I rented the movie "Knowing" from blockbuster. Everybody told me it was about a girl from the 50's writing a "forecast" of all future disasters, but I was not planning on the two main characters in the movie dying and those characters's children becoming something like adam and eve. And furthermore, the wisperers part did not make much sense at all. Al this inspired me to create this thread, where you talk about movies that did not make much sense or went totally around what you thought the movie would be like.
28 Weeks Later just had to many holes in it, The mom survives the horde of infected because she is immune, but then when the husband kisses her and gets infected he kills the wife, so you are telling me she managed to survive trapped inside a house with a horde of infected? Back to the infected dad, he managed to make an entire base of armed marines go crazy, and when the marines were told to kill everybody you want me to believe with all their heavy machine guns and other weapons that they couldn't easily mow everyone down, pfft. How do so many infected survive a bombing that floored the entire city...When the brother and sister fall down the stairs in the subway, why did they fall so far from each other, when they went down the same stairs...and the ending was just a cliff hanger. Anyways that movie disappointed me greatly after 28 days later.
And I'll just throw another movie in there, American Haunting, the movie gives a whole bunch of crap, then they give a poorly explain reason that the father was raping the girl and she created a poltergeist to protect her...w/e. The father showed no signs of being a rapist.
Burn after Reading never made sense at all. I never understood it. All I saw was guys killing other guys and the investigators are idiots who give up on solving the crime. I don't see what's so good about it.
I saw this movie, or started to see it, called Hogswatch. It was the stupidest movie ever!!!!!!!!! There was no point, and the whole thing was completely random.