Bull ****. There is war and poverty all the time. Countries do torture people. And how can that be an actual photo of God? I don't think cameras were even around in 1864. What a load of ****.
Don't take the bait. If you're even going to reply to trolls just go along with his story. It's not as fun for him and more fun for you.
Actually I think your the troll Kirby. The evidence is in this thread too, in the many pages and pages. Just do us all a favor and go back under your bridge and leave us alone.
The people must solve their problems by uniting and being smart! Not by crying on their hands and knees in some church!
I have never let a single tear fall in response to anything even slightly religious, and I don't see why you can't be smart AND religious. I solve my own problems, and I pray as well. I don't expect to sit back and watch them get solved. I pray for the strength to solve them on my own.
God doesn't hand over the answer to your prayer on a silver platter
Exactly! God helps those who help themselves. He can give you the strength to do something but if you're too lazy to try yourself... how much do you really deserve it?