What is so great about it? Not trying to offend anyone, but give me one reason why I should pay attention to politics. It just seems like sides are constantly arguing over a subject.
It's just proportionate, you can also use this to say 47.3% of Scientologists voted in the election it's statistics.
Thanks for enlightening me on how statistics work. 71% of people in the UK consider themselves Christian, that means 71% of my family is Christian. O wait...
Also minor? Who decides what a minor is exactly?Why is it just an age it should be based on maturity or intelligence not how long you've lived.
All the intelligence/maturity in the world doesn't give you any life experience, which is what matters most. Let me also point out that you would have the vote and not pay taxes or contribute anything to the economy. *Lightbulb switches on!* Minors being able to vote would be exactly like illegal Mexican immigrants being able to vote. Yay!
Let me also point out that you would have the vote and not pay taxes or contribute anything to the economy
yeah so lets make all unemployed people of the world rightless subhumans and we dont have to give any shit about them, because they cannot vote and change their situation. and when we are at taking personal freedom from underprivileged then lets make them slaves right away.
I can't speak for the U.S.A. as I'm not a resident, but in Canada when you register to vote, you are made elligible to be a jury member in a court trial. It's highly unlikely that *any* suspect would accept a young person as a 'eer' to judge them; additionally, I'm sure parents would object to their children who aren't even out of school yet having to sit, observe, and take part in a potentially bloody murder/**** trial.
Well at least you have some sort of a system, in America you just register joy.
Thanks for enlightening me on how statistics work. 71% of people in the UK consider themselves Christian, that means 71% of my family is Christian. O wait...
It should mean that, but it doesn't apparently then again you know ALL of your family?
All the intelligence/maturity in the world doesn't give you any life experience, which is what matters most. Let me also point out that you would have the vote and not pay taxes or contribute anything to the economy. *Lightbulb switches on!* Minors being able to vote would be exactly like illegal Mexican immigrants being able to vote. Yay!
I would beg to differ, some people over 18 have experienced way less of life than people under 18. Also if we voted strictly on life experience, we would vote with almost no empathy for other causes because we never experienced them. Also a lot of people under 18 have jobs and buy things (this means they contribute to the economy.) Really now your comparing minor to Illegal Mexicans? I'm not entirely sure what we have in common other than not paying taxes.
yeah so lets make all unemployed people of the world rightless subhumans and we dont have to give any **** about them, because they cannot vote and change their situation. and when we are at taking personal freedom from underprivileged then lets make them slaves right away.
What the hell are you talking about? Please point out where in my post I advocated taking away the rights of the unemployed?
I would beg to differ, some people over 18 have experienced way less of life than people under 18.
Who do you pay to decide who's mature enough and who's not? And who has the capacity to maket those decisions? Couldn't they be spending their time on something more productive? If the majority aren't mature enough (and it is the majority in youth) it's easier and less expensive to just have a cut off by the year.
Don't you just hate it when you forget half your family'ss names and faces? Of course I know my family.
I would beg to differ, some people over 18 have experienced way less of life than people under 18. Also if we voted strictly on life experience, we would vote with almost no empathy for other causes because we never experienced them. Also a lot of people under 18 have jobs and buy things (this means they contribute to the economy.) Really now your comparing minor to Illegal Mexicans? I'm not entirely sure what we have in common other than not paying taxes.
Under the current voting system, do people vote with no empathy? No.
Did you know that a lot of illegal Mexican immigrants have jobs and buy things too? I'm comparing you, because you wish to have the same privelages as regular citizens, but none of the responsibilities associated with that.
in that part where you say, that it is necessary to pay taxes, ergo have a job to be able to vote. and comparing minors or not working, to illegal immigrants is denying them their citizen rights. and one of your basic rights is voting.
Who do you pay to decide who's mature enough and who's not? And who has the capacity to maket those decisions? Couldn't they be spending their time on something more productive? If the majority aren't mature enough (and it is the majority in youth) it's easier and less expensive to just have a cut off by the year.
I'd gladly pay to take a test or have someone examine me so I could get the right to vote.
Don't you just hate it when you forget half your family'ss names and faces? Of course I know my family.
Quick second cousin once removed???
Did you know that a lot of illegal Mexican immigrants have jobs and buy things too? I'm comparing you, because you wish to have the same privelages as regular citizens, but none of the responsibilities associated with that.
Other than the fact that I'm legal and that decisions made by voting affect me hmmm. Responsibilities? I go to school currently it's my responsibilty to learn so I can make this country better when I age.
in that part where you say, that it is necessary to pay taxes, ergo have a job to be able to vote. and comparing minors or not working, to illegal immigrants is denying them their citizen rights. and one of your basic rights is voting.
Even if you don't have a job, the government still taxes you, just alternatives to income tax. It's probably the thing governments are best at.
the only taxes, that come without having a job, is the value added tax, or other taxes that occur if you consume some goods. therefore because illegal immigrants spend money in the USA, they also pay this taxes and should be able to vote, if paying taxes is the criterium for voting
Who do you pay to decide who's mature enough and who's not? And who has the capacity to maket those decisions? Couldn't they be spending their time on something more productive? If the majority aren't mature enough (and it is the majority in youth) it's easier and less expensive to just have a cut off by the year.
And who has the capacity to maket those decisions? Couldn't they be spending their time on something more productive?
Essentially, who gets the job, and if they're so qualified to make those kinds of decisions, couldn't their talents be better spent on a more useful job - after all, voter participation in those over 18 isn't great, why bother setting up a system to let in a trickle of youngsters mature enough to cast their own single votes?
Additionally, what would the test be? Who writes the test? Who pays the people to write the tests - and there will have to be more then one; otherwise you could just cheat.
the only taxes, that come without having a job, is the value added tax, or other taxes that occur if you consume some goods. therefore because illegal immigrants spend money in the USA, they also pay this taxes and should be able to vote, if paying taxes is the criterium for voting
So you think that the only form of direct tax is income tax? You are sadly mistaken my friend.