Ok I decided to make a thread involving the world news and public news that different people from armorgames will be covering here is a list of those people and the spots that are still avalible.1.U.S-Bretttrumpour (1 Spot left)2.World-donpiet,bretttrumpour(FULL)3.Politics Left-(2 spots left)4.Health-Bretttrumpour(full)5.Entertainment-Gametesta(Full)6.Tech-Green12324(full)7.Travel-Samy(1 spot left)8.Sports-goumas13(1 spot needed)9.Crime-(1 spot left)10.Science-loloynage2,samdawghomie(full)11.politics right-TSL3_needed'(full)12.Military-TSL3_needed(full)13.Music-Frylock19(1 spot left)14.Canadian-Shayneii(full)Ok when you post your thread plz put a source with it unless you wrote it and post what section it is thx
Here is an offical AG newspaper fan club on facebook its where i'll be making the paper piece by piece.http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=9819&ost=71425&uid=135410405349#/pages/Armor-Games-Newspaper/135410405349?ref=search
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