[url=http://news.aol.com/article/north-korea-cyber-attacks/560750?icid=main|main|dl1|link3|http%3A%2F%2Fnews.aol.com%2Farticle%2Fnorth-korea-cyber-attacks%2F560750] What do you think?
I agree IPwnU2Day they cant threaten anyone with nothing to threaten them with. i don't believe in nuclear war its the easy and VERY dangerous way out i prefer the good old fashion military brute force.
And thelistman is right, you're all fascists! Stop looking for some exuse to put our troop's lives on the line!
Holy crap you love to take thigns out of context, typical socialist. Anyway, we were talking about a different scenario, not what we aftually wanted to hppen when we we're talking about nuclear war.
People were saying the attacks came from Britain on the news, unfortunatly i pretty much forgot about the report and was only reminded when I saw this thread, it could be America hacking their own systems and south korea to increase tension between them and North Korea so they can justify war with them later on.