ForumsWEPRAnimal Slaughter

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324 posts

I my self am a proud veg and im a guy i dont see any thing wrong with that, however my peers constantly put me down for it. I question others about it and some say that animals are kiled to keep the population under control, then shouldnt we do that to humans? are there any other vegetarians on armor? if you are a caravor responding to this please try not to be insultive i get enough from my freinds and family

  • 588 Replies
902 posts

You can't base human behavior off of that of animals. Animals in the wild kill each other over mates. We generally don't kill each other, as the survival of the species depends on men staying alive. In the wild, that's not so much true, as males are EXTREMELY outnumbered by females, and the females generally all remain loyal to the alpha male. Which isn't how it works in human society - supposedly, there's someone out there for everybody. In the past, conflicts over women generally wouldn't end up in death, simply in moving on to another target. However, with the concept of "love", people become more passionate about their lovers and some people ARE willing to kill to protect their relationship. However, naturally we aren't intended to do that. Naturally, we are intended to eat meat. Just follow the natural pattern and everything will be fine. Some people's natural pattern leads them to a certain level of pleasure obtained out of the pain and suffering of weaker beings. I don't think it's right, but I don't have enough sympathy for the animal to actually work to fix it. And besides that, I've eaten a good deal of hunted meat. It just doesn't taste as good as a thick juicy top sirloin steak.

1,482 posts

Megamickel, not to kill the thread, but the "Natural" Pattern doesn't work in Homosexuality, yet your okay with that. o.O

Also, Even though everything has quirks about them, its about how we go about those quirks is what makes a difference. Theres stupidity in thinking that these quirks acctually mean something from a dog. Maybe a lick of compassion, if you've spent time with it, but I don't think your getting farther. Unless you have a guard dog. Which would only protect you for its own food.

902 posts

^Actually, yes it does. Genetically, some people are more inclined towards homosexuality. And that's one of those "it-doesn't-affect-me-so-I-don't-care" things that I can't understand why people bash others over. Vegetarians tend to have a "we're so much better than you" attitude and it pisses me off. I have the right to eat whatever I want, and to tell me anything else is just wrong. Survival of the fittest, bro. Ever heard of it? Guess what - we're the fittest.

1,482 posts

Survival of the fittest is rather immoral. If a big guy wanting your car tried to take it from you, a guy MUCH bigger than you, I think you wouldn't like it. Nor could you do much.

I suppose, though, in the whole eating thing, we are the fittest.

They think they're better because they don't eat dead meat. [Whats the point, the animals already dead]. I REALLY don't follow the concept. xP

324 posts

Animals were not really put on this earth as god said and think about we are going ot grow like the apes grew into us and there will be a new even better human with even stranger feelings and maybe even webed feet !

145 posts

The only major health side effect to being entirely vegetarian is a lack of iron and B12 in your diet; almost everything else that you NEED you can get from plants. IN spite of that, you can always take supplements to cover those losses. The only group of people I would suggest not to go vegetarian are pregnant women, because the amount of nutrients they would have to replace from meat would be difficult to absorb in pill form. Therefore, go right ahead (heh, heh, I'm not vegetarian, myself) :S

10,816 posts

Megamickel: While humans are unique in that they are different from every other species of animal, which obviously includes society and behaviors, you're going to have to come of that pedestal and open your eyes to the extent of human behaviors.

We only live under the veneer of being civilised- to claim that humans have some greater value because of this is myopic, seeing as we tend to perpetrate barbarity upon barbarity ourselves. Kill each other over mates? We kill each other over words, over bling, over oil and drugs, we torture each other and cause each other untold misery, and enslave ourselves in these metaphysical paradoxes that we argue and go on crusades for.

And you tell me that humans are superior for that? Best not to even start that argument in the first place, and not to claim that there is some inherent value in there.

Hopefully you realise that those 'natural' arguments you're citing are self-contradictory and question-begging. There is no need to argue for an "imperative" to eating meat, anyway. And back to "survival of the fittest" as a justification...just think back on that little passage about Columbine I wrote.

The rest of the argument about the meat industry etc. I will address separately at another time. I am fairly neutral on the topic, which is why I haven't gone off and joined some animal rights activist group myself.

45 posts

well, heres my opinion short and simple: vegetarians believe one thing, and non-vegs believe another. having either side yell at each other isnt going to change their minds. u wanna be a vegetatian, u can be one. if they dont want to, they dont have to be, and they shouldnt be putting u down

402 posts

I am not more on eating vegetables nor to meat. I am an Omnivore, and I think it is cruel that people kill more on animals. There is less meat and more plants in our world, not counting the human race. And as our population grows, there is always many animal slaughtery. And don't you know some are near to extinction!? Many forest are being burned, tear down or whatsoever just for us to live. Or for farmlands to grow food. Yet we forget that there are animals. :P This post, I say, is getting out of hand and is going nowhere. :|

902 posts

It's going nowhere because I refuse to change my views. I'm a Christian, it's part of my beliefs that God gave us dominion over animals. Yes, we kill each other over stupid issues. Especially in the scum holes of society. You know, it's funny - all my defense was aimed at someone else and you feel the need to defend him, when I wasn't even trying to attack you. I was trying to make him realize that vegetarians who think they're morally superior to everyone else and go around trying to force their views on people are generally regarded as stupid by the rest of the world. And we hate PETA, too. They'd go into developing countries and try and free all the livestock and animals that people there have depended on for centuries for their livelihood and would probably starve to death without, yet they'd go and take them away in the name of "ethics". Does that sound right to you? Nope. They do in fact operate kill shelters and have killed over 10,000 healthy house pets. They are against animals as pets. They support violence if it is for achieving their goal. They use their collected money to pay legal fees for members charged with felonies. PETA president Ingrid Newkirk has said that âeven if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we would be against it.â People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has donated over $150,000 to criminal activists -- including those jailed for arson, burglary, and even attempted murder. And you continue to defend them? They use violence and propaganda as their vehicles to achieve their goal. They have a tax exempt status, and collect nearly $30,000,000.00 yearly. DON'T try and tell me they're good people. They're not.

19 posts

i dont like killing deers for the sport but for population is good

324 posts

Here you go again Megamickel on your "god made me better than all other spieces" I still see no hyper link so I still constiter what you have to say invaild right now you are sounding like a cocky little jerk that wants to make others go against People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. If they do they work with crimanls beacuse the crimanls need to be rehilbilatated and the animals need to be groomed, exersized, and loved. It is a win/win situation, the annimals get attiona and love and the prisioners get rehilbilatated and look forward to something in there lives and they both are saving money! Of course Peta runs a Kill-shelter do you know that there are millions of dogs in the usa and thousands are left homeless everyday (the ones with out a voice that you don't care about) Peta tries to pick them up and put them in a healthy home, not that many people that want to there is an imbalance in which some animals have to be put down.

908 posts

Please, all of you, do not make this a personal argument. Thanks.
remember that everybody has his own point of view and is free to have it, even if you don't agree with it.

I personaly believe that killing animals is OK if it's to eat them, but I don't agree with people who kill animals for their fur. Look at this video (careful, it might be shocking): isn't it horrible?

324 posts

Calm that is HORIBLE but mega does think that is alright

908 posts

I don't think Megamickel talked about fur trade??

And anyways, I wanted to point out to you megamickel that the bible says indeed that man is to dominate over the other species, but god also says to Adam to watch over the beasts, not to kill them all just for fun!

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