Which of these is the better band?
I don t know
Nickleback because of the song someday.
i really dont like the fray i have to go with nickelback i notice how everyone is talking about the softest album the ever put out my faverite song by them so far is Something In Your Mouth
both hella gay
^ agreed.
Nickleback sucks, the Fray is OK. Again, I don't see why these bands should be compared at all.
I agree. Nickleback sucks. I kinda like The Fray.
I hate both bands (what a surprise), but I'll go with the Fray.
The Fray
the fray is sooooo much better.
Funny story, I went to a Fray live show and left after the opening band.
The fray, the songs have meaning.
nickleback ftw!
The Fray sux. Nickelback rox!Anyway, great spelling guys, 'NickleBack'... -_-' IT'S NICKELBACK!!!
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