I was thinking of making a newspaper to cover all topics of world events and what not but i'll need people to help me cover each topic i'll post them and i'll need people to help so anyone interested post here or on my profile.
I'll need 1 or 2 per topic. 1.U.S- 2.World- 3.Politics- 4.Health- 5.Entertainment- 6.Tech-(Idk about this one) 7.Travel- 8.Sports- 9.Crime- 10.Science-
sorry for doubleposting, but i just found a new interesting story:
IRAN: Gholam-Rhesa Akasadeh, chief of the iranian nuclear programm stepped back from his position. rumours say that his dimmision letter was known to the iranina presidents office for the last three weeks, but his dimision became official yesterday, thursday july 16th. He also resigned from his position as the vicepresident of iran. There are rumours that say that his dimission is based, because Akasadeh is said to be close to the opposition leader Mussawi. Akasadeh worked for 4 iranina presidents over the last two decades. first as oil minister and then as chief of the nuclear programm.
Akasadehs succesor is Ali Akhbar Salehi. He is known as a quiet and reserved. According to former IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency) chief Pierre Goldschmidt Salehis promotion is a good sign for the western world. Salehi was the iranina delegee at the IAEA in Vienna and knows Goldschmidt quite well. Goldschmidt describes Salehi as a man of dialogue and points out that during Salehis term at the IAEA iran signed a protocoll that allowed much wider controlls of nuclear inspectors in iran than it is possible today.
Iran posseses about 1.4tons of enriched uranium and in the nuclear facility in Natan are 7000 centrifuges installed.
the western world still fears, that iran is planning to build nuclear warheads. when this be possible is still an argumentative topic for the experts.
Wait...on second thought, I'll stick with just doing tech. Someone else can do politics (left).
Here's my first article, I'll be covering the anniversary of the first lunar landing, and other related stuff. (This was shown in tech on msnbc.com, for anyone wondering why it's not science)
As you may know, the fortieth anniversary of the very first lunar landing is approaching. The first shuttle that reached its destination of the moon was Apollo 11, and it was manned by three astronauts. Neil Alden Armstrong, Edwin Eugene "Buzz" Aldrin, Jr., and Michael Collins. Of these three astronauts, Neil Armstrong is the best known for being the very first man to walk on the moon.
However, some have questioned whether or not man really has landed on the moon. Their question can now be answered: Yes, man did land on the moon. A lunar orbitor has recently sent back images of the landing site of Apollo 11, and other Apollo flights. These pictures show the lander, scientific instruments used, and in the Apollo 14 picture, footprints. NASA is eagerly awaiting pictures of the Apollo 12 landing site, which are due to arrive within the next few days.
In related news, the shuttle Endeavor was launched on Wednesday after weeks of delay. It spent two days catching up with the international space station, and will dock later this afternoon after performing a back-flip to allow the crew to photograph the surface of the space station. Worth noting, is that during launch the shuttle's engine leaked an unusual amount of foam, and minor damage to tiles was observed.
[quote]I think creating a forum thread on this would be great and you guys can post your stories as you get them. Will you be writing the stuff and reporting in your own words? Or will you be simply copying from other sites? Make sure to site your sources.[quote]
A little of both.
PS i'm canadian but if you look at a paper there is no canadian section but i'll add one.
I may not be the best choice for music,however,because I can be a little biased at times. btw,the coolege league is called NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association).
IRAN: Hundreds of thousand oposition members in Teheran gathered near th university to take part in the friday prayer held by Ali Akbar Haschemi Rafsandschani, who is a cleric with an critical attitude towards the governement. To stop the supporters of presidency canditate and opposition leader Mussawi, police forces and civil militia closed down an area 3kilometres from the university. Eye witnesses report about massive tear gas usements and a lot of demonstrants were arrested. Only a couple of thousands made it to the university entrence where Ali Akbar Haschemi Rafsandschani held his prayer. The prayer started with an appeal to Mussawis supporters not to disturb the religous and peaceful atmosphere with hateful slogans. Afterwards he adressed the police forces to realse all political prisoners.
the first part of the prayer is a religous ritual with readings from the koran. the second part is dominated by political and social topics. Ali Akbar Haschemi Rafsandschani wants the people in iran to focus to solve problems and built a better future for the iran. Hea also wants an open debate about the recent elections where Ahmadinedschad won against Mussawi. The opposition claims that the elecion has been manipulated. Rafsandschani says that there is an crisis in iran and he demands the governement to show more tolarence towards the iranina people and the iranina tv stations to show what really was happening in the last weeks and not to play down the demonstrations and street fight that have been happening in the major cities in iran over the last couple of weeks
Ok I dont wanna report on everyones profile so i'll update here. news reports will be done on a different topic this topic was just an idea and to get help.