I am talking about what would be classified as scientific evidence.
There are a million and one things in everyday life that science can't explain/give a reason for. Religion is one of these things. And frankly I'm tired of arguing a basically lost cause.
I beg to differ Firefly1V when you said "the fact that there has been absolutely no sign of a God"
How has there been no sign of a god. Lets say were talking about Christian God Jesus Christ is a sign, The bible is a sign, miracles is a sign and those are factual actual events or things. (Of course people would argue that point)
Jesus Christ is the biggest example. Like when he ressurected a dead guy.
1 How can you prove that Jesus did the things it says he did? (not saying he didnt exist at all) 2 How is the bible an example?
Hmm, that's odd, I posted, got 1AP, but my post seems to have disappeared. Oh well, I'll post it again:
yes but having your moral standard existing right know, you could always decide between right or wrong.(i exclude prisoner dilemma or ethical problems like would you rather kill xxx to save yyy and similar). so if you behave in a way, you would probably chose what you believe is right. therefore you are limited there.
Just because I'll choose what is right doesn't mean I don;t have the ability to choose what is wrong. The point I was trying to make was that theists often have a set, unchangeable set of morals they have to adhere to, and so are limited much more than I would beby my own moral code.
it also shows that in a society right or wrong is not so subjective. otherwise people would not accept these values
Not necessarily. All you have to do is look at previous societies which outlawed homosexuality or infringed upon black civil rights to disprove this argument. What a society considers to be legal/illegal does not necessarily make them morally right/wrong.
Flag Do you believe in god?! I dont believe in him!!! Please could you explain me how people could believe in god?!
Basically your saying cuz you cant see him he cant be real? Theres alot of stuff that cant be explained and this is one of them. The bible is why people believe in god you dont have too see him its like a feeling that someone is there you know what i mean personally I dont got a opinon I go to church cuz its interesting to hear what people say about it.
that all depends...can you explain to me how people could believe in the Big Bang?
Some scientific evidence, although they're flaws in the theory. Backed up by many reputable scientists and taught as a part of the curriculum in schools (at least, in many schools). Plus, it doesn't have an omnipotent being in it that goes around making the universe. The main reason why the Big Bang is more of a valid theory than a God is because it uses actual science to back it up. Yes, its not 100% correct, as there are some holes in it, but on the other hand, Christianity has many more holes in its theory's. Honestly, I don't really believe in it, although I accept that its one of the most valid theory's we have today. Although it may be easier to believe, Christianity, and many other religions, have very little actual reliable evidence (Logic, Science, ETC.) to back it up, unlike the Big Bang theory, which does have quite a bit of Science, although it lacks some of the logic necessary for it to be a concrete idea
Umm THE BIBLE WAS MADE BY GOD AND THERE WERE EYE WITNESSES TO EVERYTHING JESUS DID (discluding ressurrecting) You could even trace the bystander grand childre (i know that'd be nearly impossible but still possible) (some would be willing to argue that you can find their grand children)
Well I could say a little of the miracles he did but that'd take to long obviously .
1. Like I said he ressurrected a dead guy.
2. He ressurrected himself from a cave that was blocked at the entrence and when people dug out the cave the noticed that there wasn't a diffrence on how the blocked off entrence looked. In fact they fully thought they would see Jesus when they unblocked the entrence.
Is that good enough for you thisisnotanalt. Also the thought that God made the Bible seems pretty bullet proof to me (others will argue there no *prooof* that he made the bible). I believe that if someone made the bible that they'd admit to it
Honestly, I don't really believe in it, although I accept that its one of the most valid theory's we have today.
most valid doesn't make it correct. and i believe that while religion has more unexplained holes in it, there are more ways to disprove the big bang theory.
You have no proof. The Bible is thousands of years old, and people didn't understand things back then. Society was not advanced back then - they were ignorant as to how the world works on any level, and they would believe a lot of stuff - stories like the resurrection would spread by word of mouth, right? And as stories spread by word of mouth, they get distorted.
2. He ressurrected himself from a cave that was blocked at the entrence and when people dug out the cave the noticed that there wasn't a diffrence on how the blocked off entrence looked. In fact they fully thought they would see Jesus when they unblocked the entrence.
If he was the only one in there, how do you know he ever actually died? The definition of 'death' has radically changed over just the last 40 years - imagine how much it's changed over 2,000 years. It's possible he never died - he just was knocked unconscious for a while.
There's no proof that the Bible is correct. There is no proof God made the Bible. There is no proof God exists. THERE'S NO PROOF. All there is is logical improbability.
And has God ever admitted to making the Bible? Nooooooooooo. God has never made his presence known to the world - we don't even know if God exists.
most valid doesn't make it correct. and i believe that while religion has more unexplained holes in it, there are more ways to disprove the big bang theory.
There are NO ways to disprove the Big Bang theory. There are arguments against it,m sure - but no disproving. Religion, however, is in many areas holier (no pun intended) than Swiss Cheese hung on a target at a sharpshooter range. The Big Bang theory is scientifically sound - read it and do some research if you don't believe me.