because the parents come out and tell the truth.
So the only reason you believe in god is because your parents or some other authority figure hasn't told you otherwise? Try thinking for yourself mate. Ask questions, come to your own conclusions instead of being force-fed millenia old indoctrinated hogwash.
Yet, while I do admit the Universe can exist without God I think It's an extraordinary claim to say he doesn't exist, to me it just doesn't fit.
You say it doesn't fit, but not why. You say the proof is personal - so it obviously doesn't apply in a *real* proof sense, where facts and proof are objective, not subjective. "Not possible to grasp without a little help". Well, I'm not really interested in helping to delude myself into something that has no basis in the truth.
I've already admitted I saw the problem but the bible isn't the gateway into Christianity the acceptance that God exists is then as I said before the bible will begin to make sense.
And again, you cannot accept that god exists unless you *want* that delusion.
It's really quite terrible actually, it blinds you to the idea that things may not be as they seem. For example I broke my ankle this summer and it's healing much faster than it was expected to, to you this is a marvel of the human body or medicine. To me it proves that there's something out there working for me, yes my body and medicine had a lot to do with it but to me they didn't have EVERYTHING to do with them.
If you think I'm blind because I'm not believing in things that aren't real... I don't even know what to say to that. It's just so... unfathomable a comment I'm totally blown away.
So you would trust your own logic and intelligence to reveal to you everything that is true?
Not everything, and certainly not right away. I'm not even going to live long enough to find out the really cool stuff about the universe; kind of too bad.
Actually I do thanks, and while a theory is an idea that's very far along it's almost impossible to prove the theory of evolution is true because *looks around* yup no time machine.
That was mostly directed at patriotboy, but I'll respond. You don't need a time machine to continue to build evidence for evolution. I think you're also confusing it with abiogenesis. Scientists are working on this too. Taking inanimate proteins and poking & prodding them with various external stimulii in attempts to create life in a laboratory. Evolution is a theory concerning the development of life after the initial formation.. and it's pretty rock solid by now. It's.. nearly 150 years old? I don't remember the date, but it's coming along now.
Besides, if there are parts of evolution that turn out to be not as accurate as others, they will be changed & appended as we learn new things - scientists don't stick to something that's wrong despite all evidence to the contrary - unlike religious dogma & holy books.
God doesn't belong in the same category as Santa.
It's just as much a fairy tale as any of the others to me. There is as much proof for santa or the tooth fairy as there is for god, which is to say *none* at this time.
you cannot prove or not prove the existence of god or whether all scientific theories assumed to be true, are true or not.
Three words. Burden of proof. Atheists don't need to achieve 'ultimate proof'. We're fine sitting in the spot where our would-be opponents have none to support their claims.. and it's sort of a win by default.
Well gents; I'll be back later. I need to try for some sleep again; not working out today.