with someone, do not write in all caps, and make it a reasonable argument, and please be mature about it.

So, here is my overrated band.

Nirvana. Yes, I said Nirvana. People give Nirvana way too much props for evolving music and what not. I don't think they did anything special. They were a good band, don't get me wrong, but they weren't even the best band from the decade that they were popular in. I do not consider them to be better than the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pearl Jam, or even Alice In Chains. Most people sympathize with Kurt Cobain's suicide, which may be a leading reason as to why everyone says they are so great. They don't want to be flamed upon and ridiculed by everyone who thinks that Kurt Cobain is a legend. Now, in some respects, he was a legend. Most of Nirvana's songs were about the most ridiculous things. For instance, they have a song called "Rape Me." Most of the time, you can't understand any of the lyrics because Kurt Cobain is barely annunciating the words. Did you know that Rolling Stone Magazine ranked him the 12th Greatest Guitarist of All Time? What a load of bullshit that is. Most of any of the lists that Rolling Stone Magazine does are based on the biased opinions of the writers. Not to mention, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is definitely the most overrated song ever. The lyrics make no sense, much like most of Nirvana's songs. It is a good song, but I don't even consider it to be their best song. To me, that would be "Lithium". You know it's really bad when one of the former members (Dave Grohl) goes on to have a vastly better band than his old one.

Oh, and let the mayhem begin.....

  • 58 Replies
405 posts

Jonas Brothers, obviously Disney made up another fantasy story, cause that's not music and he really isn't prince charming.

Linkin park, Numetal will rot.. It's pretty dead by now, but it's getting a revival by "Hardcore" fans that call it punk instead.

Bring Me the Horizon, scene/br00t4l kids destroyed death metal with a "core" fad ideal, what more is there to say? they're ok, but they're obviously overrated

4,013 posts

Yes,as much as I hate to admit it,Nirvana would have to be the most overrated. They were a great band who just developed into radio-friendly music when Cobain killed himself. Thus,it very much angers me when some stoner goes on youtube and says Nirvana is the greatest band of all-time. What? You think Nirvana is better than much more refined radio-friendly bands of the time,such as Pearl Jam,Smashing Pumpkins or R.E.M.? Even the Foo Fighters,Nirvana's protege,are much greater than Nirvana. They're even saying they are better than classic,legendary bands such as Led Zeppelin,The Who,Rolling Stones,Cream,and even better than the greatest band of all-time,The Beatles? How high would you have to be to make such a statement such as that? Pretty crazy people,mind you,pretty crazy.

847 posts

Cannibal Corpse. They're a good band and they helped bring death metal into the mainstream, but after Barnes left they've pretty much been making the same album over and over again.

1,181 posts

honestly I agree with Google567 he's right Nirvanna sucks anyway...BRAVO Google567 BRAVO...!

1,081 posts

WarTank is convinced I'm gawdawful at it too

You just lack the confidence and leadership to stand at the front of our group. and i never said you were bad, i just said i was better
4,536 posts

Right. because that makes me feel better. *Muh*

*Falls to knees* *Drops on forearms* *Feels inadequate* *Throws up on matress* *Backspaces previous action*

What? Who said that?
Has anybody said Metallica besides WarTank & I?

4,013 posts

honestly I agree with Google567 he's right Nirvanna sucks anyway
...Inever said Nirvana sucks. In fact I have a link to Come As you are for you to educate your mind. Aand if you still think they stink,please tell me you think that the Foo Fighters are good. Here's a link.
29 posts

The Jonas Brothers suck, the only people who like them are 14-year old girls and 42-year old pedophiles...

887 posts

I'd say anything that's Heavy Metal.I might make some people mad but I just don't like their style.

I also hate screamo! (scremo?)

I'm sorry but it says overrated bands not a whole genre of music and by the way a whole genre can't be overrated or underrated, only the specific band can. Coldplay is overrated in England they have had a few number 1's. You don't know anything about music.
1,562 posts

TheWarTank33 said:

have you heard I Miss You?'s not very repetetive at all.

I know my reply is a little late, but here it is

Yes, I just listened to it on youtube. It is VERY repetetive, the drumline doesn't change, you can hardly hear the guitar at all, and the only semi-decent thing in that song was the base, but even that wasn't that great. Plus they they repeat the chorus over and over again at the end. My point, blink-182 doesn't really have any good guitar solos or jamming. All their songs are just so repetetive...and plus, that annoying voice that the singer has.
671 posts

actually nobody i know thinks that blink has great guitar parts. in my town, they have a lot of fans, and they like the simplicity and down-to-earth mood of them. i love them, and i like them for those reasons.

anyway, i think 3OH3 is entirely overrated, they only have one song that is popular, but honestly sounds like like crap to me. and if you see any of their performances or their music video, you can tell that they are those guys who are WAYYY too self-absorbed and think that they are the coolest thing since sliced bread, even tho they cant sing or really do anything

1,089 posts

haha i laughed @ all the ppl who said james hetfield is an awfull singer are u sure u ever listened to metallica?as for the most overrated band i agree with captain samoa

1,312 posts

I might have said Nirvana is the most overrated band before,but now that I've got to say Metallica after all of these Metallica testimonies I've read.

360 posts

Green Day for the last too albums (American idiot and The 21st Centurt Breakdown)...
Their firts albums were great (Dookie, Warning, Nimrod...), but when they turned into mainstream-girlie pop-punk, they just went overrated...
Every teenager think there great, but their stupid """""concept-album"""" in three parts are just shit...

3,550 posts

I feel like saying the Jonas Brothers at the top of my lungs, but I think someone else has done that. I mean they are just a crappy band that has to rely on Disney to get fame. That is just low. I'm sure it'll get you a lot of fans but they suck! And I don't see how anyone could like them.

There, I got that off meh chest.

Showing 31-45 of 58