Just share your deepest darkest thoughts here.And maybe some kids or teens with past experience can help out someone else. As for me I'm here if you need someone to talk to about it. =)
In general I think people really need to think a lot more before they get married. People rush into marriage and then discover that they really don't like each other so they get divorced. If people actually thought about it they wouldn't get married after only being in a relationship for a few months. The last wedding I went to, the couple had been together for five years before they decided to get married. More people should think like that in my opinion.
Teen pregnancy is on the rise but it brings a question to my mind: Would you rather a mother who had never been married and had you as a teenager, or a mother who got pregnant as a teen was forced (by her family or religious beliefs) to marry the guy she got pregnant with and ended up getting a divorce because the guy was abusive? Or they just ended up not being able to stand eachother? Or they couldn't get a divorce because of their religous beliefs but still couldn't stand eachother?
Personally I would rather have the single teen mom, but I'd like to know how others would answer this hypothetical question. I know you don't get to choose your parents in reality but like I said it's a hypothetical question.
I would prefer it didn't happen to begin with. I mean seriously, if teens are stupid enough to have sex together you would at least think they would use some sort of protection, right?
Yeah but sometimes protection doesn't work and some people don't use it cause it's against thier religion. Plus from my experiance the more you tell someone not to do something the more they seem to want to do it. Like reverse psychology when you don't want it to reverse. The more you tell someone not to push the red button the more they want to push it just to see what will happen.
I would rather have the single teen mom. I don't think I ever wanted to know my father, not like I know him now lol. Alcohol,Abuse, Violence, Neglect. It all hurts. You can't possibly get all that from a single teen mom. Can you?
Most of those though get their kids taken by Child Services.
That happened to my half sister. We had to call CPS on HER. She got knocked up 2 times with different men....I tell you my family is so messed up. But idk, I'm just really glad that everything turned out this way because my life is good now.
The ones that are abusive or neglectful or on drugs get thier children taken (if anyone actually notices which they sometimes don't). Unfortuantely there are single teen mothers that would abuse or neglect thier child but that's not true of all of them. I have a friend who got pregnant at 15 her daughter was born just after she turned 16 and it was actually probably the best thing that could have happened for her. She had no contact with the father be the time the baby was born (he pulled a runner as soon as she told him she was pregnant) but it totally turned her life around. Her daughter is 6 now and she had a son just last year with a guy she started dating shortly after her daughter was born, thier planning their wedding now.
Nice. Experiences like that can change someone. It changed me cause now I know how to NOT be a father lol. And I'm also getting tips here and there on how to be one. =D