Unfortunately logic to one person isn't logic to another that's what they've been trying to say. Also human logic is fallible which means by definition none of what we call logic is logic. Imagine for a second if you would that humans were two dimensional creatures, we understand the concept of back and forth and left and right. With that knowledge the idea of up and down would be completely absurd to us hence illogical.
So you're saying we can choose to believe in logic?
I'm saying it impossible to believe in logic because logic is relative. Logic has nothing to do with science, logic is a completely explicit to the one person who's logic that is.
Well I consider it spam because there is like two pages on logic and rocks66 comes and says something off topic, I consider that spam.
When discovering a theory or a law,(In the world of science, laws and theories are the SAME THING. You could in theory disprove a law if it is incorrect.) scientists disregard all personal beliefs and ideas and evaluate the evidence using the information from the experiment. They use logic to compile the data and formulate a principle from it.
Does that answer-
Not necessarily especially for scientists counter acting theories.
I'm saying it impossible to believe in logic because logic is relative. Logic has nothing to do with science, logic is a completely explicit to the one person who's logic that is.
If it is impossible to believe in logic, then logical speaking logic doesn't exist then.
I'm pretty darn sure both of us know that it is not logical for a cat to take flight or a pig having the ability to transform into a snake etc. All of us have an idea of what's logical and what's not.
I'm pretty darn sure both of us know that it is not logical for a cat to take flight or a pig having the ability to transform into a snake etc. All of us have an idea of what's logical and what's not.
But that's not really logic, we know that through intelligence. For example if you told someone who didn't know any better that a pig could transform into a snake they might believe you. Why well maybe they know that a caterpillar could turn into a butterfly. While they might be very logical they don't have the intelligence about the specific life cycle of pigs and snakes.
i think the only reason god was invented(yes i do mean invented) is beacause the human race thinks it knows everything, and we cant get past the fact that we dontkno what will happen to us. I also think it is because everyone who does good things thinks they should be rewarded,to tell you the truth i think that is just stupid because then your doing the good stuff for a reward and not because you want to
i think the only reason god was invented(yes i do mean invented)
I don't necessarily agree with the rest of your post, but I do agree that he was invented. I have a few theories, one being that man decided to start a religion so that he could be better than others. (He knows about a God that you don't, so do what he says). In response more and more people started doing it until we had a whole bunch of religions floating around. Eventually the dust settled, and the ones that were told the most often survived. Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.
oooo you meant the part of you, that 'spirit',or 'soul' part eh? same thing, it just takes a while cause it sits in your skull.
Which in turn raises the question... does it sit in the skull, or in the brain? Since those two do not have the same speed of decay...
And: Lol Jesus. Wait, skip that. Seriously... I don't doubt that Jesus once lived. I can't even completely contradict the existance of (a) God. But Jesus being the son of God... That's just one tiny step too far.
I belive in god and i think that hes is going to save the world
That he's going to save the world? From what? There's nothing that he would need to save the world from that he didn't create indirectly. I wouldn't call it saving the world as much as fixing his mistake.