Fifty million Americans are either without health care coverage or have sub-standard insurance! As all our Canadian friends know, nationalized health care and recognizing health care as a basic human right has been very successful. Cuba, which is basically a third world country thanks to trade embargoes, has a life expectancy as great as the United States'. We have tried putting health insurance in the hands of the private sector, and it just doesn't work as well as it should! I vote that we should make health care a human right and get rid of private health insurance companies for the good of the American people! All these companies ever do while privatized is rip people off and not help most under-ensured folks anyway!
You misunderstand, you're making it sound like we will be at the mercy of a corrupt totalitarian federal government that owns everything and controls every aspect of our lives. What makes you think that the government can't tell if someone is sick or not? If corrupt private companies can at a price, I think I'll have to rest my case.
You do realize they're going to FORCE us to have health care, and if we don't we pay a fee? Of, let's not forget only the most basic health care for people over 65. Care to explain?
I know I'm being pushy. This is one of the few things I'm strongly against.
You do realize they're going to FORCE us to have health care, and if we don't we pay a fee?
Ok, you have clearly never had to pay a bill at your local hospital and you definatly don't know what univeral health care is or how it works. If you don't want free coverage, I have to say that is just foolish.
universal health care means you have someone telling you if your sick enough to get help, you don't get to choose your doctor, the doctors don't actually care because there is no competition to see who's the best, and old people are often going to be cut from it and made to die sounds terrific
That's funny, because I check myself into clinics when I feel ill, I decided who my GP is, she cares quite a bit, and thanks to the fact my doctor's practice is near White Rock, there's a ton of old people who attend her, and many other practices in the area. 'Cut old people'? Give me a break... Do a little more research please.
In places with nationalized helth care most people wait months just to see a physician or a consultant. Then let's not forget how some people have to wait months and years to get surgeries. While it is anice thought it isn't plausible.
Where's your data for that? Months to see a physician? That's overboard. I can easily get an appointment with my GP within 2 weeks. Now - as for the surgeries, or specialized practices - yeah; there are definitely waiting lists in Canada, mostly due to the fact that there are aren't enough medical staff (most of them head south of the border to make a huge amount of money because medicine is a buisness in the states, but that causes other issues with recruitment). It's the shortage of workers that causes waiting lists, not the fact that the government is involved.
I kind of agree with Socialist . . . everyone should have health care no matter what the situation is. It should be a human right. Why we must pay for insurance is beyind me. The government should be able to provide.
and know guess who pays the governement? so universal health care is not free. it is a good idea though as long as you can get extra packages for which you have to pay
Until we get more doctors (public school reform anyone?) this plan is absolutely terrible because they simply aren't enough to see all the sick patients in the country. Also universal healthcare means that the people who actually pay for health care, or at least pay for the majority of it will get the same treatment as the people who pay a lot less for it. Why I do think health care should be cheaper I don't think giving it over to the government which runs the epic fails of Medicare medicade and welfare is very intelligent.
universal health care means you have someone telling you if your sick enough to get help, you don't get to choose your doctor, the doctors don't actually care because there is no competition to see who's the best, and old people are often going to be cut from it and made to die sounds terrific
In Australia both teh public and private sectors coexsist quite well. My parents chose my doctor for me when I was born and he's still my doctor now. That's pretty good luck that I coincidentally get him every time I go to the doctors from the day I was born... Anyway, if it's as bad as you say, which it's not, and a public system means some of the richer people cannot afford the private system anymore that's a fair price to pay for everybody to be looked after.
You misunderstand, you're making it sound like we will be at the mercy of a corrupt totalitarian federal government that owns everything and controls every aspect of our lives.
That's about right there. You wan't them to control everything, but that's you. Have you read parts of this bill. In one part it states that (in summary) elderly people need to deal with the elements of aging. In the bill, if you are old or do not have a good chance of survival they will put you later on the list and let the healthier person go first for surgery. That doesn't sound too good to me. But that's just me folks.
What makes you think that the government can't tell if someone is sick or not? If corrupt private companies can at a price, I think I'll have to rest my case.
The government is doing it at a price too. It's called TAX DOLLARS. The governemnt is corrupt than companies, get off me. And they can tell, it's called MEDICAL RECORDS. I know this is all new stuff, but you gotta keep up with the times. It's tough, but I have faith in you...
Thank you!!! You have no idea how many times these guys have been saying things without a good source!