1. Big Bang creates all matter after a super-condensed atom "explodes"
2. For billions of years earth forms
3. Life develops, although the details on this aren't exact since it was billions of years ago, at least scientists aren't so lazy just to say God created it.
4. Over billions more years evolution happens, leaving us with what we have today, animals, plants, everything.
1. How did that little molecule get there in the first place?
2. The earth made itself? How?
3. Details aren't exact, that's pretty convenient, that way we can't ask them HOW life formed.
4. Evolution was discredited by its creator, that proves it's fake.
1. Little molecule? I think you mean big-bang. It's easy, before big bang there is no space nor time; it's just a complex concept to understand. Imagine a mega black hole: inside black hole, time and space is different. So, a hyper mega black hole, is somekind of big bang: big gravitation and atraction of all matter in universe before it explodes. And what was before that? Another big bang. A chain without limit, same as "god made himself".
2. Billions of years earth forms. Easy. After the explosion, big matter like hydrogen, metals, etc, are gravitating around in an empty space, commonly called, around dark matter.
The one which has more gravitation, takes more density, and with more density inside himself and energy, it starts to burn: that's how our sun was made.
By the same way earth was made: just taking lot of matter, collision, etc, condensating in one point, and gravitatin around that sun. If you know, earth has it's own center burning. The life and other process, come after.
3. Life develops, yep: there are lots of theories about how life started.
Like: life became from an asteroid, or like life started with DRA nor DNA , etc..
The most popular says, in earth, there was good energy, and lots of minerals in a kind of high density liquid. After a chemical reaction, very little complex form started. Evolution did rest after billions years. Maybe there is a god, maybe not, but could you travel in time and tell me please? All theories, but scientist ones are logical.
4. Creator? What the heck-- Evolution means the most addapted to where they life, and genetical changes, make him survive: which makes, his-her dna survives, and the next son have the same adaptations as parents, which gives him more chance to survive.
There is no creator. Just "be strong and most prepared to their nature will survive, prevail, have sons, your sons will be strong too, and maybe there is a genetical mutation=more evolution, or maybe devolution, which will make him die"
No-creator, just Darwin,
Good luck science