ForumsWEPRThe Idea of Gods

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1,720 posts

Many different religions believe in many different gods, which I find to be a loop hole in things like Christianity. A Christian says that there is only God, but a person from Japan says that there are many gods. Who is right?

I'm not necessarily asking for you to answer the question, but how could there be only one God and many gods all at the same time? Is religion a paradox?

  • 38 Replies
90 posts

Maybe some people's religions are just wrong. I for one, am Christian. So I belive that Christianity is the "right" religion.

1,720 posts

Of course you do. I for one think that all religion is wrong! And I'm asking the question! So tell me 27153, how should I answer this question while making it as un-Christian as possible?

887 posts

Because a religon's can be different, not all religons are the same, religon isn't a paradox since it can be made to be different.

4,097 posts

Maybe there's a whole bunch of Gods, and each religion only chooses to believe in certain ones.

Time for The Bible part II =D

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, a man named Green walked the Earth. He was poor and starving, with no bridges to hide under. People weren't nice enough to help him, so he was soon going to die.

One day, he stumbled upon a big cloud. There was a guy standing next to it who asks "Would you like to have all your problems solved in the blink of an eye?". Of course the man said yes. He stepped on the cloud, and up up up he went.

When he arrived at his destination, there was a party going on. These people who called themselves "Gods" were there celebrating being Gods. The man talked to each of them, and when he was done he decided that he liked the one named "Dafsaryayay" the best. So that's the God is religion is based on. The end.

Then repeat that process a couple more hundred times.

755 posts

I'm not necessarily asking for you to answer the question, but how could there be only one God and many gods all at the same time? Is religion a paradox?

many religions call their deity different names or create more or less impersonations of god.

it does not mean that the fundament is different. the attributes that the christian god, or the roman gods had are very similar. christians just put them into one persons and other religions divide them between more.
there is even the possibility that all deitys are exactly the same person/s and only the cult around them is lived differently by the people
1,720 posts

What I'm seeing is that Evangelicals say that there is only one god. Then someone else says no there are lots of gods.

755 posts

What I'm seeing is that Evangelicals say that there is only one god. Then someone else says no there are lots of gods.

as far as i know noone has actually seen god/s.

so every religion is building believes about how to imagine god.

i think it is not important how many persons you divide god in(or if it is a person at all), but which attributes you give him. if you compare them you find a lot of similarities
59 posts

I dont even think their is a good -.-

59 posts

god sorry.

55 posts

i feel you, i question all relgions all the time, it is silly, i do beleive in god, but not in teh way that any bible/book states, i think someone/something had to create us, and that each of us a peice of who/what created us, but each person is entitled to their own beleifs, and that is mine

1,051 posts

Well not every religion can be right, so either one religion is right, or none of them are right, but nobody can be certain.
Some religions believe there are many gods, each one with there own attributes. While other religions think there is one all powerful god. These two different types of religion can not both truly co-exist.

13,657 posts

Well not every religion can be right, so either one religion is right, or none of them are right, but nobody can be certain.

They can be right all of them.
Usually I go by "If you believe in that, it is what is right for you", but with gods, there is a good explanation too: Aspects.
There might be one God with a lot of aspects, and these aspects are the ones other religions are making Gods.
The Wiccans believe there are two Gods, a male and a female, but these are just aspects of one deity that is in harmony with both aspects.

These two different types of religion can not both truly co-exist.

That really do depend on the people believing in the religions, rather than the religions themselves.
Just take a look at Islam and Christianity. Both are part of the "People of the Book", and thus should be friends.
Now, would you say that is the situation these days?
It is the people, not the religion that makes trouble.
1,051 posts

That really do depend on the people believing in the religions, rather than the religions themselves.

All religions being true would just be a contradiction, it can't happen.

There might be one God with a lot of aspects, and these aspects are the ones other religions are making Gods.
The Wiccans believe there are two Gods, a male and a female, but these are just aspects of one deity that is in harmony with both aspects.
Never though of it that way, but that could be true. but besides that religious books/scriptures (bible, torah, koran, etc) describe gods differently, having different rules and laws that the followers of that religion must abide by. They can't be the same god with different morals.
13,657 posts

Never though of it that way, but that could be true. but besides that religious books/scriptures (bible, torah, koran, etc) describe gods differently, having different rules and laws that the followers of that religion must abide by. They can't be the same god with different morals.

I know many people have different morals, so why should a God not be able to?
Okay, there is always the Disc-World version. A lot of religions, a lot of Gods fighting for attention. The one with the most believers win, until he get kicked down from the pedestal by someone with more believers. A bit like the ranking system here on AG.

All religions being true would just be a contradiction, it can't happen.

Well, my religion is true to me. A Buddhist's religion is true to him. An Atheist thinks there are no gods, and that is true to him.
It does not matter much what other people say or do or prove, when you believe in something, really believe, then you will always do so.
As I see it, there is no true religion. There are hundreds of true religions.
1,051 posts

I know many people have different morals, so why should a God not be able to?

One person has one set of morals. Why would one god have different sets of morals.

Well, my religion is true to me. A Buddhist's religion is true to him. An Atheist thinks there are no gods, and that is true to him.

But they can't all be true, people can believe in them, but that doesn't make them true. It isn't possible for them all to be true. Judaism can be true while Christianity is also true. Jesus can't be the messiah and not be the messiah at the same time.
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