I think we all know Iran is (and has been for years) trying to destroy Isreal and America, people have been saying "Two more years," for years! My question is, will they really get to nuclear power? Or are they already there? Are they going to continue since they are pretty much imploding after they're new election?
Hahahahahahahahaha! Is you stupid or something?! You ever pay attention to the news! The Iranese government is dealing with the awesome force of the protestors, I don't see where there gonna find the time to nuke us, and this topic should really be about North Korea which has threatened the US with a nuclear strike, and if and when Iran knows how to maintain nuclear power as a weapon, they won't be able to detonate it in the lower 48 states. Do some research on other nuclear threats and current events in Iran before you post stuff like this.
Yeah,there are alot of points I never mentioned all the points, I just wanted your opinion. And I doubt Korea will be able to nuke us. With there war it'd be better to nuke the southern half of themselves.
maybe,but Iran probably couldn't pull it off, and the people all threatening to do it are...slightly unstable..
I highly doubt you read my post all the way. Iran is too busy right now, with the protestors. Iran can learn how to control nuclear power into a weapon format, look at the US, we have a radiation bomb that can kill people inside bomb shelters, not through the sheer force, but because the chemicals can go through solid steel, brick, you name it. Iran isn't gonna be able to have a nuc that can reach the US any time soon.
Israel, maybe. Americas more of a scapegoat, along with many Western country's, for the government to turn hostility's upon, based upon our actions in the past. They know that we outgun them, while Israel's a target surrounded by hostile forces, probably the only reason they haven't attack them is due to the possible threat of nuclear retaliation if they do use nuclear weapons, and the threat of military assistance from Western nations if they attack Israel through conventional means. More likely they'll fund Palestinian resistance groups covertly, and supply them with arms
The dictators aren't stupid Iran doesn't make wars they supply with money they gain selling petrol, organizations like Hezbollah and Islamic things. If they make a war they shall be overthrown cause the people doesn't like them much and if they say them to fight for their purpose it's going to be a huge revolution.
Canada is awesome. Everyone either likes them or ignores them, plus its one of the nicest country's in the world, next to Australia. If America goes anymore downhill I may have to consider moving there
I hope North Koreee-aaah finds Canada is quite neutral and does not deserve to be attacked lol
You are in a more dangerous place than the US, I don't think that their weapons are very good, if they aim the USA they shall hit either Mexico or Canada.
I read online a week ago, and it said that North Korea said that they are going to fire a nuclear missile across the Pacific Ocean soon. It isn't expected to reach Hawaii, however. Kim Jong Il of North Korea had also threatened us, too. Iran is a big threat as well. We've been threatened by them for more than maybe 3 years