Which country do you all think is the greatest country in the world? My vote goes to The great U.S. and A.
*First to the moon. *America has an impressive government. *Strong army. *Many Musical artists are from America. *America is the 3rd largest country in the world. (I think) *America has a huge population. *America is a melting pot.
Tell me your answer to this question.
(P.S. I checked on Dan's (DDX) AG search, and I couldn't find a thread like this. So I'm sorry if this is a repeated thread.)
Without properly set standards for what constitutes 'great', it makes determining the 'greatest' rather difficult, if not impossible. Guidelines?
I think you would judge on things such as individual freedom in the country, country's government, if they are financially sound, how the majority of people there behave, their moral standards/laws, and just what you think of the country in general, ignoring stereotypes of course.
Lesotho reasons: #1 Lesotho has a rich cultural background #2 Lesotho made the moon #3 Lesotho peoples r moer asumeer than evryun esle #4 Lesotho is the first country to be inside another country #5 Reason #3
Hm, Greatest country. This can be broken up into Greatest to live in, Greatest Form of Government, Greatest vacation, etc. etc.
I'd say that any of the european union nations AND USA are the best vacation places. They're trying to get over the pond to the big melting pot and we're trying to get over to where everything started. It's a mother f*cking circle.
Best economy? USA Best Government? Democratic. It gives the people a voice. (any democratic nation is automatically kick-ass) Best Military? that depends too. Largest? China - Most advanced? The United States of Mutha fuckin' America
The USA is the most powerful, influential, scientifically advanced, and (due to the previous factors) KICK ASS nation. The only reason we depend on the Middle East for oil is because we love nature and dont want to ravage Alaska for oil. SUCK IT REDS!
The only reason we depend on the Middle East for oil is because we love nature and dont want to ravage Alaska for oil. SUCK IT REDS!
I'll use your language that's mother fuckin retarded. Like really ok instead of ravaging Alaska (which you'll do sooner or later) you ravage the middle east. Big fuckin diffrence right?
Also for people that don't read the whole post here or 79 reasons why Canada is the best
"You know what the greatest country on Earth is? That's right. The U.S.A. And you want to know why? We won the Cold War without dropping a single nuke. Now that is why America is so great."
Thats really, really really, lame. Is this what the republican party as breed into us? To be selfish? That sucks.
I didn't really mean it, guy. That was actually me making fun of the American stereotype. I do like America(Love it), but I also enjoy finding its flaws. I love it in a patriotic sense not a "This is teh graitest country EVAR!" sense. Frankly, I want to go to New Zealand.