I use the same principles of logic to debunk psychic phenomina, aliens creating crop circles, and belief in unicorns.
And much to the contrary - people do study 'god'. The Templeton Foundation (religiously affiliated) attempted to study the power of prayer. It didn't work out so well... or perhaps just not in their favour.
What about all the evidence of prayer helping cancer patients?
Also, I am a catholic, and I don't tire of God. Tho I tire of protestants who say catholics aren't christians, and who say thay until you accept jesus christ as your personal savior then you are officially screwed.
I don't blame you, Kirby. I keep seeing random, one-sentence posts like God sucks and isn't real because he's imaginary. This somehow disproves all Christian arguments. I feel that there isn't going to be proof one way or the other, but to insult God because you doubt the possibility? How can someone objectively deny God's existence if they get so angry by even seeing the word God in the thread title?
To add on to what Kirby said, good cannot exist without evil. If no man in the world had less than a one million dollar salary, he would be poor. He would have everything he could ever want, BUT not as many luxuries as everyone else. Therefore, we would feel bad, give to the poor, and set new standards. Much the same, a man dead at the age of thirty used to be a natural thing. He lived a good, long, healthy life. Nowadays, that standard no longer applies, because others have matched and defeated that standard. IMAGINE comparing the suffering nowadays to the suffering BC (or Before Myth if you can't stand the mere suggestion of Christ). Our world heals, and if God exists, I can't really call him horrible. My point is that we can't go through life blaming God for everything that is wrong with the world. There will ALWAYS be something wrong with the world. But when the plague has left us, a zit becomes the new plague.
I found that this argument is a no-win situation. People come to argue, and they leave having lost and gained nothing simultaneously. Their respective beliefs remain unchanged and unmutilated. Persuasion has become a memory.
What about all the evidence of prayer helping cancer patients?
'all the evidence'? Care to provide some?
It's not cancer, but here's something that *always* makes me laugh about the power of prayer.
The Templeton Foundation (a religious organization) financed a study on the power of prayer to determine just how effective it was in aiding patients undergoing heart bypass surgery. Unfortunately they didn't get the results they were looking for..
This entire topic is a cess-pool of trolls, spamming and tom-foolery! I disagree. There are some, yes - but there are also many people who come here for a real discussion.
What ever you say. You almost always provide thoughtful responses any-who.
Dont some of you just get so tired of hearing abou God and how he's gonnna save the world?
I certainly do!
Colour me curious, but I didn't think christianity had a monopoly on 'ositive thinking'.
That's the point of a religion! You don't believe in something so bad things will happen (unless you worship the devil; in that case, the bad things that happen will turn out as good things to you).
Well why would you not? If you have faith in the most forgiving thing in the universe then wouldn't you be thinking pretty positive? Ok Imagine you gave up on life, you don't have anywhere to turn you have no money and no family, wouldn't you be feeling better if you were praying to your God then sitting in a corner thinking about how much your life sucks?
No. Not really.
And I know people that are *way* more forgiving then god. I'd like to think I am too. I mean.. an *eternity* in Hell? That's a long time. It's literally forever. I can be quite vindictive.. but there's a time when someone's suffering should come to an end.
That's the point of a religion! You don't believe in something so bad things will happen
... What? Can't say that's accurate.. bad things & good things happen to everybody, regardless of what or even if they have a religion.
And I know people that are *way* more forgiving then god. I'd like to think I am too. I mean.. an *eternity* in Hell? That's a long time. It's literally forever. I can be quite vindictive.. but there's a time when someone's suffering should come to an end.
God can't forgive someone AFTER Hell because they aren't really sorry for what they did. They are only sorry that they are burning in Hell.
Just as an added note, I wouldn't apply this to differences in religion. Of course it's hard to be sure which religion (or lack thereof) is correct, and religion doesn't always have an effect on whether or not you're a good person.
religion doesn't always have an effect on whether or not you're a good person.
I totally agree here! Religion can only give someone advice on how to act... But it's still your choice as to how you treat people.
They all have a military background.
I think that's a necessity when it comes to military personnel. I have a very strong military background, some of my friend's parents are downright scary when they came home from war.