Today North Korea sent a message to the US, in the form of seven ballistic missiles. Obviously, they didn't hit anything, but it is still going to increase tension between the UN and North Korea.
What I'm wondering though, is why in the world they would launch missiles that they know aren't going to get close to the US. Also, North Korea isn't exactly the largest country, and if the US was to go to war with them it would be over very quickly. North Korea wouldn't be able to match the size of the army, and our own nuclear weapons could wipe them off the map if we chose to use them.
How do you feel about the situation? Will the US once again be police of the world, or will we for once make the UN deal with this on their own? Is Kim Jong Il just stupid, or is there a reason he spends millions of dollars to develop missiles, then sends them shooting into the ocean?
do you know? recently a north korean ship was trying to transport nuclear weapons to mynamar. they are going to make mynamar nuclear. they have held top secret meetings and had dug massive tunnels to transport nuclear equipment.
Don't count out the US dude. I can bet you the US knows more about this then they are revealing. They might already have their finger on the button.
Don't worry all the intelligence agencies of the world know everything, it's their job, if they think that NK will attack the endangered country will strike first.
do you know? recently a north korean ship was trying to transport nuclear weapons to mynamar. they are going to make mynamar nuclear. they have held top secret meetings and had dug massive tunnels to transport nuclear equipment.
Holy **** your ignorant aren't you... It's not the country we're fighting against, it's the terrorist organization that is hidden in the country. We are fighting WITH the government not against it. Holy ****.
In the post you replied to calling them terrorists I specifically said Iraq. So by you not talking about Iraq you're the one taking what I say out of context. Looks like you're the ignorant one, eh?
i wish i knew why north korea has some urge to destroy the world with their nuclear missiles... The US has them but Obama dosn't just send them all over the world trying to destroy all civilization.
[/quote]i wish i knew why north korea has some urge to destroy the world with their nuclear missiles... The US has them but Obama dosn't just send them all over the world trying to destroy all civilization. [quote]
Wow, I honestly don't know what to say... I seriously didn't think anybody was still swallowing that terrorist bull****. The fact is Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11
That puts Iraq and terrorist into your context. So when I said "the government" in that context I was speaking of Iraq and how we're with them against terrorism.
Okay dude, what you're saying makes no sense, what you quoted from me was a reply to you saying that the US are fighting terrorists with no morals or ethics. Now apart from the fact that they believe in their morals and ethics so strongly, otherwise they wouldn't be this commited to it. Your comments had no place here anyway, because the US were just as bad at fighting the Iraqi army. Remember? When they were "looking for WMDs." So, in conclusion when I bring up the Iraq invasion you cannot justify their actions by calling everybody a terrorist.
I think stupid is the wrong word. He may be crazy and do terrible things but he is smart he just uses his intelligence to do bad things. There have been other dictators in history that have been evil and wrong and done bad stuff but are smart. Look at osamba bin laden. I hate him and he is a terrible person but he's smart enough to get alot of iraq the us is evil.
I don't think being agressive with these North Koreans is going to make them any friendlier. We should harder getting them to the compromising table rather than making threats and calling them stupid. But N.Korea needs to do their part too, it's a matter of how they react to kindness.
The NK have made threats to us for a very long time, but have never came through on those threats. I don't doubt their stockpile, but I do doubt their ability to actually launch a nuke.