ForumsWEPRBOOM! And down goes another.

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4,375 posts

Well, I was listening to a song by system of a down, tittled BOOM!

And it got me thinking, Why are we spening so much money on stupid things, tanks, booms, guns......

4000 hungry children leave the world ever minute, and we are spending billons of chinese dollars on our booms, to go blow people up.

can man not live without death and destruction?

Need I point to world war two, The civil war, the fighting in afganastain, killing your own neiborgh.

But That is what we focus on, we say we made the world better, but people are dieing in our back yards, and thats not enough.

We have to go and kill more people using huge bombs, then soend more money cleaning it up.

What do you guys think?

  • 44 Replies
310 posts

I never new system of a down had a political message in it. The only songs I heard from them were BYOB and Chop Suey from Rock Band 2. I was under the impression that they were a type of screamo band....

System of a Down is very political band. And what the heck is a "screamo band"? People need to stop making stupid games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band and before people freak out at me for dissing on their favorite games I'll explain my reasons for this point of view.
1)If you want to play a guitar get a real guitar not some stupid plastic thing that just makes "clickity clickity click" noises when you play it. If you have no musical talent learn to live with it and stop pretending.
2)They expose kids to music that they probably shouldn't be listening to until they're older. Like System of a Down and Slipknot both of which on full albums have lots of swearing and controversial messeges.
3)They expose people and kids to music which they have no understanding of and no interest in other then an interest in getting through them so they can play the next level.
4)They are basically lazier versions of Dance Dance Revolution. Dance Dance is just as pointless but at least your getting exercise while wasting your time (ok so the drums on Rock Band make you exercise too).
5)People (including myself) waste tons of time talking about them, which is really sad since for those who actually enjoy them seem to talk about them alot and there isn't really anything there to talk about (no plot just colored buttons, dots and, lines and easy medium and hard difficulty levels).
And one more time for the record, GET A REAL GUITAR, it's much more challenging and far more rewarding then the plastic one. Sorry I know that's all really off topic but I saw that post and went a little nuts since I really love SoaD and it made me really sad to see someone who had no idea they had a political messege.
310 posts

I never new system of a down had a political message in it. The only songs I heard from them were BYOB and Chop Suey from Rock Band 2. I was under the impression that they were a type of screamo band....

System of a Down is very political band. And what the heck is a "screamo band"? People need to stop making stupid games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band and before people freak out at me for dissing on their favorite games I'll explain my reasons for this point of view.
1)If you want to play a guitar get a real guitar not some stupid plastic thing that just makes "clickity clickity click" noises when you play it. If you have no musical talent learn to live with it and stop pretending.
2)They expose kids to music that they probably shouldn't be listening to until they're older. Like System of a Down and Slipknot both of which on full albums have lots of swearing and controversial messeges.
3)They expose people and kids to music which they have no understanding of and no interest in other then an interest in getting through them so they can play the next level.
4)They are basically lazier versions of Dance Dance Revolution. Dance Dance is just as pointless but at least your getting exercise while wasting your time (ok so the drums on Rock Band make you exercise too).
5)People (including myself) waste tons of time talking about them, which is really sad since for those who actually enjoy them seem to talk about them alot and there isn't really anything there to talk about (no plot just colored buttons, dots and, lines and easy medium and hard difficulty levels).
And one more time for the record, GET A REAL GUITAR, it's much more challenging and far more rewarding then the plastic one. Sorry I know that's all really off topic but I saw that post and went a little nuts since I really love SoaD and it made me really sad to see someone who had no idea they had a political messege.
310 posts

Whoa glitch! Sorry for the double post.

671 posts

DERAILED!!! Anywho, it's not really fair to bring morals and ethics into the situation in Africa, with the exception of the leaders and warlords. The only difference in alot of places in Africa between people and animals is that people use tools and can communicate and think on higher levels. Everyone and everything in alot of places are forced to do what would normally be considered unspeakable things to survive. So it's not fair to instill your version of Westernised ethics into a situation so different.

4,206 posts

Nobody in the U.S. is dying from hunger. If they are, well they probably have some sort of eating disorder.

No actually there is a lot of poor people in U.S that can't really eat. There is a lot of places in N.Y were there give food to homeless.

(can somebody tell me how you do that line, if u want to repeat what the person sayed)

69 posts

(can somebody tell me how you do that line, if u want to repeat what the person sayed)

What? THIS?!^

Just use the quote button in the reply box. Click it once to start the quote, then click it again at the end of the quote! It's that simple!
4,206 posts

Just use the quote button in the reply box. Click it once to start the quote, then click it again at the end of the quote! It's that simple!

384 posts

If we didn't have war and violence humanity would eat itself alive.

310 posts

If we didn't have war and violence humanity would eat itself alive

Huh?:\\ Wars and violence are humanity eating itself alive. It does seem impossible for humanity to live entirely without violence, there are always individuals who want to hurt others and those who use violence as sport. A world without war though is possible, of course not the way things are going right now, but maybe someday (probably not in any of our lifetimes).
4,871 posts

The problem with stopping production of items such as guns, tanks, planes, ect, is that ALL the world would have to do it for it to be practical. Just imagine what North Korea would do if America suddenly destroyed all of our war machines and refused to make more? BOOM we go down.

By the way feeding all the people in the world is nearly impossible there's just to many so the money should be directed towards genetically engineering plants, not trying to get food to them.

1,707 posts

Nobody in the U.S. is dying from hunger. If they are, well they probably have some sort of eating disorder.

In california there are a lot of homeless people that are hungry.
310 posts

[quote]Nobody in the U.S. is dying from hunger. If they are, well they probably have some sort of eating disorder.

In california there are a lot of homeless people that are hungry.[/quote]
It's not just California there are people all over the U.S. right now who are losing thier homes and can't afford to feed thier families. It may not be on the same scale as some poverty stricken countries in Africa and other places but to say that the only people dying of starvation in the U.S. are those with eating disorders was a pretty cold statement.
1 posts

nothing wrong with as your says "Booms", when places like iraq "boom" people everyday for shit all, so lets get rid of out "booms" and basiclly lets see what happens...

395 posts

It's not just California there are people all over the U.S. right now who are losing thier homes and can't afford to feed thier families. It may not be on the same scale as some poverty stricken countries in Africa and other places but to say that the only people dying of starvation in the U.S. are those with eating disorders was a pretty cold statement.

There was this radio research project where a guy went undercover and pretended to be homeless for 2 weeks. He made over $100 a day. I think that's plenty to buy food. IF not there are all those government funded soup kitchens. The majority of homeless people are those who are to lazy to get off their you-know-whats and work, or sign up for unemployment benefits (as stupid as they are). If you actually starve to death in the streets on the U.S. you've brought it upon yourself.
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