First off, I already know there is thread like this out there, but this one is different.
There is so much destruction and sorrow in this world, and if we could just set aside our differences, we could grow and prosper as a big... uhhhh... worldwide community-thing.
So if you could stop all the fighting, would you? Why or why not?
- Shoes - Religion - money - drugs - land If we erase those 5 things world mite be a bit better.
ud have to erase a lot of other things for there to be world peace.
erasing money wouldnt work because there has to be some form of currency. if u erase it ppl will invent a new currency.
erasing land would just be retarded.
erasing religion would stop wars over religion but it would cause chaos because many would no longer have a moral code to live by. the suicide, murder, and theft rate would skyrocket
many drugs are helpful and save more ppl than they kill
erasing religion would stop wars over religion but it would cause chaos because many would no longer have a moral code to live by. the suicide, murder, and theft rate would skyrocket
I dont want to turn this into a religious debate but thats just stupid.
Anyway I think he was joking, I think its called sarcasm.
-Yes abort every medicine that contains drugs and find a more healthier technology based medicine like we always do.
You do know that anytime you mix chemicals with other chemicals (or just anything that causes a chemical reaction depends on your definition) and then eat/swallow it or inject it etc. is a drug.
Without drugs you prully would have died from polio or maybe smallpox, or pneumonia. I can keep going for days but im gonna end here for now.
-Yes abort every medicine that contains drugs and find a more healthier technology based medicine like we always do.
Medicines do not CONTAIN drugs, they ARE drugs, at least by definition. I think you are just extrememly confused and you want ILLEGAL drugs to be gone. Medicine helps people live. If people die from prescription drugs, 99.99% of the time I would bet you was from misuse of the drug. If someone did it on accident that is their fault and I am glad that they removed their idiot selves from the gene pool.
You know that flames are gonna start in this post, it's inevitable. But for there to be peace we have to get along and accept one was wrong or we were both wrong. Not every country, probably most if not all countries would except they were wrong for doing this or that.