I think God wants to observe our development over time, like an experiment. If He were to tell us, that would ruin the moment of discovery and the experience of us actually meeting other life.
I think that God is just what the ancient people used to blame Earchquakes, Volcanoes, Hurricanes, Tornadoes etc on. As, back in those days, no one had a clue of how stuff happened, like in the years 5bc etc. Well, it's just my opinion that God is just what people thought made disasters and caused death. What a nice "God".
Im tired of hearing bullshit and people always complaining. If you dont want to hear it, then dont!
I think that God is just what the ancient people used to blame Earchquakes, Volcanoes, Hurricanes, Tornadoes etc on. As, back in those days, no one had a clue of how stuff happened, like in the years 5bc etc. Well, it's just my opinion that God is just what people thought made disasters and caused death. What a nice "God".
It's seems like God is used as an excuse for things that can be explained by science. I just hate when I know that religious people are simply defying logic and reason just because they can.
But how? And what is complete logic? I don't see how logic is incomplete? Although now that you mention it, logic is really only what is perceived by most to be the structure of statements and arguments, in formal systems of inference.
Everything we're experiencing could be an illusion (lol the Matrix) but seriously we could really be a highly advanced civilization where go into VR scenarios of life for fun and entertainment.... I don't know.
I think that that maybe this is sort of like the matrix. Maybe people of the future are reliving life in the past to learn from terrible mistakes that we made.
Logic by its very definition cannot be wrong. Anyone who says otherwise knows squat about what logic is. Logic is not biased toward science or religion, it's just that science bases its truth on logic a whole lot more than religion does. If somebody is telling you something is logical and that something turns out to be absolutely wrong, that person is misusing the word logical.
In the Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District case, the Christians arguing for teaching creationism in schools wanted to change the definition of science to allow for supernatural explanations of natural phenomena. Do people really think they can now change the definition of logic?