I hate how when Whites(Me) get "Shot up" because we say "Im proud to be white" (probably only an American thing) we get called racist, now I know That BIG-WHITE-SETH from youtube has covered this, but Its not racist to say "Im proud to be black" or If your "Gangsta" then (No offense intended) "Im proud to be a homeboi dawg" ok well back to topic.....whats up with that. Also I have a few black friends(via xbox live)
Honestly I think blacks are stupid. They think cause we have a black president they are in control.
Guess what everybody! I found a texan! And a idiot! Blacks arn't stupid, and saying that is racist, you can't say blacks are stupid cause the USA president is black, and you think they have control now. You are exactly what this country doesn't need, discriminating idiots. Your trying to make it so there is some kind of race war again.
Honestly I think blacks are stupid. They think cause we have a black president they are in control.
I think you're an ignorantr wanker. What do you mean by stupid anyway? Because if you are reffering to all blacks being "gangster" and all that then you'd probabably last a few days in that sistuation, making you the idiot.
...I don't see why we even have to have this conversation. If any of you have been to West Virgina, you'd know that whites AND blacks can be stoopid. They also have an equal chance of being geniuses also. I think that the only thing truly holding blacks back are the so called "black activists" like the Rev. Jesse Jackson and the Rev. Al Sharpton that literally make a living based on racism. They thrive in racism-plagued communities, and sometimes fabricate prejudices just so they can stick their faces in another issue. This "anti-racism" is what is actually keeping racism alive in the US.
Nobody has any reason to discriminate against them even if they aren't as "smart" which isn't true they are just common targets of poverty because they've been set back several hundred years because white people (the stupid ones in this case) believed they were better because they were different.
So coming out of being worked without pay, they are in poverty and for your average person it is going to take several generations to get out of something like that.
But I mean really like someone said before with no setbacks (autism, ect.) people choose whether they become make good decisions or not. Intelligence has a different variable, though, because education can cost money which not everyone has so in some cases black people aren't has smart just because they haven't had the chance at an education.
But really this is ridiculous and I really thought that the human race had grown out of racial ignorance and its a dissapointment I've been proven wrong.
I bet some of you people who say blacks are stupid that you listen to a black singer/rapper.
And if you like peanuts you probably have George W. Carver for cultivating them.
And Michael Jackson for alot of pop music probably somewhat influenced by him.
The Supersoaker was invented by Lonnie G. Johnson.
Just to let you know that I'm not black and no biasism in this.
I have a question. Why do people feel the need to proclaim their pride in being black/white? I can't see any rational reason. All it does is perpetuate the negative stereotypes that already exist.
EXACTLY FIREFLY!!!!! Too many people are just overwhelmed by visuals...
And responding to some loony earlier who said he thought blacks actually were just dumber than whites: that's the kind of stereotype that causes the problem. It's easier to give up and let the teacher think you're dumb than to try to prove them wrong.
i honestly believe that blacks *are* dumber than whites
Well I honestly believe that it is people like you who make this world a terrible place to live. How could you say that someone else is less intelligent based on the color of their skin? It's like saying that I am smarter than you because my hair is brown. WTF?! Does that make sense to you?
I really hope you said no to that last question there... lol.
ANYWAY!!! I personally do not notice the color of a person's skin first, and I do not judge them on that either. What is on the outside does not reflect what lies within.
Well I honestly believe that it is people like you who make this world a terrible place to live. How could you say that someone else is less intelligent based on the color of their skin? It's like saying that I am smarter than you because my hair is brown. WTF?! Does that make sense to you?
I still dont get why we call blacks "African americans".
ANYWAY!!! I personally do not notice the color of a person's skin first, and I do not judge them on that either. What is on the outside does not reflect what lies within
The person to first come up with inteligence by skin color, should had of said something more like culture. It is wel known for asians to have higher test scores than any other race, because their culture and families and ancestors before them, study hard and wish to become successful buisness owners. If more parents in america would push their kids more, we as well would have better scores. So i disagree on skin color, but think culture affects it