Forums → Forum Games → You know you've spent too much time on armor...
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So. This is a list of things that happen when you spend too much time on armorgames. This isn't supposed to be serious. It's supposed to give people a few lolz. Just add to the list, but make sure to copy/paste the whole thing before you add, just for posterity.
You know you've spent too much time on Armor when
1. You have spent over 24 hours trying to get all the achievements on Sonny 2.
2. You would like to go outside, but you just want to read oooonnneee mmmooorrreeee page on that thread.
3. You can't recall what the sun looks like
4. The "clink clash clink" noises from the armor logo are stuck in your head. Permanently.
5. You start to dream about different ways to get that last achievement in Sonny 2.
Enjoy the list, and add more!
- 696 Replies
1. You have spent over 24 hours trying to get all the achievements on Sonny 2.
2. You would like to go outside, but you just want to read oooonnneee mmmooorrreeee page on that thread.
3. You can't recall what the sun looks like
4. The "clink clash clink" noises from the armor logo are stuck in your head. Permanently.
5. You start to dream about different ways to get that last achievement in Sonny 2.
6.You think hedgehogs look like the one in Hedgehog Launch.
7.You start to dream of having more Armor Points than firetail-madness.
1. You have spent over 24 hours trying to get all the achievements on Sonny 2.
2. You would like to go outside, but you just want to read oooonnneee mmmooorrreeee page on that thread.
3. You can't recall what the sun looks like
4. The "clink clash clink" noises from the armor logo are stuck in your head. Permanently.
5. You start to dream about different ways to get that last achievement in Sonny 2.
6.You think hedgehogs look like the one in Hedgehog Launch.
7.You start to dream of having more Armor Points than firetail-madness.
8.You have nightmares about a mod swinging his/her Banhammer at you furiously
1. You have spent over 24 hours trying to get all the achievements on Sonny 2.
2. You would like to go outside, but you just want to read oooonnneee mmmooorrreeee page on that thread.
3. You can't recall what the sun looks like
4. The "clink clash clink" noises from the armor logo are stuck in your head. Permanently.
5. You start to dream about different ways to get that last achievement in Sonny 2.
6.You think hedgehogs look like the one in Hedgehog Launch.
7.You start to dream of having more Armor Points than firetail-madness.
8.You have nightmares about a mod swinging his/her Banhammer at you furiously
9. You have a phobia of ninja horses dressed in skimpy nurse outfits giving you your shots.
1. You have spent over 24 hours trying to get all the achievements on Sonny 2.
2. You would like to go outside, but you just want to read oooonnneee mmmooorrreeee page on that thread.
3. You can't recall what the sun looks like
4. The "clink clash clink" noises from the armor logo are stuck in your head. Permanently.
5. You start to dream about different ways to get that last achievement in Sonny 2.
6.You think hedgehogs look like the one in Hedgehog Launch.
7.You start to dream of having more Armor Points than firetail-madness.
8.You have nightmares about a mod swinging his/her Banhammer at you furiously
9. You have a phobia of ninja horses dressed in skimpy nurse outfits giving you your shots.
10.When you wake up to see what's new , and then go back to sleep again.
1. You have spent over 24 hours trying to get all the achievements on Sonny 2.
2. You would like to go outside, but you just want to read ooonnneee mmooorreeee page on that thread.
3. You can't recall what the sun looks like
4. The "clink clash clink" noises from the armor logo are stuck in your head. Permanently.
5. You start to dream about different ways to get that last achievement in Sonny 2.
6. You think hedgehogs look like the one in Hedgehog Launch.
7. You start to dream of having more Armor Points than firetail-madness.
8. You have nightmares about a mod swinging his/her Banhammer at you furiously
9. You have a phobia of ninja horses dressed in skimpy nurse outfits giving you your shots.
10. When you wake up to see what's new , and then go back to sleep again.
11. When you have ArmorGames as your homepage.
1. You have spent over 24 hours trying to get all the achievements on Sonny 2.
2. You would like to go outside, but you just want to read ooonnneee mmooorreeee page on that thread.
3. You can't recall what the sun looks like
4. The "clink clash clink" noises from the armor logo are stuck in your head. Permanently.
5. You start to dream about different ways to get that last achievement in Sonny 2.
6. You think hedgehogs look like the one in Hedgehog Launch.
7. You start to dream of having more Armor Points than firetail-madness.
8. You have nightmares about a mod swinging his/her Banhammer at you furiously
9. You have a phobia of ninja horses dressed in skimpy nurse outfits giving you your shots.
10. When you wake up to see what's new , and then go back to sleep again.
11. When you have ArmorGames as your homepage.
12. When you start taking time out of your day to set up a scenario where you defend yourself from zombies and get to safe land.
1. You have spent over 24 hours trying to get all the achievements on Sonny 2.
2. You would like to go outside, but you just want to read ooonnneee mmooorreeee page on that thread.
3. You can't recall what the sun looks like
4. The "clink clash clink" noises from the armor logo are stuck in your head. Permanently.
5. You start to dream about different ways to get that last achievement in Sonny 2.
6. You think hedgehogs look like the one in Hedgehog Launch.
7. You start to dream of having more Armor Points than firetail-madness.
8. You have nightmares about a mod swinging his/her Banhammer at you furiously
9. You have a phobia of ninja horses dressed in skimpy nurse outfits giving you your shots.
10. When you wake up to see what's new , and then go back to sleep again.
11. When you have ArmorGames as your homepage.
12. When you forget you have friends in different states you were just in, other than on AG.
I qualify for half of these : /
1. You have spent over 24 hours trying to get all the achievements on Sonny 2.
2. You would like to go outside, but you just want to read ooonnneee mmooorreeee page on that thread.
3. You can't recall what the sun looks like
4. The "clink clash clink" noises from the armor logo are stuck in your head. Permanently.
5. You start to dream about different ways to get that last achievement in Sonny 2.
6. You think hedgehogs look like the one in Hedgehog Launch.
7. You start to dream of having more Armor Points than firetail-madness.
8. You have nightmares about a mod swinging his/her Banhammer at you furiously
9. You have a phobia of ninja horses dressed in skimpy nurse outfits giving you your shots.
10. When you wake up to see what's new , and then go back to sleep again.
11. When you have ArmorGames as your homepage.
12. When you forget you have friends in different states you were just in, other than on AG.
13.When you think each day lived equals one AP.
1. You have spent over 24 hours trying to get all the achievements on Sonny 2.
2. You would like to go outside, but you just want to read ooonnneee mmooorreeee page on that thread.
3. You can't recall what the sun looks like
4. The "clink clash clink" noises from the armor logo are stuck in your head. Permanently.
5. You start to dream about different ways to get that last achievement in Sonny 2.
6. You think hedgehogs look like the one in Hedgehog Launch.
7. You start to dream of having more Armor Points than firetail-madness.
8. You have nightmares about a mod swinging his/her Banhammer at you furiously
9. You have a phobia of ninja horses dressed in skimpy nurse outfits giving you your shots.
10. When you wake up to see what's new , and then go back to sleep again.
11. When you have ArmorGames as your homepage.
12. When you start taking time out of your day to set up a scenario where you defend yourself from zombies and get to safe land.
13. When you forget you have friends in different states you were just in, other than on AG.
14.When you think each day lived equals one AP.
14. When every time someone insults you, you take a flag and start poking it with your finger.
1. You have spent over 24 hours trying to get all the achievements on Sonny 2.
2. You would like to go outside, but you just want to read ooonnneee mmooorreeee page on that thread.
3. You can't recall what the sun looks like
4. The "clink clash clink" noises from the armor logo are stuck in your head. Permanently.
5. You start to dream about different ways to get that last achievement in Sonny 2.
6. You think hedgehogs look like the one in Hedgehog Launch.
7. You start to dream of having more Armor Points than firetail-madness.
8. You have nightmares about a mod swinging his/her Banhammer at you furiously
9. You have a phobia of ninja horses dressed in skimpy nurse outfits giving you your shots.
10. When you wake up to see what's new , and then go back to sleep again.
11. When you have ArmorGames as your homepage.
12. When you forget you have friends in different states you were just in, other than on AG.
13. When you carry a tape recorder with you, just in case you wake up on a boat with nothing but a pipe...
14. Your one goal in life is to 1-hit the Baron
Sadly, 11 applies to me. Hehe.
1. You have spent over 24 hours trying to get all the achievements on Sonny 2.
2. You would like to go outside, but you just want to read ooonnneee mmooorreeee page on that thread.
3. You can't recall what the sun looks like
4. The "clink clash clink" noises from the armor logo are stuck in your head. Permanently.
5. You start to dream about different ways to get that last achievement in Sonny 2.
6. You think hedgehogs look like the one in Hedgehog Launch.
7. You start to dream of having more Armor Points than firetail-madness.
8. You have nightmares about a mod swinging his/her Banhammer at you furiously
9. You have a phobia of ninja horses dressed in skimpy nurse outfits giving you your shots.
10. When you wake up to see what's new , and then go back to sleep again.
11. When you have ArmorGames as your homepage.
12. When you forget you have friends in different states you were just in, other than on AG.
13.When you think each day lived equals one AP
14. When you have the AG logo in your desktop
1. You have spent over 24 hours trying to get all the achievements on Sonny 2.
2. You would like to go outside, but you just want to read ooonnneee mmooorreeee page on that thread.
3. You can't recall what the sun looks like
4. The "clink clash clink" noises from the armor logo are stuck in your head. Permanently.
5. You start to dream about different ways to get that last achievement in Sonny 2.
6. You think hedgehogs look like the one in Hedgehog Launch.
7. You start to dream of having more Armor Points than firetail-madness.
8. You have nightmares about a mod swinging his/her Banhammer at you furiously
9. You have a phobia of ninja horses dressed in skimpy nurse outfits giving you your shots.
10. When you wake up to see what's new , and then go back to sleep again.
11. When you have ArmorGames as your homepage.
12. When you start taking time out of your day to set up a scenario where you defend yourself from zombies and get to safe land.
13. When you forget you have friends in different states you were just in, other than on AG.
14.When you think each day lived equals one AP.
15. When every time someone insults you, you take a flag and start poking it with your finger.
16. When you carry a tape recorder with you, just in case you wake up on a boat with nothing but a pipe...
17. Your one goal in life is to 1-hit the Baron
18. When you have the AG logo in your desktop
Fixed. Hehe, I see this as a big problem in the future XD
1. You have spent over 24 hours trying to get all the achievements on Sonny 2.
2. You would like to go outside, but you just want to read ooonnneee mmooorreeee page on that thread.
3. You can't recall what the sun looks like
4. The "clink clash clink" noises from the armor logo are stuck in your head. Permanently.
5. You start to dream about different ways to get that last achievement in Sonny 2.
6. You think hedgehogs look like the one in Hedgehog Launch.
7. You start to dream of having more Armor Points than firetail-madness.
8. You have nightmares about a mod swinging his/her Banhammer at you furiously
9. You have a phobia of ninja horses dressed in skimpy nurse outfits giving you your shots.
10. When you wake up to see what's new , and then go back to sleep again.
11. When you have ArmorGames as your homepage.
12. When you start taking time out of your day to set up a scenario where you defend yourself from zombies and get to safe land.
13. When you forget you have friends in different states you were just in, other than on AG.
14. When you think each day lived equals one AP.
14. When every time someone insults you, you take a flag and start poking it with your finger.
15. Your one goal in life is to 1-hit the Baron.
16. When you have dreams about getting the Black Magic achievment on Heroic.
1. You have spent over 24 hours trying to get all the achievements on Sonny 2.
2. You would like to go outside, but you just want to read ooonnneee mmooorreeee page on that thread.
3. You can't recall what the sun looks like
4. The "clink clash clink" noises from the armor logo are stuck in your head. Permanently.
5. You start to dream about different ways to get that last achievement in Sonny 2.
6. You think hedgehogs look like the one in Hedgehog Launch.
7. You start to dream of having more Armor Points than firetail-madness.
8. You have nightmares about a mod swinging his/her Banhammer at you furiously
9. You have a phobia of ninja horses dressed in skimpy nurse outfits giving you your shots.
10. When you wake up to see what's new , and then go back to sleep again.
11. When you have ArmorGames as your homepage.
12. When you start taking time out of your day to set up a scenario where you defend yourself from zombies and get to safe land.
13. When you forget you have friends in different states you were just in, other than on AG.
14.When you think each day lived equals one AP.
15. When every time someone insults you, you take a flag and start poking it with your finger.
16. When you carry a tape recorder with you, just in case you wake up on a boat with nothing but a pipe...
17. Your one goal in life is to 1-hit the Baron
18. When you have the AG logo in your desktop
19.When you get ninja'd by other users in a thread.
1. You have spent over 24 hours trying to get all the achievements on Sonny 2.
2. You would like to go outside, but you just want to read ooonnneee mmooorreeee page on that thread.
3. You can't recall what the sun looks like
4. The "clink clash clink" noises from the armor logo are stuck in your head. Permanently.
5. You start to dream about different ways to get that last achievement in Sonny 2.
6. You think hedgehogs look like the one in Hedgehog Launch.
7. You start to dream of having more Armor Points than firetail-madness.
8. You have nightmares about a mod swinging his/her Banhammer at you furiously
9. You have a phobia of ninja horses dressed in skimpy nurse outfits giving you your shots.
10. When you wake up to see what's new , and then go back to sleep again.
11. When you have ArmorGames as your homepage.
12. When you start taking time out of your day to set up a scenario where you defend yourself from zombies and get to safe land.
13. When you forget you have friends in different states you were just in, other than on AG.
14.When you think each day lived equals one AP.
15. When every time someone insults you, you take a flag and start poking it with your finger.
16. When you carry a tape recorder with you, just in case you wake up on a boat with nothing but a pipe...
17. Your one goal in life is to 1-hit the Baron
18. When you have the AG logo in your desktop
19. When you have dreams about getting the Black Magic achievment on Heroic.
20. When you get ninja'd by other users in a thread.
21. When You call your dad "Mcneely" and your mom "Carlie."
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