How do you guys think Obama has done as President so far? I don't think he is doing that great with the economy. His "Stimulis Packages" don't seem to be doing very much.
So you wanted a 1,000 page "Stimulus" pork spending bill with 9,000 earmarks in it? Then we wanted that money to be borrowed form China. Then we also wanted to print off $1 Trillion to create hyperinflation. Then the debt grew even more. While some of it is Bush's fault Obama is not helping it even in the slightest way.
Sorry 'bout double. but my enter key posted it... >.>
Onward... There's also Cap-and-Trade coming along. "No American family making less than $250,000 will have an increase in their taxes." LIES!! Now every person in the country will have all of their utility bills SKYROCKET. Also, there will be a huge increase in the price of gas. There will also be huge increases in food costs as a result.
Then there's also the fact that he is leaving Israel hung out to dry. That irked me a bit.
Then he takes over GM and the banks. Enough said right there... There's a topic on Capitalism which I suggest people read. Socialism is a very dark primrose path to walk down. I'm telling you all, DON'T DO IT!
I seem to think Obama is giving the governemtn more control with the stimilus package as IPwnU2Day said. When the bail out lends money to a corporation the governemtn from then on controls them and gives them orders. I know it sounds really stupid but it seems like the U.S. is becoming a monarchy or something
We're becoming a socialist nation is the term I think that you're looking for. It's where the government controls industry.
Most Presidents have nationalized one industry or the other. I don't see why people freak out so much about Obama, Bush started it anyway. With his nationalization of the banks.
OMG it's the blame game again. It doesn't matter that he started it. What matters is that Obama is continuing it.
WRONG. If's where the means of production are owned collectively by the proletariat.
First, don't yell at me...
Second, that's basically the same thing. I said controlling because it's more politically correct in the sense that Obama says that he doesn't own it. It's more of a play on words, but however you want to dice it...
Considering the fact that the government threatened to fire (actually they might have) the CEO GM is absolutely ridiculous. The government doesn't get that kind of power.
And I wasn't yelling, I was typing at 0 decibels :P
The proletariat are the working class people.
Well then the proletariat do, but via the government. That's what I was sayin'. They do by paying for it with our tax dollars. But we do not control it directly because there isn't really any way citizens can say how they want the company to be ran, which is lame.
The people aren't meant to own industries. Industries are meant to own industries.
The people aren't meant to own industries. Industries are meant to own industries.
People are the PEOPLE who create industries and make them the superpowers they are. Not the industry itself or the namebrand. And ThisIsNotAnAlt is correct you are totally wrong about socialism and its realy not the same thing, no matter how u say it.