[url=http://news.aol.com/article/north-korea-cyber-attacks/560750?icid=main|main|dl1|link3|http%3A%2F%2Fnews.aol.com%2Farticle%2Fnorth-korea-cyber-attacks%2F560750] What do you think?
I heard the story this way: "computers in the US and SK were hacked." The first thing I thought was "It's not North Korea." No one, not even Kim-Jong Il (spelling?) would be stupid enough to attack only the two major countries with which he's at conflict. I am about 100% positive that it is someone else trying to frame them.
I don't think nuking them is entirely intelligent. Actually, it's the stupidest thing we can do. We nuke them, our already permanent disposition with the world will plummet. It's bad enough half the world thinks we're committing war crimes, do you really want to give them a REAL reason to hate us?
If it IS them, this is a declaration of war. They could have severely damaged this country, and possibly even destroyed it. If I was the president, I would dedicate all resources to finding out who's behind them. If it's a rogue group, such as the terrorist organizations in the Mideast, then there's nothing we can do. If it's NK, we can wipe there country out.
This is exactly why you will never run a country.
Anywho, why would the terrorists have to be middle eastern?
If it IS them, this is a declaration of war. They could have severely damaged this country, and possibly even destroyed it. If I was the president, I would dedicate all resources to finding out who's behind them. If it's a rogue group, such as the terrorist organizations in the Mideast, then there's nothing we can do. If it's NK, we can wipe there country out.
But seriously, what is wrong with you people? Why so quick to jump to war as the solution? You know how much crap gets fed to the NK people by its government so when your government tells you how much of a threat they are isn't it possible they might be exagerating?
diddnt the same thing happen to other countries. we should partner with russia, not to start a war, but to induse the M.A.D theory agian (M.A.D stands for mutualy assured destruction)to put it simple NUKE us and WE'LL NUKE YOU YOU CRAZY N.KOREAN *graphic* if you crash our computers we'll crash yours.
Nuclear Warfare with NK is NOT something we want to do, unless we want to be suicidal and start a holocaust for half of the world. NK can't launch a ballistic missile more than 400 miles, let alone attempt to touch us. What the real problem is their next door neighbor China. If we launch one at NK, what makes China believe it isn't centered towards them?
Nuclear weapons aren't a tactical way to start (and probably end it a little while after) a war. I would compare the current crisis in NK to Cuba back in the 60's. We just need to wait for Kim Jong to grow old and let the whole thing blow over. He just wants attention, and would threaten everyone in the world with a few missiles to get it.