if uv seen the movie cloverfield i want to know if u liked it becoucas a lot of my friends said they hated it but i think it was one of the best movies of the 2000s dont put anything to rash.
When it ended people in the cinema didn't leave cos they wouldb;t accept that "that" was the ending. Badly filmed the hand held camera didn;t have to be that bad. and a boring plot.
It certainly left alot of people going 'Huh? It's over?' at the end. And many went home nauseous. Too much camera movement.
if there wasn't that nagging feeling of me wanting to throw up.
Really I guess I don't see what was so bad about it. I haven't watched it in awhile but from what I remember it was limited to basically one handheld camera the whole movie and because of that the frame pretty much bounced around from start to finish but it is a real great tool for the first person exp.
Look the camera is much more realistic than the Blair witch project at least, also if the movie sent you home wondering, in the last scene
when the the two characters are on that ride focused on the ocean, as the boat goes by if you look real close (camera is easy to focus with this time, also you can pause it on dvd) there is a splash near the boat, if you look even more careful there is a black spot moving and then the splash, so the monster is from space.
Wow.... There's another part if you pause and zoom in on the monster's armpit, you can see like an alien face coming from the spotlights. Did anyone see Quarantine? I wanted to.
@MusicCrazed123: I have never actually seen Quarantine, but I want to. It's all about zombies, right?
@nichodemus: Yes, it was just too young but too big..imagine just how huge its parents are..
For me, now that JJ Abrams is done with his "Star Trek", it is possible that he and Matt Reeves might greenlit it once again without us knowing it coming. Well, as a fan, I hope so. I just like the movie.
If they do make another one I will be torn between not wanting to go see it becasue it was terrible and wanting to go see it becasue it might give some answers to the many questions of the first. I think having some answers would change my view of the first slightly.
Pshh.. if i was to see a sequel of Cloverfield, it would probably be because the effects were amazing. the ending was completely unexpected and made me "wtf?". Which is kind of nice to see in a movie.